Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah that's the other thing that bugs me since I've been lifting and dieting properly. If I haven't eaten a source of protein every 3-4 hours I start worrying :p
15 Jan 2005
You don't want to start getting neurotic about it. Yes, it's the consistency that pays off in the end, but if you're unable to enjoy the occasional night out without fretting about cortisol levels and testosterone, you're not going to be having a lot of fun.
13 May 2010
Yeah that's the other thing that bugs me since I've been lifting and dieting properly. If I haven't eaten a source of protein every 3-4 hours I start worrying :p

You don't want to start getting neurotic about it. Yes, it's the consistency that pays off in the end, but if you're unable to enjoy the occasional night out without fretting about cortisol levels and testosterone, you're not going to be having a lot of fun.

Skull talks a lot of sense.

Mate, I bench 120kg incline for 8, 130 for 5. I can deadlift 200kg+, im 16 stone WITH abs. Im also natural.

I also go out and drink ALCOHOL every weekend. I also eat more or less what I want. I eat when I want, im not anal about diet but im smart about it I know how to manipulate diet.

People on here will call me a genetic God etc, but I just like to live life how I want to live it, im 20 years old. The only time I'd tell you to be anal about your diet is when you are dieting as consistency is needed. This whole NEED PROTEINZ EVERY 3 HOURS is pretty daft.

Example on saturday I had a show to do but it was 130 miles away, so I had pretty much zero food between 3pm till I got there at 7pm and still didn't eat! and then did my show etc and got back about 11pm then went to club got steam boats came home about 6am crashed out woke up at like 2pm, think how long I went without food for lmfao? Have I lost size? no. Infact im up a pound.

Im not saying do this but im saying if you keep being totally anal about every little thing your just gonna get stressed out and paranoid etc.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah I know, I think sometimes I worry too much

For example...

As I do my arm workout on a Friday, over the weekend, I'm really cautious about doing anything that will tire my arms, like washing my car properly as an example, right now I can't think of anything, well maybe one thing :p but you get the idea. Incase it ruins my "resting" period

I think it's just because right now I know I'm only doing this competing business once, so I want to make sure I get the absolute maximum out of these next 8 months as I can. And I worry if I don't eat properly or skip meals, or don't rest properly, I'm going to regret that on the day as maybe having missed that extra bit

Sometimes it does annoy me, like if I'm at a friends and I'm thinking "Maybe I should head back soon as it's nearly time to eat", I mean it's ridiculous I know and probably making me seem a right pleb, but this is something I want to make sure I give 100% too
13 May 2010
^Lol your on track mate, stop getting worked up or you will make mistakes.

Also to add to the list I suffer from insomnia rarely sleep, and ontop of that I train my triceps monday, biceps tuesday and biceps and triceps on saturday. And pump up over the weekend lmao. But still sporting 18 inch arms at the moment.

Change things up, different things may work better for you.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 1st November - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Standing BB Shoulder Press 4x10 (Bar, 30kg, 30kg, 40kg, Bar)
Standing Lateral Raises 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Lying Rear Delt Row 3x10 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated BB Press Behind Head 5x (Bar, Bar, 30kg, 40kg, 30kg)*
DB Shrugs 4x12 (28kg, 28kg, 28kg, 28kg)* Supersetted

Tuesday 2nd November - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Leg Extensions 4x20 (25kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Squats 4x12 (40kg, 80kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Leg Press 2x12 (200kg, 200kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (40kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Walking Lunges 3x12 (7.5kg, 7.55kg, 7.5kg, 7.5kg)
Seated Calf Raises 3x20 (140kg, 150kg, 150kg)

Thursday 4th November - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (18kg, 18kg, 26kg, 26kg, 28kg)
Smith Press with total rest at bottom 3x8 (60kg, 60kg, 50kg)
Incline Flys 3x10 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Chest Press 2x10 1x until failure 3/4 reps (50kg, 50kg, 30kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)

Friday 5th November - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Lat Pulldowns 4x8 (40kg, 55kg, 60kg, 70kg, 65kg) * Superset
Wide Grip Chins 3x8 (BW, BW, BW) * Superset
Lying Row 3x8 (40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
T Bar Rows 3x12 (30kg, 50kg, 40kg)
Deadlifts 3x6 (70kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Incline Curls (Sat leaning forward slightly) 3x15 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Seated Hammer Curls 2x12 (10kg, 10kg)
Bar Curls 1x 7 (Barweight) 2x 7 full reps, 7 3/4 reps (Barweight, Barweight)
Lying Hammer Curls 2x8 (10kg, 10kg)

