Road Cycling

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
I'm down near the New Forest for a work cycle club weekend. Wow, amazing.


If I was to put together a list of my top 10 days in the saddle in the UK, yesterday might be in the Top 10. Always helped by beautiful blue skies, but also it turned out to be a fantastic route.

Someone had moaned about Saturdays route, and I grant it was a little main road but I was just looking to get to the coast and then come back up through the New Forest, but with that feedback I was up early and replanning Sunday's route, checking roads on Street View (as it shared some of the same main roads going home) and I'm very glad I did. It's such a beautiful area.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I'm down near the New Forest for a work cycle club weekend. Wow, amazing.

Yep, we have some absolutely lovely cycling down south. Had an absolute belter yesterday as well coming through Ashdown Forest. Lots of climbing but tiny, windy UK lanes are just sublime when the weather is nice. My favourite places to cycle through are wooded areas.

I've just been in Greece for a week and hired a bike. There was some lovely scenery at times but the place is generally very sun scorched and a bit barren. Makes me realise how much I love the UK for its countryside. Would be nice to have some big mountains to cycle up but I will happily do those abroad and keep our rolling green hills.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Never noticed that! My cleats are so ****** that it would look like hes been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.

When i had my bikefit the guy just shook his head in dismay at the state of my cleats. I did offer the obligatory "i was wondering whether to change them". Annoyingly he sold them at full RRP :(

In other cleat news. I ordered some Lake 238 shoes in wide. Was really hopeful, except i ordered the Gravel version thinking they'd be better for walking around and they suggested being a little wider than the road versions, and thinking gravel was close to road cycling they'd use SPD-SL cleats only for them to be SPD only. A shame as they were much cheaper than the road version.

Luckily they're much too small anyway so would be returned regardless.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
When i had my bikefit the guy just shook his head in dismay at the state of my cleats. I did offer the obligatory "i was wondering whether to change them". Annoyingly he sold them at full RRP :(

In other cleat news. I ordered some Lake 238 shoes in wide. Was really hopeful, except i ordered the Gravel version thinking they'd be better for walking around and they suggested being a little wider than the road versions, and thinking gravel was close to road cycling they'd use SPD-SL cleats only for them to be SPD only. A shame as they were much cheaper than the road version.

Luckily they're much too small anyway so would be returned regardless.

Got a bike fit on the 30th so I might change them before I go.

I have the 238 wides and they are great. Probably still slightly too thin but miles better than my previous specialized shoes.

Looking for some gravel shoes but I don't want to spend more than £150 on them. Was looking at the 238 gravel version but they are a bit more than that and stock in my size is patchy.

18 Oct 2002

Well that one hurt and just glad it was part of a Charity Event as I'd got various reasons for doing it. FRR 24 Hour Atop VenTop (planned 3 ascents with a target of 6h but realistically knew I'd be a bit over). Legs held up ok, feeding plan/strategy worked well. Will power and mindset was good. Pacing could be improved and would need to be much better to do more without some specific training & conditioning (did none this time). But still. Ow. Don't want to go up there again anytime soon!

went for a bike re-fit last night.
biggest change was this
saddle tiny bit down and back
Haha, is that it?! How long since your first fit and was it with the same fitter? Good job to be that close if it was done yourself!

Yeah. Mines always well off.
I've never found Stravas estimated power very accurate. Especially now - without a PWM on the new bike amd seeing it again and just rolling my eyes... ;) :rolleyes: :cry: - 2015 early days, smashed myself up this climb 193W avg calculated 6:12 - 2019 so paced it well as tempo with a big climb later in the ride - 191w actual 6:29 - 2 weeks ago, chatting to clubmates and riding it easy - 165W avg calculated 6:18

2015 I was likely around 10kg heavier and busted a gut getting up there (hit 180bpm), but the 2019 effort my weight & 'effort' would have been very similar to current, so the power shouldn't be that far out.

