A bit of reddit styled 'Am I The *******' question. Or replace that with petty.
Friend and I have a sportive booked for this Saturday. I was indifferent about doing this one but would be happy to do it. We spoke about it for 2 minutes and he then decided to just book us both our places then and there. Fine, no issue really. This was just after Christmas. Now, it's not a mega event that needs training for as it's only 72km with ~800m of climbing. The idea was to do this just to experience a sportive and do a longer 100km+ one next. Either way, he told me he was going to do a training plan for it and if there is nothing I dislike more than feeling like I am the weak link and liability. So I decided to get back on my bike after a lazy few weeks and start training also.
I'm now 9 weeks into training. I'd like to say I've made mega gains but I'm just back to where I was in the summer (actually TR has me a whopping 1 watt higher

) the last 2 weekends I've invited him out for a longer ride on the weekend just to get used to riding outside again and each weekend I get a 6:45am text with a reason he wont be coming. Again, I should stop putting my expectations onto other people, it's a me problem. I then find I have a hit to my motivation to do the route I had planned for us both to do and end up doing the same boring ride just to get it over and done with.
However he has now mentioned he wants to take the ride easy and isn't going to be trying to ride at a decent pace. This is after it being his idea and giving it the big'un.
Am I being unreasonable/petty/a dick if a small part of me just wants to ride it at a pace I want to do, and have put in the hours training towards, or should I be more sympathetic and ride at a similar pace? I usually say on rides that if we leave together then we also arrive together.... But I also just want to get my own back lol.