That looks lovely!
Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10, resistence 8 now
Back extensions
BW x10
Chest press
80kg x10
100kg x10
120kg x5
130kg x10 2 sets
140kg x10 3 sets
Chest cable flys
Width 10, depth 9 settings
10kg x10
15kg x10
15kg x5
12.5kg x10
12.5kg x10
12.5kg x10
Barbell bicep curls
Wide grip
20kg x10 3 sets
15kg x10 2 sets
Narrow grip
20kg x3 FAIL
15kg x5 5 sets
Farmers walk
15kg per hand
12 lengths of gym
3 sets of 4 lengths
Back extensions
+6gk x10 5 sets
Hanging knee raises.
(slow and controlled)
12 x10 5 sets
I do miss free weights, but those are still very far away at the moment
If you don't mind me asking if your doing 140kg on a chest press what would be the issue with doing 60kg on a bench and working up from there?
We're more talking about the mechanics of the lifts.Incline would be better for him at a guess, as it'll be easier to sit up etc
Even the floor-press would be an issue, as he needs to get up
Can you not even bench with a flat back?
What about floor presses?
DB floor press?
A couple of things - What are your goals at the moment? And what's with the overpriced supps? Good grief, put that money towards food!