Road Cycling

5 Aug 2004
On my bike for 3mins this morning and got called a female lady part, me and my mate couldn't stop laughing is disbelief. We were two abreast with no traffic around and when the car was coming I dropped to single file behind my mate, no fuss I thought, but the car slows down behind beside us and rolled down his window leant over and gave the abuse and then bravely drove off.
  • Haha
Reactions: fez



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
E-TUBE app for 12 speed seems to work fine whenever I have used it. GPLlama said it took an age to connect but I assume they have fixed that as it takes about 10s to connect, not the minute he was experiencing.
3 Nov 2003
I charge it using the only cable that came with it. Its a 'Shimano EC300 Di2 Charging Cable'

It only handles charging duties and doesn't handle data, unfortunately.

I did spot the one Merlin but I bought it from a place that do 'next day' and I would have no issues returning it if it didn't work. The fallback was to go to the local bike shop.

Serves me right for buggering about with stuff that was working fine I guess.
3 Nov 2003
Looks like I'm going to have to take it to the bike shop after all. The cable on the SM-BCR2 Di2 Battery Charger is different to the one on my Di2. Its the double square type that plugs into the old Di2 with the charging point on the handlebar end. I have the 8150 Di2 that charges from the rear derailleur.

18 Oct 2002
Just before I head off to Crete to be turned into a crisp on Monday... With morning temps (6am) at or near 30 degrees and several of the afternoons going to be 40 I've chickened out of riding there. Damn! Maybe needs a revisit in the winter...!

Someone pointed out to me I might need to replace some bibs (you know, when you start getting that 'window to your crack')

I kind of think they are all much the same. You get some new ones and they're the most comfortable because they're new... then they start to wear, you get some new ones... and they become your favs... because they're new...

I've had Castelli, Lecol, Rapha and Stolen Goat. My favs at the minute are the SG, but guess what, they're the newest. Any recommendations on a brand I should try? I've heard good things about Assos.
Window :cry:

Still sold on Rapha Core, love them and have many pairs (even buying them S/H on the 'bay to commute in!). My winter shorts being Sportful Fiandre (do have some pairs of Rapha Pro Team Thermal), would probably go the Sportful route if I needed an alternative to Rapha for my summer shorts, would also check out Assos and Le Col. But Sportful wider pads and slightly more relaxed fit seem to suit me better than Castelli. The Medium is nice and 'form fitting', then a Large in winter a bit more comfy. I have one pair of older Sportful 'R&D' shorts, their 'TC Pro' pads feel almost exactly the same as Rapha Core!

Have worn - Castelli, Gore, Endura, Altura, DHB, Northwave and probably many others...


unless you have new-for-old it probably isnt worth insuring stuff once it's past a couple of years old.

I dont actually insure mine at all - anything over 4 figures lives inside the house and is never left out of my sight anywhere that isnt secure. My work bike when that was a thing had a kind of cultivated shabbiness that meant something else always looked more nickable. They're all old now anyway and there's much shinier things for people to bother nicking.
That's pretty much my consideration, although my bike isn't subject to much 'public risk' I like it covered for peace of mind if we had a break in I guess, as know bikes are excluded on the home policy... My other halfs commuter is more exposed (locked up at a college) so we keep it looking rough - old crankset with new rings, filthy white frame with clean chain, heavily scuffed 105 shifters etc! I even rubbed off the 'Ultegra' wording from the rear derailleur! ;)

Do you guys warm up before your rides? My legs usually feel like lead for a while at the start of the ride and because I live in a valley there is no route out of it that doesn't involved a fair bit of climbing early on in the ride.
I do, but then generally consider that part of the ride. But we're talking a few minutes where I'll just be stretching out and figuring which muscles feel tight, keeping a good tempo and cadence up. But I'm also quite conditioned to riding hard without much warm up due to my really short work commute (and I'm always running late!)

