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Rocket lake leaks

29 May 2005

Interesting set of charts. It’s pretty even.

but the noticeable difference is the intel 11900k has to boost to 5.2GHz on all cores to keep up with the 5800x in games.

this suggest the alder lake has quite a bit of IPC gap still to zen3? The CB r20 MT score is impressive but nothing spectacular as 12c 5900x is way way ahead.
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29 May 2005
I won't be cheerleading for either company. But giving AMD a free pass because they aren't Intel, doesn't really help matters either.

My view is that both companies are only going to do what makes them the most profit. I'm sure AMD would be just as shady if they were in a position to do so. Corporate greed and shady practices weren't invented by Intel, and Intel won't be the last company to be caught doing something they shouldn't.

I'm not looking to buy Intel either. But I am hoping that they push AMD hard. For the sake of prices - and - for the sake of the innovation/progress you talk of.

If AMD gets a comfortable lead year-on-year, you can see them getting complacent too. It's just human nature.

e: And perhaps complacency isn't the only fear, either. "Drip-feeding" is another fear.
Who is giving who free pass exactly???

what is going on here...are we Fox News all of sudden? Making up stories billy willy now?

people are buying AMD platform because it is outright the best product atm.

The few intel fan boy or so called “I am not a fan boy but I will slate anything anyone say about Intel regardless and pretend I have no vested emotion and calling everyone else emotional” keyboard warriors, just can’t see past their own blind ignorance.

rocket lake boast 8c and zen3 stacks 16c. If you are a power user, there is nothing to consider. If you are in a market for 8c CPU right at the minute, AMD is still a clear winner. The jury is still out on Rocket Lake. Everyone is saying XYZ about it is superior or inferior is just speculating which is why this tread is titled “leaks”.

anyone saying intel is superior or amd zen3 will reign supreme like it is set in stone is either mad or delusional.
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29 May 2005
Putting up prices so the 6 core costs what the 8 core used to, discontinuing ALL the budget SKUs, fake RRPs on their GPUs, to name just three things they've done recently :p

Plenty people here are giving them a free pass and refusing to criticise.
Free market mate. If you want cheap CPU go chinese. They are making X86 chips that is dirt cheap.

AMD was making inferior chips thus undercutting intel. Now they are making better chips than intel so they are selling them at a premium over intel.

isn’t that clear to see?

in terms performance per £. The new zen3 is still better proposition than zen 2 albeit need to take the MSRP into consideration rather than the current gouging pricing by retailers.

intel on the other hand has increased prices at multifolds with zero performance increases over more than half a decade.

plus why do anyone buy stuff because the company is your mate?

people flock to Apple products not because Apple is NICE, ok a lot of brand loyalty there, but it is because people like the design. Anyway if a product is good and gives value then that’s why people will buy it. I didn’t bother to upgrade my system for nearly 8 yrs because intel stagnated and I can’t see the point of spending £400 on a CPU has the same core count as my 4770k and offers marginal performance increases that I probably won’t notice in my daily life. But if AMD now is able to offer me 50-60% performance boost gen on gen, right on, I will upgrade more often.
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29 May 2005
Take the 3600X -> 5600X.

+20% perf for +20% MSRP. How is that better value?

e: Also since their cheapest chip is now £300, does that mean they're "too premium" to have £200 chips these days?
I am pretty sure 5600x is more than 20% over 3600x. IPC lift is 19% alone then there is the higher boost and higher all core clock over 3600x

anyway by your own metric it is no worse. So what is your point? You said zen3 is less value than zen2. But you said it yourself it is the same value to performance.

So AMD hasn’t brought out a SKU in the £200 bracket. How do you they won’t? In any event, the 3600x or 3600 are still there to buy, if you want cheap then the zen2 are still there. Hell you can even get zen+ chips atm. AMD hasn’t done what intel does which is to make their last gen products EOL whenever they release new chips so force people to buy new chips at a lifted premium.
29 May 2005
I said they'd priced the new 6-core like the old 8-core, is what I said. I said they'd put up prices across all SKUs. I said they'd discontinued all the budget SKUs.