I've just had a rather nasty incident cycling into work with Range Rover threatening me on a narrow country lane. He said he sees me every day and thinks I ride too fast (I was plodding along at like 17mph :rolleyes:) before shouting about how cyclists think they rule the road etc etc. I don't commute daily, but it's made me a bit concerned if I see him again and he decides to do something stupid. I've therefore decided to invest in a camera finally. I don't intend to become CyclingMikey but it would be good to know I can also submit footage to the police in the event something does happen.

I don't intend to make any videos for pleasure. I only want to record my commutes. Are budget cameras worth it? I don't mind spending £300 if I need to. I know some of you use cameras, can anyone recommend a decent one?
I wouldn't worry about it, you've documented it and he sounds like just general road rage directed at cyclists he can't even identify and I expect other times it's directed at other cars/non-land rovers/horse riders/pednestrians/lorries/vans. He's just an angry little man compensating for something. Logged and move on, if anything happens it's documented.

But a camera is a good thing to have for things like this. Some people like them obviously visible as a deterrent (but lets be honest in the current landscape it could equally be a target). I've always taken the other angle - mine is fairly hidden under my bars and there 'all the time' - even riders I ride with don't tend to notice it. I don't fiddle with it very much (easy on&off) so very much have it for the 'what if' moments like this where it is worth having the footage to report it.

I don't have any real device recommendations other than liking what I use - but it's no longer available. So the easy starting point is - a Cyclic Fly 12. It's very similar in capacity and footage quality to what I'm using. If you want better, or have any other use cases for it (streaming/holidays/snowboarding etc) where you can justify spending more then go for Insta360 or GoPro. I wouldn't replace my camera with a Cyclic for that price, but I could justify a GoPro mini, while I don't know enough about the cheaper/budget/knockoff ones to recommend... But if I told you my Garmin VIRB (16MP) cost me £100 (with a 20% black friday and a 10% off voucher!) in a deal in January 2014... The fact that Cyclic cameras are similar quality and 3 times the price in current tech tells you a lot. The market has exploded since then.

Just as a heads up, there's a Le Col sale on bundles at the moment, which brings it down to £200 for a decent pair of bib shorts and jersey, plus a free base layer. And if you do the "Le Col Giro" Strava challenge you can get a further £50 off, which finally brings their stuff down to something like excellent value!
Good shout thanks!

I've got really weird proportions so have always had loads of saddle setback for comfort. It's good for that but crap for power. I've been trying to move it forward this year as it definitely helps with harder intervals. I found after about 5-6 hours it just concentrated everything in my quads and they completely gave up, so I'm going to move backwards again and spread the load more evenly. I find glutes/hamstrings are much slower to fatigue even if you generate a little less power.

I'm also going to move my bars up to save my back even if it makes it look like a shopper bike.
The mileage you do mate I wouldn't worry too much about 'aero gainz' from a tougher position on your main ride! Maybe an excuse to have a race/training bike for the harder stuff alongside it... ;)

My front tyre keeps loosing pressure after that puncture the other day.

So i took it as an excuse to do something I regret doing since I got my new wheels. Treated the bike to new shoes and have bought the GP5000S TR with Tan walls. Hated having pure black wheels on my bike since it originally came with the regular GP5000
I love the look of mine, they really are not Tan though. Much more orange/bronze coloured and seems to darken slightly rather than get lighter & dirtier like others.

Rear puncture a couple days ago, the only place I could stop to sort it was a gateway to a farmers field :cry:
Digging mud out before I could clip back in:(
At least it's fairly sandy/dry looking stuff. Good growing & drainage soil with the red colour. You took it home with you for the garden, right?! :D

How much bottom pain is normal when cycling? I used to get some numbness down below after 2 hours but never really had pain.

