Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard”

some form of encryption would make sense, even then it won't be infallible.

Absolutely, it’s not infallible but it adds a definite "brick wall" to the casual laptop thief, even more so when you consider that pretty good encryption is available as freeware... to have (sensitive) open documents and such on HDD's and flash devices is just unprofessional, and frankly's the officials who should be locked up for negligence, not the laptop "thief" - he should be locked up for theft.
I am quite sshocked they do not have to sign disclaimers when tranporting sensitive info, that makes them personally liable if it were to be intercepted.
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Internet 2, the end of the internet?

Time magazine reported last year that researchers funded by the federal government want to shut down the internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are loopholes in the system whereby users cannot be tracked and traced all the time. The projects echo moves reported to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet 2.

In a display of bi-partisanship, there have recently been calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens by both Democrats and Republicans alike.

The White House's own recently de-classified strategy for "winning the war on terror" targets Internet conspiracy theories as a recruiting ground for terrorists and threatens to "diminish" their influence.

The Pentagon recently announced its effort to infiltrate the Internet and propagandize for the war on terror.

In a speech last October, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a "terror training camp," through which "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills." His solution is "intelligence fusion centers," staffed by Homeland Security personnel which will go into operation next year.

The U.S. Government wants to force bloggers and online grassroots activists to register and regularly report their activities to Congress. Criminal charges including a possible jail term of up to one year could be the punishment for non-compliance.

A landmark legal case on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America and other global trade organizations seeks to criminalize all Internet file sharing of any kind as copyright infringement, effectively shutting down the world wide web - and their argument is supported by the U.S. government.

A landmark legal ruling in Sydney goes further than ever before in setting the trap door for the destruction of the Internet as we know it and the end of alternative news websites and blogs by creating the precedent that simply linking to other websites is breach of copyright and piracy.

The European Union, led by former Stalinist and potential future British Prime Minister John Reid, has also vowed to shut down "terrorists" who use the Internet to spread propaganda.

The EU data retention bill, passed last year after much controversy and with implementation tabled for late 2007, obliges telephone operators and internet service providers to store information on who called who and who emailed who for at least six months. Under this law, investigators in any EU country, and most bizarrely even in the US, can access EU citizens' data on phone calls, SMS messages, emails and instant messaging services.

The EU also recently proposed legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video without a license.

The US government is also funding research into social networking sites and how to gather and store personal data published on them, according to the New Scientist magazine. "At the same time, US lawmakers are attempting to force the social networking sites themselves to control the amount and kind of information that people, particularly children, can put on the sites."

There is a lot of Prison Planet links, but if you follow the link and just under the title there should be a blue hyperlink taking you to the official news source.

I've already posted this on speakers corner ( but i'm after other peoples opinions then the normal people who visit the corner.
I'm delighted that we've got a rational video for a change, but what's the significance?

This is just an interview with a US senator. He could be talking about the price of corn in Dakota for all the difference it makes to the rest of the world.
I'm scared to link a youtube video from the actual C-Span video in case it gets closed for it being classed as a "youtube thread"
It's pretty simple really. I'm guessing you just posted the YouTube vid, and that got closed. A mod (correctly IMO) made the call that such belongs in the YouTube thread. Starting a thread to discuss the content of a video (as you now have) is entirely different.

Anyway, yes, the internet is indeed considered dangerous by many people around the world. That's why China censors the crap out of it. And - in case you weren't aware - the UK also has a system in place that can censor 95% of internet connections. Both are of course avoidable using proxies located elsewhere.

The thing with the internet, however, is that it is also an invaluable intelligence tool. That's precisely why projects like ECHELON exist (sorry if you think I've just alerted GCHQ to your presence in this thread - please get over it).
Notice how a lot of things are planned for 2012. I do think someone thing is going to happen in around this time and i am not sure how it will all link together.

But at least we will learn very shortly.
I'm delighted that we've got a rational video for a change, but what's the significance?

This is just an interview with a US senator. He could be talking about the price of corn in Dakota for all the difference it makes to the rest of the world.

I whole heartedly agree, but when you consider most government bods think nothing of saving files on unencrypted devices, be it a a laptop or portable drive, its pretty freeking un-nerving when they have one too many sherries and leave it in th gents club...
I'm delighted that we've got a rational video for a change

Wonder if you'd have classed it the same way if it was someone else on a video camera, reading from a news release from a non MSM media source.

This is just an interview with a US senator. He could be talking about the price of corn in Dakota for all the difference it makes to the rest of the world.

I posted this because of the complete rubbish coming out of that guys mouth. Its amazing people like him can get away with saying this.
Teki, John Reid used to be a Communist; not a "Stalinist". He once famously said: "I used to be Communist. I used to believe in Santa Claus" (source). Labelling him a "Stalinist" just to make him sound more scary is nothing short of mindless propaganda.

Still, you get 5 points for posting a video by Athene.
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