Back training with Rob this week so we changed the routine up a little bit. Shoulders was a really good workout, apparently I have some tightness doing press movements behind my head which means my rear delts aren't up to speed with my front delts, so we focused on that a lot. Absolutely killed me, and by the seated press, I was relying on him for most of the reps on the last set. Supersetting it with shrugs was so painful but I had such a good pump on it, looked like my neck had been swallowed up!

Legs was pretty much the same except with the added leg press and calf exercise, I didn't throw up this week, although I felt like I wanted too. Holding calf contractions for at least a second for 20 reps results in a rather interesting limp on the way home. But again, my legs feel so much fuller recently so it's obviously working

My chest, the smith press! WOW! Basically, on the smith machine you set the safety latches to the point where the bar is just touching your chest. You power up to the top, hold it, slowly down then let it hit the latches and pause for a second, taking all momentum out of it. Doing that really pumps your chest, also, Rob pushing it down with me having to push against it so it came down slower made it so so hard :D And doing 3/4 reps on the chest press is great for exhausting your chest. Really gets all the blood into it and feels like you're finishing off well, except it made dips rather difficult

Finally todays workout. Was totally different, and after supersetting lat pulldowns with extra slow pulldown, with chins, man, I was finished after that. I felt about 50ft wide, and I was really really hurting, but I was allowed a 30 second rest then straight back into it.
First time I'd ever done T Bar rows and it definitely showed, my form was awful at first, I was pulling with my arms rather than using my back. But by the last set, I'd nailed it and I must admit they are an awesome exercise. Really really hit your back hard

As usual the arm exercises were insane. Just as I was getting used to the first workout, we mix it up and it gets just as painful again. By the end, the lying hammer curls, he was pretty much doing it for me :p but he wouldn't let me stop, and that's why he's so good. He doesn't let you quit even if you really think you can't do anymore. I do sometimes wonder if it's too much volume on the Back/Bi day, but when you see what it's done for him, you can see it can work. Obviously my body might be different, but right now it feels like its working for me
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Also guys, I haven't asked him yet and won't get a chance until Monday now but I'd like your input as well

How often when doing an intense routine like this should I have a week off, I'm planning on having the last week of this month off, so that would be 8 weeks on. That way I'm fresh for my training week with Rob

Or should I leave it longer? Just worried about losing any time at all
25 Nov 2008
Guildford, Surrey.
No longer than 8 weeks, ideally. 6 weeks is a standard periodisation timetable I stick to when planning with clients but it can vary, as you dont want to overtain and burn out your central nervous system which is easy to do. Just in my humble opinion.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 8th November - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Standing BB Shoulder Press 4x10 (Bar, 30kg, 30kg, 40kg)
Standing Lateral Raises 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Lying Rear Delt Row 3x10 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Front Raises 3x8 (12.5kg, 12.5kg 12.5kg)
Seated BB Press Behind Head 5x (Bar, Bar, 30kg, 40kg, 30kg)*
DB Shrugs 4x12 (28kg, 28kg, 28kg, 28kg)* Supersetted

Tuesday 9th November - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Leg Extensions 4x20 (25kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Squats Pyramid (70kg x10, 80kg x8, 90kg x6, 100kg x4, 120kg x2)
Leg Press 2x12 (200kg, 200kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (45kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Walking Lunges 3x12 (7.5kg, 7.55kg, 7.5kg)
Standing Calf Raises 3x20 (110kg, 120kg, 120kg)

Thursday 11th November - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (18kg, 18kg, 26kg, 28kg, 28kg)
Smith Press with total rest at bottom 3x8 (70kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Incline Flys 3x10 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Chest Press 2x10 1x until failure 3/4 reps (50kg, 50kg, 30kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg, 32.5kg)
Dips 3x8 (BW, BW)

Friday 12th November - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Lat Pulldowns 4x8 (40kg, 55kg, 60kg, 70kg, 65kg) * Superset
Wide Grip Chins 3x8 (BW, BW, BW) * Superset
Lying Row 3x8 (40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
T Bar Rows 3x12 (30kg, 50kg, 40kg)
Deadlifts 3x6 (80kg, 90kg, 90kg)
Incline Curls (Sat leaning forward slightly) 3x15 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Bar Curls 1x 7 (Barweight) 2x 7 full reps, 7 3/4 reps (Barweight, Barweight)
Lying Hammer Curls 2x8 (10kg, 10kg)

Was a good week this, I added a few of my own things, like pyramid sets on Squats on leg day, just because I wanted to make sure I'm lifting heavy still sometimes.

