Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Well I'm either going to be doing the Southern or the Central qualifiers

Southern is usually down near Bournemouth, then the Central is at St. Albans :)

It would be easier for me and give me a month extra preparation if I did the Central, so I may just do that one. That's a lot easier for people to get too as well :)
25 Sep 2006
St Albans is 20 minutes drive for me so would deffinatly pop down and give you some cheers.

Providing I'm not at work! Any idea if it's likely to be during the week/weekend day/evening?
25 Sep 2006
I'm up for it. Don't spend my Sundays doing much at the moment! Not sure what I'll be doing in June next year though! But I'll pencil it in for now :)

Now you can't let me down! :p
25 Sep 2006
You're welcome. Got plenty of time and you've got your head screwed on so I'm sure you'll do well.

It's odd how the encouragement of strangers on an internet forum can help! I know it helped me lots towards the end of my cut this year so have got bucket loads of it for you.

Just noticed you're not far from Oxford. If you're ever around Watford and want to train just give me a heads up!
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey guys

Sorry I didn't update this last week. Don't worry I haven't been slacking off.

Tuesday 12th October - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Leg Extensions 4x20 (25kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Squats 4x12 (Barweight, 50kg, 60kg, 60kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (35kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Walking Lunges 4x12 (BW, BW, BW, BW)

Actually couldn't even walk to the bike after today let alone do another 10 minutes. Felt bad, but was sure the workout I did more than made up for the lack of cardio

Thursday 14th October - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (16kg, 16kg, 24kg, 26kg, 26kg)
Bench Press 3x8 (50kg, 60kg, 60kg)
Incline Bench Press 3x6 (Bar, 60kg, 60kg)
Incline Flys 2x10 (12kg, 12kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 35kg, 15kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)
Skullcrushers 2x10 (15kg, 15kg)

Again, no cardio today, my legs still felt too sore from Tuesday :( I also think I need to see Rob this week again for some more tips on form for flies and stuff, as it just felt more like it was working my delts than my chest

Friday 15th October - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Lat Pulldowns 5x8 (35kg, 55kg, 75kg, 75kg, 55kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (40kg, 45kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (45kg, 40kg)
Deadlifts 3x12 (Bar, 50kg, 50kg)
Single Arm Rows 3x6 (18kg, 22kg, 26kg)
Incline Curls 3x20 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg) For blood volume, he wasn't kidding!
Alternate Incline Curls (resting arms stays tensed) 2x10 each arm (8kg, 8kg)
Hammer Curls 2x6 (10kg, 10kg)
Pyramid Bar Curls 3x15 (25kg, 20kg, 15kg)

This is by far my best day, I love the pump you get from the arm exercises, and it's definitely working my arms in ways I wasn't before. Only trouble is answering the phone at my work after, it's a bit of a task :p

All in all the week was good, I was worried I would struggle without Rob there to push me, by my temporary training partner is making sure I work just as hard and doesn't allow me to rest or give up on sets. The pain is just as intense at times so I know I'm doing it right :p

The eating is killer though, a couple of times I've not been hungry, just because I've been so tired from workouts, and forcing yourself to eat when you're not hungry is horrible. But I know how important the eating side of it is, especially now as I'm trying to pack on every last pound of muscle I can
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 18th October - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x8 (10kg, 20kg, 22kg, 24kg, 26kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (6kg, 6kg, 8kg)
Lying Rear Delt Raise 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Standing Reverse Flys 2x12 (8kg, 8kg)
Front Raises with Bar 4x6 (15kg, 15kg, 15kg, 17.5kg)
DB Shrugs 4x15 (22kg, 26kg, 26kg, 26kg)

Tuesday 19th October - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Leg Extensions 4x20 (25kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Squats 4x12 (Barweight, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (40kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Walking Lunges 3x12 (5kg, 5kg, 5kg)

Thursday 21st October - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (18kg, 18kg, 24kg, 26kg, 26kg)
Bench Press 3x8 (60kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Incline Bench Press 3x6 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Pec Deck 3x8 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)
Skullcrushers 2x10 (17.5kg, 17.5kg)

Friday 22nd October - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Lat Pulldowns 5x8 (40kg, 55kg, 60kg, 65kg, 55kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (45kg, 50kg)
Deadlifts 3x12 (Bar, 60kg, 60kg)
Single Arm Rows 3x6 (18kg, 22kg, 26kg)
Incline Curls 3x20 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Alternate Incline Curls (resting arms stays tensed) 2x10 each arm (8kg, 8kg)
Hammer Curls 2x6 (10kg, 10kg)

This week was tough, I'm feeling so tired at the weekends at the moment because of the workouts. I just don't feel fully recovered, not in terms of muscle recovery, but energy wise by Monday.

I'm still getting through it, but by Friday this week I was really running on empty. Again, if my training partner wasn't there, I would have found it easy to quit on a few sets

Also I'm retaining so much water at the moment on this diet, fat isn't too bad but my belly constantly looks bloated, so going to see him next week to talk about this.

