Road Cycling

Well and truly ****** tonight!

56 miles/ 3 hours , with an hour in the middle at 22.6mph average and a slog home at 15.5mph

Good structure today to go well tonight:

6.5 hours sleep to get up at 10.30am
2 Greggs sausage rolls + cappuccino
2 hour walk around a local park
Inhaled Heinz sausage and beans at 5.30pm before leaving at 5.45pm

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Emus are dangerous! Run fast parallel with you for miles and then will cut across and take you out, no ***** given.

I paced one for ages keeping my eye on it for him to run straight into a fence post, get up and go off at 90 degrees to me!

Assuming this was from your times over in the land down under?
And not on the country lanes of Wigan?!?! :p
ah nice one mate @Roady looks like a nice setup. Can't trust car drivers for toffee!! Especially carrying precious cargo!
Oh definitely, to be fair I've almost become numb to the close passes on me - doesn't anger/scare/worry me any more. Of course I throw abuse & wave my arms when it happens, but I'm not 'scared' as such by it. :eek:

But when it happens to little man in his chariot it really angers me! Grinds my gears that he's lit up like a bloomin xmas tree, trying to make him as obvious as possible, I'm riding primary as much as possible and STILL get idiots close passing. Part of me is scared to even point a camera back there to see how close they are to him. They're well within 1m of me out front and he's another 3-4" closer to the middle of the road. Of course the optimist in me says they're giving him loads of room and then cutting back in towards me. Some of them are - can tell by the trajectory and engine noise location. Usually the bigger vehicles. It's the small cars which are the worst. Peugeots in particular. Many of them overtake me close and do not come back in towards the curb after, so just know how close they where to him. :mad:

last week, lost the front wheel on a metal grate turning left onto a side street and didn't unclip fast enough on left pedal, so thigh/hand/handlebar took the brunt of impact.

- Now, I always clip out of my right pedal first, so that's the foot that is trained, but I am wondering if I should practice more with the left ?

Also, subsequently thought that dropped handlebars are better if this happens, an mtb style straight, would probably dig in ?
Hope the damage to yourself and bars isn't too bad. Have to admit, I'm left foot trained and I guess that's mostly from commuting/standing on curbs and the few times I've needed to unclip right it's felt very odd/foreign. Being proficient with either foot is something we probably all need to work on! :)

Emus are dangerous! Run fast parallel with you for miles and then will cut across and take you out, no ***** given.
Just like most things over there - they just don't give a ****/are out to get you! Old age is getting to you ;)

Thanks though. I have that same gopro adapter (actually two of them) and I tried to fit it but it just won't go into the k-edge mount. I'll have to dig out and try again though in case I'm missing something.

The rubber cover for the charging port on my virb has split so I'm unsure how waterproof it is now.
Haha sorry, yeah that and lack of sleep! Was just sorting through images for Ross and couldn't remember if I'd shared that one with you! :p

Rubber cover has begun splitting more on mine too so really need to consider alternatives. Really like the size of the Session but don't think they have great battery life. Full GoPro are less aero (and ugly!) (+expensive) ;)

Sinking the same amount on to vehicle specific tow-bar or roof bars is not for me :p

I've taken mine to Spain with the intention of using on a hire car and knowing I could merrily slap it on a family member or friends car is priceless.
To be fair the only way I could sink that amount is to make it future proof - so that's multiple bikes and going tow bar (which in theory are available on any/most vehicles). If I went roof bars on the 2-door fiesta can almost guarantee the same bars would not be compatible on whatever the next car is (not another small one, or 3 door!).

The portability (size & weight) of the Seasucker along with the functionality is incredible though, I'm just not sure how great it would be for our particular use - grabbing it for the coldest/dirtiest/wettest winter days. Occasionally frequently (2-4 times per week) for short trips and it living in the boot of the car for months.