I've done my DIY repair now, but will keep the name in mind. I did find a few places not a million miles away that can do repairs. The things I have found, filters for wheels are rubbish at all the shops. Things I want to filter on are brake type, group set type, depth and weight but these are lacking. I also think I should start building a plan for buying a new bike as they are so expensive now.


Good quality patch up mate well done. How did you do the scruffs on the rim surface itself? Did they buff out?

For scratches I had on mine (black rims scratched through to white undercoat by the other halfs pedal) I read around online and got a 'Sharpie paint' marker after reading some forums and thought it was worth a punt. It worked really well, better than expected. Cleaned them out with isopropyl, painted and left it overnight, then wiped the sides with more isopropyl to clean the edges of paint so it was only in the scratches.




It was more just a rant at the poor searching in the market when you have more niche needs. I imagine someone searching for carbon rims, with rim brakes and campagnolo group set giving up the hunt for new wheels.

Anyone doing London to Southend tomorrow? Any chance you can share the gpx?
Why campag when looking for wheels? Easy freehub swap on most wheels! I actually bought a Campag freehub rear 303S and changed the freehub to Shimano as it saved ~£150+ off the Shimano hub (and the freehubs where £45-50 when hunting around for deals). Even a Zipp warranty replacement wheel came with a Campag freehub from my LBS and they gave it me. So I have 2 Zipp campag freehubs at home with no use for them, should really sell them! :rolleyes::cry:

I did spot the one Merlin but I bought it from a place that do 'next day' and I would have no issues returning it if it didn't work. The fallback was to go to the local bike shop.
The rainforest place will probably do a return for it with very little hassle, especially as you don't need it...!
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18 Feb 2006
Good quality patch up mate well done. How did you do the scruffs on the rim surface itself? Did they buff out?

For scratches I had on mine (black rims scratched through to white undercoat by the other halfs pedal) I read around online and got a 'Sharpie paint' marker after reading some forums and thought it was worth a punt. It worked really well, better than expected. Cleaned them out with isopropyl, painted and left it overnight, then wiped the sides with more isopropyl to clean the edges of paint so it was only in the scratches.




Why campag when looking for wheels? Easy freehub swap on most wheels! I actually bought a Campag freehub rear 303S and changed the freehub to Shimano as it saved ~£150+ off the Shimano hub (and the freehubs where £45-50 when hunting around for deals). Even a Zipp warranty replacement wheel came with a Campag freehub from my LBS and they gave it me. So I have 2 Zipp campag freehubs at home with no use for them, should really sell them! :rolleyes::cry:

The rainforest place will probably do a return for it with very little hassle, especially as you don't need it...!

I sanded and smoothed out the rough edges with fine grit sandpaper, filled back in with resin and hardener mix and then sanded back down smooth again.

I was more looking at the opposite as I don't want campag, XDR etc. Merlin is definitely good with their filters.

It wasn't a good week for my cycle group as another went flying over a kerb on the weekend catching back up with us. Fortunately no damage as he bunny hopped most of it.
24 Mar 2006
Just coming here to vent.

It's sodding July! And I'm so utterly fed up with the rain. When I'm free to get out for a cycle it's always been raining this month. Weekends have been wash outs. Absolutely ridiculous. I've managed to get outside 3 times this month. Every other ride has been stuck inside in front of a screen.

I wake up this morning and the forecast seems fair until mid afternoon. So I plan a decent ride and get ready. As soon as I step outside it chucks it down.

I zoom out on the weather radar map and Staffordshire has the biggest blob of the crap.

So here I am, stood staring through the front window just pleading for it to stop for just a few hours!

Some would think of me as a wuss. But it's just not fun!
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25 Feb 2004
Don't mind it so much this time of year as can still ride around in shorts and t shirt soaked and not get cold as long as you keep the effort up. But would be nice to take the summer bike out and not have to worry about cleaning it thoroughly after every ride.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
So here I am, stood staring through the front window just pleading for it to stop for just a few hours!

