Road to recovery

Legs today, going down the stairs afterwards was fun :p

10 minutes

Leg Press

100kg x10
130kg x10
160kg x5
170kg x10 5 sets

Leg Extensions

90kg x10
110kg x10
120kg x10 5 sets

Standing glute/ham machine
45kg x5 per leg
55kg x10 5 sets per leg

Leg Press/calve toe presses
110kg x20
120kg x20
120kg x20


Cardio tomorrow at the increased resistence is going to be tough. :D

"Feel the burn, burn the feeling!"
Cardio today, was rather tough to say the least. Especially after having DOMS from Yesterday's leg training.

30 minutes on the crosstrainer, incline 10 and resistence 8

Followed by 20 minutes on the treadmill at incline 7 and slow pace of 4.
Still made my calves feel it alright.

Next week the resistence goes to 9 on the crosstrainer :mad:
Back and Shoulders today.
Switched a few things around and increased the weights.

Crosstrainer 10 minutes

BW 5x5

Standing dumbell shoulder press
8kg x10
10kg x10 5 sets

Cable Pullovers
35kg x10
45kg x10 5 sets

Side Lateral raises
6kg x10 5 sets

Dips all in BW
Wide grip x10
Narrow grip x10
Wide grip x10
Narrow grip x10
Wide grip x10

Tricep cable push downs
50kg x10 5 sets
25kg x10

Farmer's Walk
15kg per hand
12 lenghts of gym
3 sets of 4 lengths

Back extensions
+6kg x10 5 sets

Hanging knee raises
BW x12 5 sets

Leg press toe presses
120kg x20
120kg x20
120kg x10
120kg x10


Dips are getting a tad too easy, I'll have to start taking my dipping belt in with me again :D
Decided to push a little harder today, especially on the farmer's walking.
My forearms felt like tearing half way through those.

Crosstrainer resistence upped again.

Chest press
80kg x10
100kg x10
120kg x5
130kg x5
140kg x10 5 sets
That last set felt like I was powerlifting again. :)

Chest cable flys
Width 10, depth 9

12.5kg x10 5 sets

Barbell curls
Wide grip
20kg x10 5 sets

Narrow grip
20kg x5 3 sets
15kg x5 2 sets

Farmer's Walk
20kg Per hand
12 lengths of the gym

Back extensions
7kg x10 5 sets

Hanging Knee raises

BW x12 5 sets


I upped the farmers walk to 20kg from last weeks 15kg, I felt that a 1 KG increase weekly was too slow for me.

Grip is getting better anyway and my back felt good as well, especially after the back extensions and stretching.
Cardio today, was far too warm in there.

Crosstrainer 30 minutes
Inlcine 10 resistnce 9

Incline 7
10 minutes

Incline 5
11 minutes
Whoops forgot to add Wednesday's update.

Leg day

Crosstrainer 10 mins

Leg Press
100kg x10
130kg x10
160kg x5
170kg x10 5 sets

Leg Extensions

90kg x10
110kg x7
130kg x10 5 sets

Standing glute/ham machine
Per leg
50kg x5
60kg x10 5 sets

Leg press/calve toe presses
120kg x20 3 sets
130kg x10 3 sets


Did nothing on Thursday on account of being out of town, and nothing on Friday as my back was rather tender from Thursday.

Bar style like stools suck so much for you back :mad:
Did really well today, and a guy I know ended up giving me half a tub of TrueMass since he hates the taste. I'll be substiuting it for my post training meal, 630 calories is plenty and easy to drink.

I also weighed in at 72KG today, so I've lost 4KG since starting this thread/journal.
I can say with confidence it's all fat I've lost, as my strength is only going up and up.

Chest today

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10, resistence 10

Managed 1 mile in exactly 9 minutes :D
Very happy, I know it's not running but I've been stuck at 1 mile at 9.5 minutes and this was with an increased resistence as well.

Chest press

80kg x10
100kg x10
130kg x5
150kg x3 ( just to get a feel for it)
150kg x10 5 sets

Chest cable flys
Width 10, depth 9
12.5kg x5
15kg x10 3 sets
12.5kg x10
10kg x10

Barbell Bicep curls
Wide grip
20kg x10 5 sets

Narrow grip
20kg x5 5 sets

Farmers Walk
20kg per hand

12 length of the gym
4 lengths in one set
2 lengths in one set after x4

Back extensions
+8kg x10 5 sets

Hanging Knee raises
12x10 5 sets

Legpress toe presses
130kg x20 3 sets


My forearms have never had such a pump before, they felt like tearing so badly, and my gripped was abysmal, but I loved it :D :D
Must be such a relief to get some consistent training in, pleased for you mate!

Was that farmers with DBs? I quite like these in lieu of proper handles, although there is the odd occasion when I get them tangled up in my legs :D
It only been about 3 weeks since the last photos but hell here's tthis morning's.




That really much of a difference after only that short amount of time in looks, but my strength and fitness has certainly gone up.

