Road Cycling

18 Oct 2002
30 Oct 2014
Taking a shot, but would anyone here happen to have a British cycling membership so I could get a code/or however you get 10% off at Evans? Got stuff for my ride I need waiting and some in sale, would appreciate it a lot!
25 Sep 2006
Taking a shot, but would anyone here happen to have a British cycling membership so I could get a code/or however you get 10% off at Evans? Got stuff for my ride I need waiting and some in sale, would appreciate it a lot!

Just buy the membership, it pays for itself easily and you end up insured too. £25 isn't a big outlay :)
25 Feb 2004
Sorted out my creak I mentioned a few pages back. One of the left hand crank pinch bolts had come slightly loose. Soon as j tightened it up the creak went away.
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
Back from a two week road trip across Canada starting from Calgary which ended in Vancouver. What an absolutely stunning country, I fell in love with the place. The country seems to be setup with cyclists in mind, not only in the cities but on the national highways as well. All along the national highways is a hard shoulder which is for cyclists to ride in, so you could ride across the country unimpeded. There were loads of cycle tourers on these roads with stunning views and roadies travelling to the next towns etc. Such an incredible country.

Won’t have ridden a single mile for three weeks so will have to get some miles in this coming weekend.
22 May 2003
Sorted out my creak I mentioned a few pages back. One of the left hand crank pinch bolts had come slightly loose. Soon as j tightened it up the creak went away.

I have a terrible creak that started today...

Wondering if it’s the B.B. as it’s only when pedalling. I wasn’t that impressed last time I installed it.

On a good note, it felt amazing to ride the R5 after riding the P3 and the turbo all the time recently!

Might look at the UBB 4630 which the new Cervelos ship with now.

I rode with a new bunch this morning, 130km all up as it’s 25ish each way to get there. Got home feeling a bit flat!
18 Oct 2002
Hereford - 105 miles, 6500ft & 6.5 hours.

Yesterdays century went ok. Although serious lack of hill work recently really took it's toll on me! By around the 40 mile mark when we hit the first real climb at Rhos y Meirch I was in trouble! I remembered why I'd only ridden down it before! :D Really was in survival mode by the top, I'd hit the bottom a little too hard and at times was grinding 36*32, struggling to maintain 80+rpm. Between there and through the climb from Bleddfa I was in a dark place, just holding whatever wheels I could. Once those two where done I knew we'd broken the back of it and I started to find my legs again. Think I may have been a little under fuelled as last year at Bleddfa there was lots of 'proper' food (rice, mashed potato etc) so I was half expecting to get a good feed there which didn't happen. I ate more on the return leg and found my stride a little more, the climb up over the Fforest (I struggled with last year) I was actually setting the pace. I nailed the descent and lead much of the next 10-15 miles as I knew the roads. Although the climb out of Kington about finished me! The organisers had screwed the route (+ signs) so the plotted route everyone had didn't take in the climb and also missed the final drink/feed stop. Once we realised this (& saw a sign) we backtracked to the feed station where we'd heard there was cake. No such luck that late in the day! Just after there the route turned down a rough back road, the rough surface 85 miles in really took it's toll on all of our under carriages, it was miserable at that stage! We powered on through once back on more familiar roads, regrouping a couple of times as we where all in survival mode by then. :cool:

Probably my only 100 this year, serious lack of consistent mileage and training means I have nothing else big planned.

Good luck on Sunday, Haydn, hope you've scoped out your plan B 60 circuit. ;)
Pffft! To be fair if I had done the '58' mile I would've enjoyed it but found it too easy. It missed out the three long climbs I mentioned above! The fairly flat 'ELY70', I did two weeks ago I found quite 'easy' and could've done 100 of similar! :cool:

Those Mavics look okay. Alternative, maybe Fast Forward F4Rs with a DT240 hub?
The man does love his FFWD & 240's! ;)

I got a reminder how bad carbon rims can be last night.

1 mile from home and got a monster downpour, it hasn’t rained for over a month, brakes just don’t work, super nervous cornering on narrow tubulars!
Scary! I've been out a couple of times recently on my rim brake bike, in the dry. I'm scared how ineffective the brakes are (105 with shimano pads). Worrying how conditioned I've become to hydraulic discs! :o

Cable and cutters arrived this morning.