Sod this, its died off a bit. I'm going!

Haha what a drama queen I was earlier. I had a lovely dry ride. A little windy, but great to be outside!

Crickey, I feel like i've been on an emotional rollercoaster!

I did the same thing a few weeks ago. Having so few chances to get out of the bike at the moment I just went out when it was drizzling and accepted that it would probably be crap. Ended up getting a tan (well, I burnt but some would have tanned).

The weather at the moment is just bizarre. It flits between beautiful sun and horrible rain about 6 times in the same day.

I went out for a nice little ride yesterday with a mate who doesn't ride that much which is always nice. You get to feel really fit despite being in awful condition. :p

Had a few points where I nearly went back for him because I assumed something had happened. He loves to fly off on the start of hills, I catch him about 20m later and then he just seems to die and I get to the top and hes not even in sight. Man needs to learn some pacing :p
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
Had a few points where I nearly went back for him because I assumed something had happened. He loves to fly off on the start of hills, I catch him about 20m later and then he just seems to die and I get to the top and hes not even in sight. Man needs to learn some pacing :p
I was going to say, this is often a problem with less experienced riders, but tbh I know a few very experienced riders that also do this...
18 Oct 2002
I'm quite bad for that. I like going fast and I don't like slowing down so if I'm not careful I end up ramping up power to maintain speed on the early slopes. I have to talk to myself and remind myself to hold cadence not speed and I'm usually alright.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I'm quite bad for that. I like going fast and I don't like slowing down so if I'm not careful I end up ramping up power to maintain speed on the early slopes. I have to talk to myself and remind myself to hold cadence not speed and I'm usually alright.

Speed is quite fascinating in general honestly. When I am out on my own I am generally pushing quite hard even when I am trying not to. Its too easy to focus on the feeling of going slowly. When I'm with mates and we are just chatting its really easy to take it easy but surprisingly there difference in speed over the route isn't anywhere near as much as I would expect. Perhaps 3-4kph. Sometimes a little more.

I think that I just tire myself out on the first 20km or so and then even though I'm pushing myself on the last section i'm not fast. When I'm out on a social side I am slow and steady and then hit some sections really fast because i'm fresh. I hit hills hard and the downhills hard.
25 Aug 2006
Last few years i've come off the bike at least once a year - i'm at the stage where i don't trust the bike or myself at speed :( I'm also now planning rides with minimal main roads, drivers just don't seem to care about cyclists - i've had too many cars/trucks driving at speed and too close to me. Life is too short as it is!

I'm averaging 15mph overall, been out 4 times since last Sunday and and had a nice 20 mile ride today. I'm old and don't cycle often.
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22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Last few years i've come off the bike at least once a year - i'm at the stage where i don't trust the bike or myself at speed :( I'm also now planning rides with minimal main roads, drivers just don't seem to care about cyclists - i've had too many cars/trucks driving at speed and too close to me. Life is too short as it is!

I'm averaging 15mph overall, been out 4 times since last Sunday and and had a nice 20 mile ride today. I'm old and don't cycle often.

Theres a really good reason drivers don't care about cyclists. The law says they don't have to. That we are sub-human when someone is behind the wheel and we are on two wheels.

9 months. Killed a child, fled the scene, lied, was speeding, uninsured. 9 months. For taking a childs life and ruining an entire family for the rest of their life. This is why drivers don't care about cyclists. The law is a joke.
31 Jan 2018
Bury St Edmunds
@topgun06 i know how you feel, im not a fan of riding out in the wet don't like being wet an cold. I went out saturday knowing the rain was due about 2/3pm so i thought going out at 10:30 ill be back by 1:30 i'll be ok about 20 miles in it started to spit a little bit and i was thinking im not half way yet, i decided to take the shortcut home and made it home just as it started to really tip down so a lucky escape.
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