Road to recovery

Cardio today

Tried more of the random interval setting on the crosstrainer.

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Random hill interval setting
base resistence 6

Treadmill 10 minutes
5 mins, Inlcine 8.5, speed 6
5 mins, incline 8.5, speed 4.5

Calve stretches

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Random hill interval setting
base resistence 6

Treadmill 10 minutes
5 mins, Inlcine 8.5, speed 6
5 mins, incline 8.5, speed 4.5

Crosstrainer 10 minutes
Random hill interval setting
base resistence 6

Treadmill for cooldown
5 minutes
Inlcine 4.5, speed 4

Leg day yesterday and my legs feel like tearing apart from the severe DOMS.

I haven't felt like this since a heavy volume day when powerlifting :D

1 hour walk into town and back

Legpress (Plate loaded)

60kg x10
80kg x10
100kg x5
130kg x120 5 sets

Drop sets after the last 130 set
90kg x20
60kg x20

Knees were brought back right against my chest during reps

Seated Hamstring curler
73kg x10 (160lbs)
90kg x5 (200lbs)
110kg x12 5 sets

Leg Extensions
73kg x10 (160lbs)
90kg x5 (200lbs)
110kg x12 5 sets

Legpres /calve toe presses
80kg x20 5 sets

Leg press
80kg x10


I reduced my rest time again during each set and it really showed. I could only manage 10 reps right at the end on th eleg press instead of 20 like I usually do after toe presses.

The place was also extremely crowded by the time I was done, barely able to do any stretches. At least I got my legs done after but obviously not well enough consider the DOMS I have haha.

It's all still so weird doing everything in high volume compared to my old training where I rarely went over 5 or 6 reps and only did 3 sets.

I'm adjusting well though, especially since I essentally started from scratch again.

Training my back later so it should be fun. :)
Legs are still in bits from leg training and stairs are killing me haha :D

Back and Shoulders

BW x5

Standing dumbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10
9kg x5
14kg x5
18kg x12 5 sets

Lat pulldown ( wide grip )
73kg (160lbs) x5
90kg (200lbs) x5
100kg x10 5 sets

Cable rows, using cable fly machine (seated on the ground)
45kg x10 5 sets
35kg x10

Side lateral raises
9kg x10 5 sets

Dips Narrow Grip
BW x5
+15kg x2
+17.5kg x10 5 sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
27.5kg x10 5 sets
17.5kg x20

Farmers walk
25kg thick handle

26 lengths of gym
1 set of 6
5 sets of 4

Barbell plate shrugs
25kg x12 3 sets

Seated leg raises
BW x12 5 sets

Legs press toe presses
80kg x20 3 sets

Chest today.

Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistence 8

Chest press
70kg x10
90kg x5
100kg x1
110kg x1
130kg x10 5 sets
70kg x10

Cable flyes

From bottom
7.5kg x10 5 sets

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell Bicep curls

Wide grip
27kg x10 5 sets

Narrow Grip
24.5kg x8 5 sets

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle

26 lengths of gym
1 set of 6
3 sets of 4

Seated leg raises
+5lbs / 2.27KG x12 4 sets
BW x12


A standard day, weight were increased and work done. No real problems except on the leg raises, but that's to be expected with my back.
I'll most likely get all 5 sets done with added weight next time.

Also forearms were a little fried when it came to the farmer's walking and the 5KG jump in dumbells is tough.
Here's this months photos. Strength is going up weekly, but that darn gut is so hard to get rid of. The problem with living with you folks for the summer, treats everywhere. Everyday I find chocolate and other nice things. Even ended up having a quarter pounder and chips last night instead of the grilled salmon and salad I was making.



Only long mirror in the house, it's so thin haha.

Another day of cardio done.

Changed a few things again.

Crosstrainer 15 minutes
Random hill interval setting
base resistence 8

Treadmill 10 minutes
5 mins, Inlcine 9, speed 6
5 mins, incline 9, speed 4.5

Crosstrainer 15 minutes
Random hill interval setting
base resistence 8

Treadmill 10 minutes
5 mins, Inlcine 9, speed 6
5 mins, incline 9, speed 4.5

Treadmill for cooldown
5 minutes
Inlcine 4.5, speed 4

These arrived this morning. Finally no more sweaty hands slipping :D


I miss the old flat bottle though, it just looked better and was easier to shove into corners of a bag.
Heh, I ordered some earlier in the year, and it was the round bottle, but the packaging is different! They chance the branding all the time! :p

Looking good in the progress pics chaps, going well
I still had that flat bottle until I gave it away in March. The chalk easily lasts well over a year as long as you don't use too much at a time.