I also realised today that when I move back to my folks' place this weekend the gym there doesn't have anything for back extensions or chinups, I guess I'll just hang from the top of the smith's they have for those.
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Cardio today

Decided to change things a bit.

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10 resistence 10

Treadmill 5 minutes
Incline 7 speed 5
5 minutes
Incline 7 speed 3.5

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10 resistence 10

2 min break to stretch my calves

Treadmill 5 minutes
Incline 7 speed 5
5 minutes
Incline 7 speed 3.5

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10 resistence 10


I went from one exercise directly into the other, only stopping that once to stretch my calves. They were so pumped and sore haha. What an odd sensation.

Legs tomorrow should be interesting.
Leg day today.

Also got an email from MyProtein about some nice bundles they have lately, some of them look rather interesting alright. I'm a bit tempted to get some cheap whey and oats again.

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Incline 10 Resistence 10

Still at 1 mile in 9 minutes :mad:

Leg press ( It's gotten very easy lately, silly with it maxing at 170kg )

100kg x10
130kg x10
160kg x5
170kg x12 5 sets

Leg Extensions
90kg x10
110kg x5
130kg x5
140kg x10 5 sets

Standing glute/ham machine
Per leg
50kg x5
65kg x10 5 sets

Leg press/toe presses
140kg x20

CRAMPS right at my last rep when I pushd and held :(
Had to go do some stretches

130kg x20
140kg x20

Stretches and foam rolling

Gone is the two hour training session, managed it all in under 1.5 hours :D

Cardio tomorrow will be rather interesting.
My last day at the college's gym.
I'm going to miss it, next week I'll be stuck using a tiny Hotel gym again for the summer and I won't even be able to do back extensions :(

Back and shoulder's

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
1 mile in 8 minutes 50 seconds
Incline 10, resistance 10


Standing dumbell shoulder press
7kg x5
10kg x5
12kg x10 5 sets

Lat Pulldowns Wide Grip
80kg x10
90kg x10 4 sets
Felt pressure in my lower back to dropped the weight
80kg x10

Cable rows
80kg x10 5 sets

Side Lateral raises
7kg x10 5 sets

Dips +10kg with dipping belt

Wide grip x10
Narrow grip x10
Wide grip x10
Narrow grip x10
Wide grip x10

Tricep Cable push downs
55kg x10 5 sets
30kg x20

Farmer's Walk
12 lengths of gym
20kg per hand

Back extensions
+9kg x10 5 sets

Hanging Knee raises
BW x12 5 sets

Legpress toe presses
140kg x20
130kg x20
120kg x20

Stretches and foam rolling.
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Got some proper clips for my dipping belt, no more cheap ones that snap.

Here's a quick vid of one of my sets when dipping.

Also bye bye to the best gym I've ever had :(



Alright, back the my folk's place and now at the little Hotel gym this summer.

The gym is tiny, so I had to double my farmer's walking to get the same length in totals.
Also nothing to do pullups and hanging knee/leg raises with, as the thing they have is far too short. When I hang from it my knees about scrape the plate on the floor it has.

Chest day
Crosstrainer 10 minutes
No incline setting, resistence 13
1 mile in 60 minutes on it.

Chest press* Goes upto 200kg in 10kg plates.
80kg x10
100kg x10 5 sets
70kg x5

Chest cables flys
Super wide
7.5kg x8
5kg x12 5 sets

NEED CHALK, the handles are smooth plastic and hands slip a lot.

Barbell Bicep curls
Wide grip

22kg x10 3 sets ( 12kg olympic bar + 2x 5kg )

19.5kg x10 2 sets ( 12kg olympic bar + 2x 2.5 kg + 2x 1.25kg )

Narrow grip

19.5kg x5 5 sets

Farmer's Walk
22kg dumbell per hand

26 lengths
1 set of 6
5 sets of 4

NO back extensions :(

Seated Leg raises
12 x5 sets

Plate loaded leg press toe presses
60kg x20 3 sets


The chest press is actually really good, amazing range of motion, you can move each handle idependantly, and they come back enough to be in line with your chest, just like a good bench rep would. So unlike the previous one I used you get a full ROM and it's much tougher :D

The cable fly machine has no adjust ments, just two bottom clips and two top ones, so the angle used is far wider than the previous one I had.

The seated leg raises aren't very nice on my back though, but they're better than nothing it seems.
As they have a "Graviton Machine", which is bloody useless for anything but dips after you put a heavy plate on the knee rest.

The handles are too low down.

They have a lat pulldown so I can atleast use that on Friday, also a seated hamstring curler, which should be ok on my lower back. Then a normal leg extension machine and dumbells ranging from 2kg to 30kg. Not much, but for the first time ever they have enough for me :p

There's also a good plate loaded leg press, which is much better than the plate stacked one I used before.
I actually tried, I was too short so got a bench to stand up it. My hands are too small to get a proper grip on it, then I got a warming as we're not allowed to do it. :mad:

Apparently someone else got banned from the Hotel for doing it a lot, I'll try again Friday when I guy I know there is working.

Although I should really get some chalk as well. :D
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