Got it replaced then out for a quick ride.... 17 miles later, bike feels great and proud that I'd done all the work myself. :)
Good work! Rewarding isn't it! And to think every time you do something like this, once you have the equipment/tools, is generally money saved! :D
22 Dec 2005

Excellent stuff Roady. Did many opt for the 100 miler? I did the 40 miler with my Dad, which was his longest ride and first sportive. I rarely ride on the north side so it was nice to see some new places. Pembridge was lovely! Will definitely do the longer routes next year, although was quite concerned about the lack of food at the stations (although fine for the shorter routes)
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Well done @Roady I'd be the same at the moment, dead on the first hill but wouldn't recover haha

Took the Aeroad apart yesterday only to find I don't have the right bolts for the absoluteblack chainring fitting, so I've just ordered them (45euros for 4 bolts and covers is a joke tbh) and also some replacement rear jockey wheels. Nothing like a ceramic speed, but just same size replacements as they look like **** on there now. I want new chain on with fresh lube and nice everything. Will put it back together later this week when everything arrives. I really like working out how to do everything and doing it myself. Really rewarding. (If I break nothing that is)
22 May 2003
I’ve emailed them but wondering if anyone else might know who has a bike shop!

I have a Cervelo R5 with Rotor 3D+ crankset (79mm width BB)

I am looking to replace the BB but have confliciting information regarding the Rotor UBB.

I am unable to tell the difference between the two below. I was concerned that the width of the inner sleeve would vary and may be too long/short for my frame.

Referring to this Rotor documentation from 2012 I should use the PF30 version.

However I note that there is no UBB 4630 listed there, only a UBB 4624 (for 24mm axles).

Edit; the spider can differ from OEM to manufacturer own branded cranks, details on the velotech website.

My frame is cracked which is causing the creaking not the B.B. Will try and warranty as I am the original owner with receipt.
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18 Oct 2002
Good effort! Sounds like they messed the organisation up a bit though.

I couldn't go back to rim brakes now, even in the dry.
A little bit, I'm sure the route was just a FUBAR whoever was plotting it, a bit silly as it also coincided with a different route this year than at least the last 3 years... Doh.

The only thing which is going to take me back to rim brakes is the increasing number of second hand lightweight frames/bikes available. If I had the budget for a new Propel/CENTO 10Air/Tarmac/S3/R3 Disc I would!

Excellent stuff Roady. Did many opt for the 100 miler? I did the 40 miler with my Dad, which was his longest ride and first sportive. I rarely ride on the north side so it was nice to see some new places. Pembridge was lovely! Will definitely do the longer routes next year, although was quite concerned about the lack of food at the stations (although fine for the shorter routes)
Not sure how many, I was rider #32 and I was around half way down the page when she was signing me in so maybe 60-70. How was the 40 route? Pembridge is quite old worldly isn't it (lots of wonky black & white houses!). Very quaint and the pubs & cafe both good! Lots of little quiet villages like that around here! The north of Hereford is quite an odd one, lots of scattered villages and lots of roads, with the usual busy main roads. Although lots of locals use the smaller roads as shortcuts so you regularly get close calls (usually with 4x4's or tractors on single lanes with overgrown hedgerows!).

Food at the stations was a tricky one with only bananas, soreen bars and gels available alongside water. Last year there where various cakes/flapjacks and other sweets at most of the stops too! I was quite disappointed & got rather bored of the 5 bananas and 5 soreen bars I ate! Glad I'd varied the NAKD bars I had with me (ate 4, dropped 1). Had 1 gel at 75 miles and suffered with indigestion for a while afterwards but it did help. Brought 5 home (don't hardly ever use them so don't tend to buy them) and found they're all 2+ months out of date... :rolleyes:
1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Made a quick appearance on my bike again after 6 weeks off! Overtime at work, crap weather and falling into lazy habits along with the start of the football season gave me reasons not to go on the bike :(

Nothing spectacular, but back on at least.

@Roady phenomenal effort there. Saw yourself and a couple of other guys hit the 100 in the last week or so. Certainly inspiring to see that sort of effort going on :cool:
29 Dec 2004
A little bit, I'm sure the route was just a FUBAR whoever was plotting it, a bit silly as it also coincided with a different route this year than at least the last 3 years... Doh.

The only thing which is going to take me back to rim brakes is the increasing number of second hand lightweight frames/bikes available. If I had the budget for a new Propel/CENTO 10Air/Tarmac/S3/R3 Disc I would!

I came across a guy on my ride on Sunday who was spending the first day of his holiday in the Alps trying to find a bike shop to unlock his disc brakes which had shut while traveling in his bike case. It’s already enough of a PITA having to travel with tools for a regular bike without adding more complication!
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