Doing longer rides with new saddle (cut out) there is no numbness but I find after 2-3 hours I get pain at the point the sitbones contact the saddle. I thought originally it was just from the contact and I would get used to it/toughen up, but I found it slightly odd that there were times I could ride for 30 minutes seated with no pain at all, then have pain and repeat which made me wonder if it was nerve related (and no ulcers/skin damage) after. Is this normal and settle with time? Would a different saddle change it? It didn’t stop me doing a 7+ hour ride so not critical to spend big money right now, but nice to know if this is expected.
Through various saddles and shorts through the years... It is a combination of things. If I'd doing lots of Zwift racing (<1 hour) for a few weeks over winter than suddenly the weather says a 4 hour club ride is possible. It always hurts. The better weather and more longer rides under my belt 3-4 hours is fine (then it's the 6-7 hour ones which hurt!). So certainly 'time' and building it gradually can be a big help in mitigating if it's an impact/vibration related wear. But an actual 'pain' is worth investigating and likely a nerve.

My Bike fit a few months back highlighted a leg length imbalance which causes some extra saddle rock, which in turn causes some occasional saddle sores, but my main thing is nearly always tender sit bones. I've always suffered with both so quite accustomed to their recovery and also the steps to mitigate. I used to ride a narrow saddle thinking it was the 'best' (Fizik Arione) but have moved away to cutouts, finding the Specialized Power the best I've used so far. Bike fit also pointed at wide sit bones and the move to a 155mm wide Power (from standard 143mm) has given me a little more comfort again. My saddle sores tend to be more 'pad edge' of my shorts than actually near the sit bones and this wider saddle has moved them slightly further again - but I have also preferred wider & thicker pads finding them more comfortable through experience too (before the sit bone & rocking diagnosis)... So certainly for me it is a combination of things - certainly changing shorts 3 times (3 different pads) on Saturdays 7h ride I'm tender, but have not got a saddle sore from it (unlike the week before when I picked up a minor one in 1 pair of shorts during 7-8 hours of riding). Not very scientific comparison testing I know!

I had to glance down to replace the bottle, I looked back up and instead of riding parallel to a big stone wall, I was angled towards it :(
Ouch! Hope you rest up/recover easily and no more damage other than your kit & pride!

That'll teach you... Far better to be able to house a bottle in a cage without looking! But will admit I struggle with the same cage sometimes, especially if I have a slightly different (bigger) bottle there. I'll try twice and then just stuff it into my jersey/gilet until a more convenient point. Also later in a ride with an empty bottle will stash it in a pocket instead of glancing down.

I'll swap bottles between cages by stuffing primary into my jersey, move other from seat tube to downtube, then jersey bottle into seat tube. So only advice would be to have lots of time to use the tricky cage so you can fumble it and not need to look/rush. Calm and steady! :)
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22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I'll swap bottles between cages by stuffing primary into my jersey, move other from seat tube to downtube, then jersey bottle into seat tube. So only advice would be to have lots of time to use the tricky cage so you can fumble it and not need to look/rush. Calm and steady! :)

Empty bottle in teeth, back up bottle goes to front mount, empty goes into rear.
11 Jun 2015
I love the look of mine, they really are not Tan though. Much more orange/bronze coloured and seems to darken slightly rather than get lighter & dirtier like others.

Is it the same colour as the non tubeless version? I've still got a decent set of non tubeless GP5000 sat on the side. Not sure what I'll do with them. They're still on the wheels that originally came with the bike. Because my bike is basically several shades of black/grey the tan wheels at least add something to it.

Plus they were a decent price on Mantel. £114 for the pair
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Got a bike fit on the 30th so I might change them before I go.

I have the 238 wides and they are great. Probably still slightly too thin but miles better than my previous specialized shoes.

Looking for some gravel shoes but I don't want to spend more than £150 on them. Was looking at the 238 gravel version but they are a bit more than that and stock in my size is patchy.

Cheers, i didn't think there was anything much wider. What i need are some "barefoot" style shoes where they're full on foot shaped. Like Altra/Topo. Not sure there's the market though.

I might consider the 237, seem to be a much better price than the 238 and how much can have really changed!
19 Oct 2010
I rode this yesterday

It's been a while since i've ridden an organised Sportive. A beautiful location to ride, very well marshalled and sign posted.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
What an amazing woman! Sort of makes me want to go and do it now (cause I know it would be a good competition between us)

I can just hear one of the GCN presenters voices now.