I'm upping the weights at a steady rate at the moment too. I took a massive dip in all my weights starting this new routine as it was all about perfect form. But I'm finding now I have that form, I'm able to keep increasing the weights every week without my form suffering, so that's good news for me.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Well today I puked up everywhere in the showers after my leg workout

Pushed myself to do one extra set of walking lunges right at the end of my workout. My legs collapsed at the end and I felt so lightheaded

Got into the showers and just boffed everywhere :(

Think it was just because they're a cardio exercise just as much as a weights one, so it just sapped everything from me :(
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25 Sep 2006
There's a sight for sore eyes.

A naked man, vomitting all over himself in the shower unable to walk :(

Shows your determination though!

Keep it up it'll all be worth it! Not the chundering bit I mean!
25 Sep 2006
Haha luckily it's cubicle showers, or yes, I would have been extremely red faced :(

If it wasn't cubicles, depending on the circumference of you mouth at the time of vomiting you'd want to be careful not to 'spray' anyone with chunks :eek:

I know how you mean about having given it your all to the point even just walking makes you feel like breaking down and sobbing like a school girl. Nothing a power nap doesn't fix though.

Train legs - immediatley sleep = gooood.
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
There's a sight for sore eyes.

A naked man, vomitting all over himself in the shower unable to walk :(

I lold at the thought, not gonna lie :eek:

Great work though steedie! Is the guy training you a natural competitor? Just seems very low rest time compared to the usual. But I suppose the important thing is you're gaining off it (are you?)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah totally natural, they polygraph every competitor as well as regular drug tests. The list of banned substances is huge, and isn't just limited to growth hormones.

I am gaining, I think my biggest gains are my rear delts, even in a month they are noticeably bigger. They were so far behind the rest of my shoulders so I'm pleased.
But all round I'm noticing a difference, I feel a lot fuller and firmer too, especially my legs. Already I'm unable to wear a couple of my pairs of jeans that were borderline tight before

So I'm pleased. I must admit I'm worried at the state of my body come March, and how much fat I'll have put on. But I'm confident it will work out. Rob did say that your first contest is total pot luck as to how conditioned you'll come in, as everyone reacts differently in those final weeks. Some people come in looking too flat, but then hold water when they eat carbs to fill out. Some people come in looking too full and the detail isn't there.

But as I say, I'm confident he's set me up to give myself the best chance
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 25th October - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x8 (18kg, 18kg, 22kg, 24kg, 26kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (8kg, 6kg, 8kg)
Lying Rear Delt Raise 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Standing Reverse Flys 2x12 (8kg, 8kg)
Front Raises with Bar 4x6 (17.5kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg)
DB Shrugs 4x15 (28kg, 28kg, 28kg, 28kg)

Tuesday 26th October - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Leg Extensions 4x20 (25kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Squats 4x12 (40kg, 80kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (40kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Walking Lunges 3x12 (7.5kg, 7.55kg, 7.5kg, 7.5kg)

Thursday 28th October - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (18kg, 18kg, 26kg, 26kg, 28kg)
Bench Press 3x8 (70kg, 75kg, 75kg)
Incline Bench Press 3x6 (80kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Pec Deck 3x8 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)
Skullcrushers 2x10 (20kg, 20kg)

Friday 29th October - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Lat Pulldowns 5x8 (40kg, 55kg, 60kg, 70kg, 65kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Deadlifts 3x12 (40kg, 90kg, 90kg)
Single Arm Rows 3x6 (18kg, 22kg, 26kg)
Incline Curls 3x20 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Alternate Incline Curls (resting arms stays tensed) 2x10 each arm (8kg, 8kg)
Hammer Curls 2x6 (10kg, 10kg)

This week I felt a bit more energetic, think it's because I got plenty of rest over the last weekend.

Definitely helped and I upped my weights on nearly every exercise. I'm still getting insane DOMS every day from this routine. I know that's not everything in getting DOMS, but it's showing me I'm working the right parts like I should be

Eating is still causing me to be a bit bloated. I've upped my water intake to about 6 litres a day if i can and oddly that seems to be helping a bit, but I'm training with Rob again next week so might ask him to tweak the diet a bit

And apologies guys, but I went out last night and for the first time in about 4 months had alcohol :( Was the first time I'd seen my best mate and been out with him in months so got caught up in the occasion. Wouldn't say I binged but had about 3 pints, and polished off most of a bottle of wine with food before hand. It's amazing how guilty I felt with each sip ha, and thinking how my bodies protein synthesis and testosterone levels are dropping with each gulp (what a geek). But like I said, it's a rare event for me and I'll probably be going a few months again, although saying that, come March, I'll not be touching a single drop until after the compeition
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25 Sep 2006
Gotta live life mate :)

Don't feel too guilty but as long as you remain focused and dedicated you'll still achieve.

Visited a friend at uni myself last night. Stopped out and all I could think about when I woke up was how hungry I was and that it'd been 14 hours since I last ate! And she had no, and I mean none, food in her cupboards at all!

Full english sorted it out though for lunch :D
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