Road Cycling

We have actual tram lines here. Got to try and take them as close as you can to a right angle. Not cool in the wet either, where one wheel has traction and the other doesn't!
Yeah had that when I lived in Croydon. Had a fat face plant one night on the way to the gym. In front of a double decker that lucky enough stopped just behind me..
We have actual tram lines here. Got to try and take them as close as you can to a right angle. Not cool in the wet either, where one wheel has traction and the other doesn't!

All about those bunny hops! I have to remind myself not to do them when I am with a mate and hes following me. I tend to hop the craters in our roads quite often because its fun but my mate behind me doesn't know that and hes going to bin it straight into the pot hole.
Agreed, good value for the money and the 'top' Boardmans have always had a good reputation - they always used to be made by Boardman and only the cheaper range of them made in the far east with varying QC issues, but think the real Boardman ones never any problem... @SoliD will know more as think he has a 9.4?

Thanks for the link too, I'm liking the look of that SLR. Looks like a chunky Tarmac SL8 - not that many of these modern bikes look very different. They would be on my list, as I quite like the idea of getting a 'British' frame as my replacement for the Diverge when the time comes. I'm not that worried about something 'made in england' but really like the idea of supporting a British bike company even if they're making them elsewhere rather than buying a cheap knockoff or something from the US/EU again for my 'everything' bike.

Tough choices but bear in mind the Endurace is likely the faster aero race/road bike than the others, do they still do the Ultimate? That's probably what to look at. The Boardman reads as 'all road' has things like mudguard mounts and good tyre clearances, probably more suited to gravel than the others. The Defy is an endurance road bike, probably has more compliance and clearance while probably being the most comfortable. They're all quite different for various reasons so can't really directly compare them...

Never choose a bike by wheels. They're probably the easiest thing to change & upgrade!

12s 105 Di2 is superb. Maybe marginally more bulky feel - but the RD does so much more on it than older 11s Ultegra di2 where you need junction boxes and wireless units. Better to spend the difference on things like wheels/frames or even cranks.

yeah I know what you mean, I actually had a good think about it and realised that what I'm probably looking is an all-road bike aka :

big tire clearance
endurance geo
1x grouppo
guard mounts

sorta throw a semi slick tire on 40c and go where ever bike. My fast road bike is not going anywhere..

after digging around, I spotted

which seems to be the perfect match for what I need, reviews are glowing too. Shame vitus has probably made their last bikes due to wiggle/crc etc going floop but the components/frames etc are still great.

the grouppo going as low as 44/40t gives me more climbing power than my current and drops down to 44/10 which is quite close to my current 46/10 with sram rival.

the share of batteries is also welcome as my current groupset is a rival 2x.
The local bike place has got this odd bike, not seen a frame set like that before. I’m sure it’s been done but interesting nonetheless. For those who go on cycling holidays, this is pretty cool?

Wonder how it rides tho..

Probably a silly question but does anyone take supplements alongside cycling?

I’ve always associated protein supplements with gym and bulking but wondering if I should have at least something to aid with recovery?
Probably a silly question but does anyone take supplements alongside cycling?

I’ve always associated protein supplements with gym and bulking but wondering if I should have at least something to aid with recovery?
I take a multivitamin including iron most days.

The iron level in multivitamins tends to be quite low, so I used to take an iron tablet every few days too.
Probably a silly question but does anyone take supplements alongside cycling?

I’ve always associated protein supplements with gym and bulking but wondering if I should have at least something to aid with recovery?

Magnesium. I bought a load of Pillar Triple Magnesium when I was last in Australia, as it’s half the price as UK.
I take a multivitamin including iron most days.

The iron level in multivitamins tends to be quite low, so I used to take an iron tablet every few days too.
Daily D3 and either a protein shake or a 3 egg plain omelette after a decent session. Found it helps me sleep and feel better the next day.
Yeah it was mainly protein shakes I was thinking of. Already take multivitamins daily as well as Vitamin D in the winter months as I don't get enough from the sun.

I used to take PHD Synergy when I went to the gym. Was good at helping you get lean rather than bulking up. Just wondering if I should start taking it again after rides?
I wish I understood the body and form better. I've been ill from Sunday to about Thursday, finally went to the gym Friday morning and seemed okay. Rode Saturday, 20 miles out, stopped at a cafe and felt okay-ish. Had the option to go back 20 miles, or 45 miles more including another stop. Choose to play it safe and just head back. A few miles into the return journey, it became apparent this was a good choice. My legs felt like jelly and I generally didn't feel good.