"Who will win the race up Mont Ventoux? This 82 year old woman on a Boris bike wearing a home knitted jersey or 45 year old dad Junglist on his modern road bike with aero socks!"
18 Oct 2002
Empty bottle in teeth
The state of my teeth and the scarcity of quality dental & getting an appointment these days I dare not do that! I've got a cracked/broken crown that's taking 4 months to get seen and I'm even paying & private!

Is it the same colour as the non tubeless version? I've still got a decent set of non tubeless GP5000 sat on the side. Not sure what I'll do with them. They're still on the wheels that originally came with the bike. Because my bike is basically several shades of black/grey the tan wheels at least add something to it.

Plus they were a decent price on Mantel. £114 for the pair
No idea on how the colour compares between TL/NTL. But good pic of them on my ride couple of weekends back. Yeah Mantel great price for them, delivery tends to be closer to a week but can't argue for the savings and good stock levels!

I might consider the 237, seem to be a much better price than the 238 and how much can have really changed!
Any of you guys riding the 'normal' Lake rather than the wide ones and can compare/rate? Bike fitter said to try Lake and Bont as they're 'wider' but don't know if he meant thenormal ones rather than wide ones. I'm wearing normal shoes right now and do get some rub. Especially my Fiziks.

I rode this yesterday

It's been a while since i've ridden an organised Sportive. A beautiful location to ride, very well marshalled and sign posted.
Well done! Looks great, have to admit I didn't realise that part of the south coast was so hilly! The one at 100km looks brutal that far in!

What an amazing woman! Sort of makes me want to go and do it now (cause I know it would be a good competition between us)
Haha saw this! Same day I did 3x on Zwift. It's like she was trying to overshadow us!

Fair play to her. Of course she overshadowed most of us on Zwift Ventop on the same day... But I'll see her 82 years and present you to OBI! ;)

We know he is a machine - now you do too. Unsure if his activity Public/Private. If not then double-vEverest. 12 Ventop ascents & descents in 19 hours 34 mins. 17951m ascent, 444 km. I seem to think that's a World Record as it was mentioned the mens was previously 6, whereas another Zwifter lady (June) had the womans record already at 12, but she didn't ride this time. Angela and 1 other lady managed 10 ascents.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Any of you guys riding the 'normal' Lake rather than the wide ones and can compare/rate? Bike fitter said to try Lake and Bont as they're 'wider' but don't know if he meant thenormal ones rather than wide ones. I'm wearing normal shoes right now and do get some rub. Especially my Fiziks.

Can’t comment much, but the “wide” lakes in an 11 were still too small for me.

Bonts look like they’re quite wide so might look at those. There’s a Trek shop in Alicante so might be good for trying on.
18 Feb 2006
The person doing the intro to yesterday's GCN Show intro is dicing with death standing with cows. Doesn't he know more people are killed by cows then cyclists? Absolute mad man!
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22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Bit of a strange question guys. I have a 12 speed groupset that I have had since end of June last year. I wouldn't say I have put a huge amount of mileage on it. Probably 4-5,000 km. I have 2 chains that I wax using immersion waxing periodically and then drip wax in between. I just got a park tool CC4 chain checker and both chains are measuring well over 0.5% wear. I would say closer to 0.75 than 0.5. That seems unbelievably low considering each chain has probably at most done 2-3,000 km.

Funnily enough I have the CC3.2 and that suggests that both chains are under 0.5%. Have I bought I dodgy CC4 from ebay or am I missing something here?
18 Feb 2006
I've noticed the past few weeks my heart rate strap connects before I put it on and unsurprisingly it now reports low battery. Do you think it is not worth putting a new battery in?



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I've noticed the past few weeks my heart rate strap connects before I put it on and unsurprisingly it now reports low battery. Do you think it is not worth putting a new battery in?

I would probably give it a good clean first and see if that does anything. How often do you wash the strap?
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