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Rocket lake leaks

29 May 2005
Last edited:
29 May 2005
it only clocks to 4.5GHz. Tho even tho that cpu can do 5GHz it seems the ST speed will be at best on par with Zen3.
29 May 2005
That is the thing. Intel 14nm is a hog when it comes to wattage.

Those chips are 125w TDP that’s intel’s usual non boosted TDP. So they can easily go to 200w.
29 May 2005
Ddr5 and pcie5 is just a handy excuse. Being intel they would have switched boards and pin counts just so that they could. Hopefully am5 goes like am4 and lasts a few generations of CPUs
I think AMD would do well if they can release new chipset and board that is out of factory have new CPU support without needing bios flash back etc whilst also maintaining socket support on older boards so people can still do in socket upgrades.

it seems average user really struggle with BIOS flash via USB ports.
29 May 2005
IPC of rocket lake is defintiely down on Zen 3.

AMD have scope to reduce pricing when rocket drops - and also they will have much better availability by then too.

or they can release better binned chips such as XT range (but makes the naming of CPU similar to the last gen GPU is not a good idea).

Or they can release a whole raft of cheaper SKUs like the 3700x and 3600 equivalent to undermine intel.

Intel is playing ctach up, AMD is coming from a position of strength so got loads of things they can do. But I feel AMD is really focusing on GPU production atm trying to get GPUs out to Sony and MS as well as AIBs and coming up a way to deal with DLSS;

not to mention all the enterprise sectors they are focusing as well as OEM and Laptop space. i don't know if they are going to be biting off too much to chew by spreading their resources too thin. there is only 1 Lisa Su...
29 May 2005
Like Humbug (and the entire industry) said, Bulldozer was an unmitigated disaster.
You should do yourself a favour and learn to see things more objectively.

In any case, if Intel's architecture was so bad, how come it's taken AMD so long to catch up?
You seem to use metrics from cloud cuckoo land.
I think you have gone from one spectrum to the next.

@4K8KW10 has a valid point in his statement. In the age of multicore CPUs and work loads even experienced by average joe gamers, intel’s 2021 top offering is a mere 8c16t sku is laughable. It is a giant step back from their 2020 offerings. This is clearly the issue intel has battled with over the last half decade.

their IPC has not bettered in the same time either. Only when the competition came along in the form of AMD “glued” together chipsets (which is inspired). Have they had to do some hard looking at in their architectural design department. Seriously 6 years no IPC gain and only in the 7th years 25% IPC gain. It is pathetic.

AMD did 40% in 3 years. From zen to zen3.

people keep on saying AMD taking this long to catch up. It is not that black and white. If you peddle that sort of statements you are basically as pig headed as any other fan boy/ brand worshipers.

The cold reality is that design doesn’t happen overnight. When AMD went down the track of bulldozer, it wasn’t like they could have just chuck 3 years of R&D straight into the bin. All the investment has to come to something and the people at the top believed in it and wanted to see some sort of outcome whilst everyone else can clearly see it was a dead end. That’s why a change of direction at the top in these moments usually brings fresh ideas and new perspective and can turn a situation around. Also AMD was close to bankruptcy so they didn’t have the resources to commit and buy partnerships like intel is able to. They had to slowly chip away at the market shares to get the reputation building and the investment coming in and the cash building. If they had loads of cash and resources 3yrs ago, zen would be a different chip - probably closer to zen2 with better board supports etc
29 May 2005
Won’t be surprised there. Faster single core makes up the lack of cores.

so the two should be similar.

but if someone has 10900k what is the incentive to upgrade to 11900k or whatever the top sku there is. You get less cores and the same amount of horse power. Those with >8cores must have a reason for needing them. Other than just being the most expensive CPU money can buy.
29 May 2005
I don't know what you mean by one spectrum to the next. Unfortunately it's a bit telling that you've also also accused me of peddling statements that could indicate bias.
You can spin it any way you want, so can Intel, or AMD, or Glofo or anybody. The fact is, you can't criticise one company for being so bad at something, but defend another company for taking so long to catch (and surpass) it.

Your post contains a number of emotive words like 'laughable', 'inspired', 'pathetic', so it's clear that you're lacking some objectively. As a consumer, I do my research and buy whatever suits my use case and budget at the time. You're reading too much into things, I'm not interested in brands, I'm interested in products.

you criticise AMD for its slow progress and at the same time defend intel’s glacial progress?

bulldozer was horrific. Skylake and the subsequent lakes are stagnations and horrific also due to Intel’s lack of progress on fabrications. Two horror shows don’t make a family Christmas blockbuster. Justifying AMD has had this and done that wrong is not a way to justify intel’s lacking.

you claim to be an informed consumer and unbiased in your opinion. But your words and statements thus far clearly don’t indicate so much. I don’t think I have read into too much of anything, i am just calling it for what it is.
29 May 2005
I haven't actually criticised or defended either company. You're the only one comparing them. You're just calling it as you see it, not as it is.
And actually, it's quite a feat to draw the conclusions that you already have, it just reads like a deflection tactic on your part.
But I'm happy to leave it as is, as it's not fair to derail the thread too much as this feels like a bit of a storm in a teacup :)

if you read back 4k8k's comments, he was implying the intel's 9th and 10th gens are high power consumption CPUs based on very old architecture which had been rehashed for better half of a decade and on a fabrication node that has been juiced as much as it can give. the 11th gen probably will also run very hot. this was in direct comment to someone mentioning bulldozer was power inefficient and ran extremely hot.

you then chipped in and tried to school him about AMD on the back of that. it's hard for someone reading it not to think you are trying to defend intel's past shenanigans.

intel and amd both have had shockers in the past. intel (hopefully) is trying sort their stuff out so they can get more competitive fabrications so can give us better value products. or cause AMD to re-evaluate their pricing. long live competition.
29 May 2005
Rocket lake slower than comet lake for games?

the guy claims he picked up the CPU in the back of a taxi! yeah right...

BIOS probably not refined to run that chip properly yet. may improve later. also didnt he mention some issues with drivers that he cant load in GPU other than 1660TI and some weird PCIe behaviour
29 May 2005
What was a point of releasing 11xxx. Just a stop gap, so people wont forget about them. Anyone that will be upgrading to 11xxx series must be a bit daft. When intel will be releasing new cpu's later in the year.
I don’t think many on 10th would bothered to go to 11th.

people on earlier gens will have a choice of Zen3, Zen2, 10th Gen or this 10th Gen clone.

right now based on availability and prices 10th low end sku KF parts look really good value even compared with zen2 which I’m usually bodes well for £/core. But prices on amd parts have gone up on zen2 and zen3
29 May 2005
Rocket lake prices leaked, 11900k MSRP is 604Euro

Are these pricing right. Why is the KF more expensive that the K.

was hoping intel will be competitive on the price so AMD will lower their price to match.

Clearly not the case. So much for cheaper CPUs. Will have to wait till Oct/Nov for discount at this rate.
29 May 2005
8c-250w- no faster than last gen 10core CPU and costing the same as AMD 16core SKU is a bit of a disaster.

maybe intel just won’t bother with the i9s. Maybe they are looking to shift a load of i3s and i5s. That’s where the values are considering 5600x is still selling above MSRP in uk and likely to be even more expensive due to brexit tax.

176 euro for an unlocked 6c i5 looks pretty exciting assuming it can reach high OC. Which should be faster than the 10400f if those IPC gains are to be believed. If AMD don’t bring out a sub 200 zen 3 SKU I reckon for budget builds, loads of i5s would be snapped up with people hoping to pick up cheaper i7 11th gen or i9 10th gen some where down the line. Who knows...
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