Met with locals this morning and gave the usual warnings. "I might be slow, don't wait, I'll see you at the stop". 24 miles to stop, felt okay, but didn't push it, nervous of return trip. On the return trip, I felt amazing, keeping up and often taking the front of guys usually MUCH faster than me. There's a 2 mile segment coming back into Barnet that I've done 258 times before... today I took 15 seconds off my PR! :eek:

I was worried for me 312 prep, Covid in October and now ill again in March, but this has given me a little confidence... I just wish I knew how I target having a day like today on April 26th!
How were the whoop recovery scores in the build up? Did they correlate to how you were feeling? As much as I loved the Whoop stats and data I felt it never really lined up with how I was feeling and is one of the reasons I have ditched it, for now at least.
I had a great ride Saturday despite not feeling the best which I put down to a couple of beers the night before. Did 145km with 1,400m elevation. Multiple PBs on the climbs and rode domestique for a couple of lads that had punctures to pull them back to the main group. Felt unstoppable. The sore neck I had has made its way through my whole body and I think I've got covid as its exactly the same symptoms I had the last two times :D. Sent the Mrs to the chemist to get some tests this morning. So yeah, while I have no answers I am in agreement the human body is a strange thing at times!

Speaking of stats and data.. I've been seeing adverts on Instagram for Cybersight cycling smart glasses that have a heads up display showing real time figures form your head unit. They can also integrate with smart lights and smart helmets. Looks so cool.

Not much info on the website but there is an option to sign up for early access and testing via email. I did that then got an email from them requesting I pay $9.90 which is refundable when I purchase a pair of glasses. Not doing that, deleted it. Saw later on their targetted facebook ad that someone had commented instead of taking the $9.90 they took $460, the full price of the glasses, and that he had been in touch to get a refund but emails were unanswered. Unsurprisingly.:rolleyes:
How were the whoop recovery scores in the build up? Did they correlate to how you were feeling? As much as I loved the Whoop stats and data I felt it never really lined up with how I was feeling and is one of the reasons I have ditched it, for now at least.
The illness lined up, Sun was one of my few Red recoveries of the last 6 months (along with Covid!) and my recovery from sickness kind of lined up, but Saturday was higher than Sunday... which didn't line up.
A bit of reddit styled 'Am I The *******' question. Or replace that with petty.

Friend and I have a sportive booked for this Saturday. I was indifferent about doing this one but would be happy to do it. We spoke about it for 2 minutes and he then decided to just book us both our places then and there. Fine, no issue really. This was just after Christmas. Now, it's not a mega event that needs training for as it's only 72km with ~800m of climbing. The idea was to do this just to experience a sportive and do a longer 100km+ one next. Either way, he told me he was going to do a training plan for it and if there is nothing I dislike more than feeling like I am the weak link and liability. So I decided to get back on my bike after a lazy few weeks and start training also.

I'm now 9 weeks into training. I'd like to say I've made mega gains but I'm just back to where I was in the summer (actually TR has me a whopping 1 watt higher :p) the last 2 weekends I've invited him out for a longer ride on the weekend just to get used to riding outside again and each weekend I get a 6:45am text with a reason he wont be coming. Again, I should stop putting my expectations onto other people, it's a me problem. I then find I have a hit to my motivation to do the route I had planned for us both to do and end up doing the same boring ride just to get it over and done with.

However he has now mentioned he wants to take the ride easy and isn't going to be trying to ride at a decent pace. This is after it being his idea and giving it the big'un.

Am I being unreasonable/petty/a dick if a small part of me just wants to ride it at a pace I want to do, and have put in the hours training towards, or should I be more sympathetic and ride at a similar pace? I usually say on rides that if we leave together then we also arrive together.... But I also just want to get my own back lol.
A bit of reddit styled 'Am I The *******' question. Or replace that with petty.

Nah, hes roped you into this, hasn't bothered to put in the effort and now wants to do the actual sportive at a pace that makes it kind of pointless for you. Whats the point in doing a sportive like its a Z2 pootle. You might as well just have done a random ride at the weekend. Theres not much else he can do if he isn't very fit but you don't have to do it at the same pace as him if you don't want to. I would have a chat with him about it any rate.