Thanks though, I'm not making enough progress for my liking though, I can't cut too much out of my diet either. I'm already hungry all the time haha.

Today's leg training also didn't go as well as I would have liked.

Gym legs
10 mins crosstrainer*
Random hill setting
Resistance 8

Leg press plate loaded

70kg x10
90kg x10
120kg x5
140kg x12 5 sets
Drop sets
100kg x20*
80kg x20

Seated hamstring curler
73kg x5 (160lbs)
100kg x5 (220lbs)
120kg x12 5 sets (260lbs)

Leg extensions
73kg x5 (160lbs)
100kg x5 (200lbs)
120kg x5 FAIL

Leg press/ calve toe presses
90kg x20 5 sets

Directly after toe presses
Leg press*
90kg x20*


Failed on the leg extensions, my quads were just too burnt out from the volume on the leg press.

Even the very last set of 20 reps on the press were torture. Had to stop at 13 for a 30 second breather before squeezing out the last few reps.
I guess it can all be attributed to me trying to cut down on my rest periods between sets again.
Spent far too long in the gym today, don't even know how I managed that :(

At any rate back and shoulders for today.
Some increases in weight again, and maxed out the cable machine.
Going to have to start putting dumbells on the plates next week.

Gym back and shoulders*
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 8

Chin ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5
14kg x3
16kg x2
18kg x2
20kg x12 5 sets

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
90kg (200lbs)x5
110kg (240lbs) x10 4 sets
100kg x10*

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
50kg x12 5 sets
35kg x10

Side later raises
11.27kg (25lbs) *x10 2 sets
9kg (20lbs) x10 3 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 5
+15kg x2
+20kg x10 5 sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
30kg x10 5 sets
20kg x20

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle
26 lengths of gym
1sets of 6
2 sets of 4
3*sets of 4

Barbell plate shrugs
25kg x12 3 sets

Seated leg raises
+5lbs/2.27kg x12 5 sets

Leg press toe presses
90kg x20 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling
Interesting day, managed to increase weight on the chest press but last were still sore from Friday and did limit me. :(

At least I finally managed full sets with the farmer's walk at 30kg. No higher dumbbells so will probably have to add extra sets in it later on.

Should be better off next week anyway.

Gym chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 9

Lats still sore from Friday :/

Chest press
(seat height 2nd notch)
70kg x10
90kg x5
110kg x1
130kg x1
140kg x10 2*sets
135kg x10 2 sets (+5kg add on plate)
135kg x7 fail
130kg x5
70kg x10

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
7.5kg x10 1 sets
10kg x10 4 sets

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Wide grip
27kg x10 5 sets

Narrow grip
27kg x8 5 sets

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle
26 lengths of gym
1 sets of 6
5 sets of 4

Seated leg raises
+5lbs / 2.26kg
X 12 5 sets*


My diet over the weekend wasn't great at all, especially on Sunday where I ended up snacking instead of having a few decent meals. Seems it ended up setting me back today when I was supposed to increase again.
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This humidity is not nice in the slightest, especially when I have cardio :mad:

Gym cardio
Cross trainer*
Random interval setting
base Resistence 9

5 minutes
Incline 9.5 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 9.5 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 9

5 minutes
Incline 9.5 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 9.5 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 5.5 speed 4

Going well enough, finally managed to get some proper sets on the leg extension since increasing all the volume so much.

In need of a good dinner now :D

10 mins crosstrainer
Random hill setting
Resistance 9

Leg press plate loaded
70kg x10
90kg x10
120kg x3
130kg x2
150kg x12 5 sets
Drop sets
100kg x20
80kg x20

Seated hamstring curler
73kg x5
100kg x5
120kg x12 5 sets

Leg extensions
73kg x5
100kg x5
120kg x12 3 sets

Leg press/ calve toe presses
100kg x20 5 sets

Directly after toe presses
Leg press
100kg x20

Went rather well tonight, the increase on shoulder presses was rather tough and I'm happy with the sets I managed

Gym back and shoulders*
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 9

Chin ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5
14kg x3
16kg x2
18kg x2
22.5kg x12 4 sets
20kg x12

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
90kg (200lbs)x5
110kg (240lbs) x10 5 sets

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
59kg x12 5*sets + 2 10lbs dumbbells
35kg x10

Side later raises
11.27kg (25lbs) *x10 3 sets
9kg (20lbs) x10 2 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 5
+25kg x2
+25kg x10 5 sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
35kg x10 5 sets
25kg x20

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle
26 lengths of gym
1 sets of 6
3 sets of 4
2 sets of 4

Barbell plate shrugs
25kg x12 3 sets

Seated leg raises
+5lbs/2.27kg x12 5 sets

Leg press toe presses
100kg x20 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling

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Completely wrecked tonight.