2 Greggs sausage rolls + cappuccino

Inhaled Heinz sausage and beans

I live at 2300m in the Rocky Mountains, NY was a while back :)
Ahhhh, explains much!
Rubber cover has begun splitting more on mine too so really need to consider alternatives. Really like the size of the Session but don't think they have great battery life. Full GoPro are less aero (and ugly!) (+expensive) ;)

Agreed the session seems decent but it needs longer battery life. I wonder if anyone has invented some sort of extra batter pack that one could attach under the stem.
Agreed the session seems decent but it needs longer battery life. I wonder if anyone has invented some sort of extra batter pack that one could attach under the stem.

Yeah, some rear mounted battery pack and mount it like the VIRB and shaped to be aero? haha :D

I've seen a few sessions mounted in Helmet vents, really like that idea. Could even internally route a cable to an external battery pack at the rear of the helmet. Hmm!

I really like the size of it, could even mount it in between saddle rails?!
Yeah but then you're just making it the same shape and not that far off the same size as the regular GoPro, so may as well get one of those! :P

GoPro also dropping the session last year also means we won't see a new one with an extended battery life, while also not any new mounts/accessories, even from 3rd parties as the form factor is dead. Hmm.
My Ultegra Di2 RD cage exploded whilst out on a ride today. The main unit and hanger are fine - does anyone know if it’s possible to just buy the replacement cage parts?
So I fitted my new RD cage and jockey wheel parts today and find the main RD unit is slightly twisted :mad:

Ordered a new Di2 RD and Hanger from Canyon, to be fully sure :)
Too many watts, serves you right :p
The annoying part is I was riding at below Tempo pace for those 20 miles when it went.
I’m putting it down to mentioning to my buddy at the start, that I’ve had no problems with the bike since I got it 2 years ago. Once those words are said you’re doomed :P
The annoying part is I was riding at below Tempo pace for those 20 miles when it went.
I’m putting it down to mentioning to my buddy at the start, that I’ve had no problems with the bike since I got it 2 years ago. Once those words are said you’re doomed :p

If I'd have noticed you at the top I'd have stopped, but I didn't even know you were doing the event. Tbh there were people at the top of all of the climbs either having a breather or taking on food/drink etc, loads of people with punctures too. Not very flow-y the route - very up and down, difficult to get into rhythm, especially as you couldn't really tank the downhills/bends etc because of the damp/greasy surface, I had couple of wobbles so notched it back after around 30 miles. I think I did 200w for the first 30 miles then went into safety mode. Just wanted to get home in one piece. Then 6 to 8 miles from the end I bonked, took on circa 1200 calories but burned circa 2300. Great to get out into the open air though. :)
Thanks but there wasn’t much you could have done. The rider support team came out and offered to put me into single speed but I declined and took the lift back to HQ. I found one of my jockey wheels on the other side of the road.
So I fitted my new RD cage and jockey wheel parts today and find the main RD unit is slightly twisted :mad:
Any way to fix/check with an alignment tool? Maybe a LBS?

Too many watts, serves you right :p

The annoying part is I was riding at below Tempo pace for those 20 miles when it went.
Still too many watts! :D :p

Yeah exactly :p
The Jockey wheels were Hope Ceramics, could have been costly if I’d have been running Ceramic Speeds :eek:
Did you get both back? How have you found them?

My lower standard Ultegra is getting quite chewed and considering replacing, Tredz sell the upper/lowers individually for £19 :)

Can't quite justify the Ti Ceramicspeeds...
i went to cheapskate route and got the J&L oversized cage/pulley wheels set from ebay, still 63 quid. after a year, i can honestly say, it's worthy upgrade in most situation but if you are picky about the shifting quality, you may want to avoid it. in-gear efficiency is noticebly improved but shifting on my Ultegra 6800 went down the pan. the larger top jockey wheel simply cannot disengage the chain quick enough compared to smaller wheels. i suspect ceramic speed knows this because their first gen product for shimano and campy has a large jockey wheels both top and bottom, but then they release the SRAM version and the top jockey wheel is reduced in size.
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