I've just finished another training block that went about as well as can be expected at this point in my life with all the other stressors. I'm keen to replicate this block which is a fair chunk of steady state, Z2 and then the occasional threshold session. Seems to be a good use of my 6 or so hours on the bike each week. My question for those of you more well versed in this sort of thing is, should I just repeat it with my new FTP or should I be adjusting it in other ways as well?

For example, it progressed from 2x15m steady state workouts at the start to 2x28m by week 7. Should I start again at 2x15m at a higher power or adjust it a bit so that it starts at lets say 2x20m at a higher power and adjust the progression accordingly? Z2 is Z2 and proper threshold stuff will always be hard when adjusted for FTP but these longer duration SST sessions I think are the meat of the program so I want to get them right.

Perhaps its a case or "try it at X duration with my new FTP and see how it feels and go from there". Not sure. Any input would be welcome.
I did say I would only really give it beans on the hill but I also know what I'm like in that if I see someone faster than me I'm like a greyhound at a race track and will try and hold on to their pace, much to my detriment.
It sucks being a painfully competitive person with zero ability to back it up :cry:

In regards to your training. I've often seen on the trainer road forums that the advice is sometimes to do a Sweet Spot Base then do a Sweet Spot Build and most people then decide to do another Sweet Spot base block at the new FTP gained from the previous build block and repeat. Unless you want to train for something specific then focus on the speciality blocks but otherwise most seem to just perpetually repeat Base and Build
  • Haha
Reactions: fez
I guess the
For example, it progressed from 2x15m steady state workouts at the start to 2x28m by week 7. Should I start again at 2x15m at a higher power or adjust it a bit so that it starts at lets say 2x20m at a higher power and adjust the progression accordingly?
It sounds a little like it was a starter plan? I would imagine the plan started at a low intensity and built up though. Even if you put in your new FTP, it will still drop you back to lower intensity, surely? I don't think it would hurt, but I would imagine there might be a better 'builder' plan to move onto?
A bit of reddit styled 'Am I The *******' question. Or replace that with petty.
Do you know why he's now saying 'let's take it easy?'. Has he come down ill? Had an injury? Or just made no effort? As @fez says, it's not like it's a 'big challenge' kind of event, so I guess it depends what you want to get out of it? Push yourself and see what you can do, or just be social and spend time with your friend?
More a case of not wanting to make the time to train. Has free time but then may choose to play video games for a few hours instead. His life and his use of time so I can't really moan about it I just don't want him feeling like the ride is a slog when we had ages to get ready

Even when I don't feel particularly up to doing something, I'll still give it a go because usually once I'm dressed and 20 minutes into the session I enjoy it and finish it.

edit: I think if he just owned it, I'd be fine. He makes a big deal about "not being on the bike in a while so I really need to" and then when the time comes to get on the bike, it's a no. I think that's where the bee in my bonnet comes from. Be about it or don't. But don't say you'll do one thing and do the other.
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It sounds a little like it was a starter plan? I would imagine the plan started at a low intensity and built up though. Even if you put in your new FTP, it will still drop you back to lower intensity, surely? I don't think it would hurt, but I would imagine there might be a better 'builder' plan to move onto?

It was a "raise your FTP" 8 week program I followed previously but I tweaked it quite a bit for this block to increase the length of the SST intervals, reduce the rest in between them and increase the Z2 workout durations. I'm just wondering if I do that again or just run through it again with higher power numbers.

Intensity is a factor of duration and power no? So you would usually have to reduce the duration if you are upping the intensity. I just don't want to find that the first 3 weeks or whatever end up detraining me or keep me treading water until I hit the level I should have started at.
More a case of not wanting to make the time to train. Has free time but then may choose to play video games for a few hours instead. His life and his use of time so I can't really moan about it I just don't want him feeling like the ride is a slog when we had ages to get ready

Even when I don't feel particularly up to doing something, I'll still give it a go because usually once I'm dressed and 20 minutes into the session I enjoy it and finish it.

edit: I think if he just owned it, I'd be fine. He makes a big deal about "not being on the bike in a while so I really need to" and then when the time comes to get on the bike, it's a no. I think that's where the bee in my bonnet comes from. Be about it or don't. But don't say you'll do one thing and do the other.

Do the first few miles with him, and then at the first hill, ride him off your wheel to teach him a lesson. When you see at the end, just say you lost him by accident. That's what cycling is about :cry:
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