Training went well, and I want an early'ish night.

Gym chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 10

Chest press
(seat height 2nd notch)
70kg x10
90kg x5
110kg x2
125kg x1
140kg x10 5 sets
70kg x10

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
10kg x10 5 sets

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Wide grip
27kg x10 5 sets

Narrow grip
27kg x8 5 sets

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle
26 lengths of gym
1 sets of 6
5 sets of 4

Seated leg raises
+5lbs / 2.26kg
X 12 5 sets*


Glad I finally got five full sets on the chest press. I'm sure I'll be feelin that in the next few days though :D
Whoop! Finished all the exercises within 1 hour and 45 mins. 45mins faster than my average. Legs are in bits though. ^_^

Gym legs
10 mins crosstrainer*
Random hill setting
Resistance 10

Leg press plate loaded
70kg x5
90kg x10
100kg x5
120kg x3
140kg x2
160kg x12 5 sets
Drop sets
110kg x20*
90kg x20

Seated hamstring curler
130kg x12 5 sets (280lbs)

Leg extensions
130kg x12 5 sets*(280lbs)

Leg press/ calve toe presses
110kg x20 5 sets

Directly after toe presses
Leg press*
110kg x20*


Very happy with myself.

To think my surgeon and doctors said I'd only be doing light "toning" weights from now on and never go over 10kg.

Today was a mess, was about 8 chaps in there with backwards baseball caps standing around taking up space with dumbells everywhere on the ground.

Two hours in and I barely managed to get half my stuff done.
My back felt uncomfortable and a little too tense.

Back and shoulders
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 10

Chin ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5
14kg x3
16kg x2
18kg x2
22.5kg x12 4 sets
22.5kg x9 FAIL!!
20kg x5

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
90kg (200lbs)x5
120kg (260lbs) x10 4 sets
110kg x10*

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
64kg x12 5 sets + 2 15lbs dumbbells
40kg x10

Side later raises
11.27kg (25lbs) *x10 4 sets
9kg (20lbs) x10 1 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 5
+25kg x10 5*sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
40kg x5
37.5kg x10 3 sets
30kg x10 2 sets
20kg x20

Stretches + foam rolling

Will be taking all of next week off for recovery. Will only be going in for cardio on Tuesday and Thursday.

It'll also give me some extra time to study before my exam.
A nice and relaxed cardio day. I managed to beat the rain to the gym as well.

Quite happy about that as shorts and a tshirt would have been pointless in the rain.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer*
Random interval setting
base Resistence 10

5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 10

5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 5.5 speed 4

Another wet and boring day

Also noticed there's some pressure in my chest, especially where (on the right side) the 2nd costal cartilage and sternal angle meets my sternum and it was a little pronounced. I felt a big POP as I was stretching and doing a few push ups and the pressure was gone.

Not the first that has happned, feels so odd but that pop feels like a knuckle being cracked and feels amazing after.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer*
Random interval setting
base Resistence 10

5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 10

5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 10 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 5.5 speed 4

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A week off with did my back good but I regressed a little on the chest training.
That should be back on track next week, still have plenty of study to do this week and that's a priority.

Still it didnt go too badly today. Got it done at least, and no pressure or discomfort in my lower back.
My right spinal erector was just a little more tense than the left.

Gym chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 11

Chest press
(seat height 2nd notch)
70kg x10
90kg x5
110kg x2
125kg x2
145kg x10 3 sets
135kg x10*
135kg x5
130kg x9 FAIL*
80kg x10

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
10kg x10 4 sets
10kg x5 FAIL
7.5kg x5

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Wide grip
27kg x10 5 sets

Narrow grip
27kg x8 5 sets

Farmers walk
30kg thick handle
26 lengths of gym
1 sets of 6
5 sets of 4

Seated leg raises
+10lbs / 4.5kg
X 12 5 sets*

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