My weight is slowly creeping towards 100kg, I think I'm going to be about 105-110kg before I start losing weight. Which is scary given I only have 16 weeks to do it. But I'm assured it's possible. I'm feeling a little bit fat in places but I'm not worried as it's winter and I'm not walking around topless anyhow. Just my clothes are getting a bit tight :p
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 15th November - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x8 (20kg, 22kg, 24kg, 26kg, 26kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (8kg, 6kg, 8kg)
Lying Rear Delt Raise 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 3x12 (40kg, 40kg, 45kg)
Front Raises with Bar 4x6 (17.5kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg)
DB Shrugs 4x15 (28kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)

Tuesday 16th November - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
10 minutes on the bike
Squats Pyramid 10, 8, 6, 6, 4, 2 (90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg)
Leg Press 3 x 8 (200kg, 200kg, 200kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x15 (50kg, 55kg, 55kg)
Walking Lunges 3x12 (17.5kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg)
Seated Calf Raises 3x20 (150kg, 160kg, 160kg)

Thursday 18th November - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (22kg, 24kg, 26kg, 28kg, 30kg)
Pause Press 3x8 (60kg, 65kg, 65kg)
Incline Flies 3x10 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Pec Deck 3x8 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Chest Press 3x8 (50kg, 60kg, 30kg (until failure))
Cable Pushdowns 5x10 (25kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg, 27.5kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)
Skullcrushers 2x10 (25kg, 25kg)

Friday 19th November - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Lat Pulldowns 4x8 (55kg, 55kg, 60kg, 70kg, 65kg) Superset
Wide Grip Chins (4x8) Superset
Deadlifts 5x5 (100kg, 100kg, 110kg, 100kg, 100kg)
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
T Bar Rows 4x8 (60kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Preacher Curls 3x8 (14kg, 16kg, 16kg)
Incline Curls 3x15 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg)
Alternate Incline Curls (resting arms stays tensed) 2x10 each arm (8kg, 8kg)

Had an awesome week this week and raised a lot of PB's

Best was squats hitting 140kg, felt it for days after and the DOMS didn't go until about Friday, but I loved it and will definitely aim to do at least 140kg again next workout

Week off for me now, before my 2 weeks in a row with Rob
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I never got round to doing them with Rob that week and I'm always right before another client as he's always so busy, so it's finding time

I would take my own but my poses are rubbish

I can take my own if pics would help this diary though, as like I say, it's finding time with him to take them
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Back in the gym this week after all

Spoke to Rob last night and asked him what he felt about weeks off. He said he can't remembers the last time he had a week off, and doesn't really see the need for it unless you're body is telling you too or you have a niggling injury that won't go away

So that's good enough for me, my week off will be over Christmas, I'm going to push on until then.

I tried for ages last night taking pics, but it's near on impossible getting the camera set up right and in a good position

I will try though! I appreciate this journal isn't much without pics
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
I will be following this thread mate, keep up the good work!

I think I met Rob back when he was a sprinter and playing football, small world!
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah he was an awesome footballer. Had trials for all sorts of teams. And he was such a fast runner too!

He's very gifted athletically

I was so surprised when I came back from uni after my first year during the Summer to hear he gave up the football for bodybuilding, but it's worked out brilliantly for him
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
202 days mate

Oh and for anyone interested

The Southern qualifiers this year will be in Bognor Regis on the 12th June
If I do the Central, which is more likely at the moment because of people wanting to come, it's July 31st at St. Albans

I'm going to decide on which to do in March which should be when I'm starting the dieting. If I need a bit more work we'll do the Central for sure, if he feels I'm ready then I have the luxury of being able to choose :)
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