Pot, kettle.
Discontinued all budget SKU? Please clarify...what have they discontinued?

In order to discontinue something, one has to start it in the first place. So I am failing to see how AMD has been called “discontinued” a product line that wasn’t in existence is the first place.

How do you know they haven’t got a sub £200 line up for the zen3. Anyway I can understand why they aren’t bringing out a product line for budget friendly builds as they are selling whatever they can churn out as fast as they can make them. So very little market pressure for them to lose their margins.

this is why I am not swapping out my 3900x for zen3 any time soon. I want the 5900x but I am not paying over the odds for it. And if I can wait for it to become plenty to take advantage of discount down the line why not. I will change it over when I deem the price is right for the upgrade path. No one is shove it down your throat. Plus zen2 are still readily available to buy.

but accusing them of playing funny games even before they are doing it...this is a bit far.

So going back to your pots and kettles, do you work for Rupert and are used to just make up stuff for kicks?
29 May 2005
They've already categorically told several places they have no plans for more Zen3 SKUs.

They have not announced any. The non-X CPUs that we know of are OEM only.

The SKUs they have discontinued this gen include: *600 non-X. *700X. Funnily enough, these outsold all their other CPUs *combined* last gen. Take a look at the charts that are readily available. People *loved* these SKUs at their Zen2 price points. AMD took them away and now it's £300+ for 6 core; £400+ for 8 core. No other AMD options unless you pick up Zen1-2.

I hope you enjoy Zen4 with further price hikes (if Intel don't catch up).

Do you have source for your first line? I know what Lisa Su said but I didn’t read it as what you have typed there. So would be interested in understanding where that comes from.

Again, they never had those SKUs in the current zen3 line up. So calling them “discontinued” is highly disingenuous. You got in your mind that AMD must have 3600 equivalent for zen3 or whatever else. But that’s all in your head.

let’s see what happens when all these shortage of supplies and production issues are sorted and when everyone NEEDS to build a PC has done it and there is plenty of zen3 around before you go get your scythe start to chop heads and guts.

Under normal circumstances, CPU don’t ever sell above their MSRP this far down the launch. But this is not normal times.

if you think AMD CPUs are bad, you might have missed all the fun and games in the GPU and PSU market. Prices are going up 10% on weekly basis. And NVME drives are starting to go up in prices also for what reason, I don’t even know as there is no nand flash shortage or any known production or supply issues and certainly no one is using nvme drives to mine anything either.
29 May 2005
So the entire list of Rocket lake Recommended Retail Price are up for USA store

$600 for the 11900k (20% higher than 10900k)
$480 for the 11700k (21% higher than 10700k)
$310 for the 11600k (17% higher than 10600k

And 10th gen prices for reference

$490 for the 10900k
$380 for the 10700k
$260 for the 10600k

I guess people are gonna stop complaining about amd prices real soon :p
Woah! Those prices are way high. 8c16t cpu for £600 that’s mental.

has intel just lost the plot or some thing. But I guess people will still buy them.

guess those hikes matches the IPC gain...but each new SKU other than the i5 is inferior to the previous gen SKU in terms of performance to £
29 May 2005
Zen3 and Rocket lake took quite different IPC paths and it's quite apparent

Zen3: claimed 19% IPC by AMD. Cinebench scores = 10% higher than Zen2, gaming performance 20-40% higher

Rocket lake: claimed 19% IPC by Intel. Cinebench scores = 20% higher than Comet Lake, gaming performance = 5-10% higher.

the main gain from zen3 over zen2 in games is the memory latency. That’s why it is higher %.

intel’s MT performance is not as efficient as AMDs that’s probably why the game performance uplift is not as high as the CB ST uplift.
29 May 2005
Price hinting
Since when discussing pricing is against forum rules? Wtf is going on with this forum?

why is OCUK scalping people with their jacked up prices in their shops and now even a mentioning of general market pricing every post is deleted?

that’s pretty dumb
29 May 2005
I havnt got a clue mate i didnt know about that rule either as long as i can remember you could hint it was cheaper elsewhere but not give competitor names
It’s highly hypocritical of this forum for the MM to not for profiteering then the very shop that runs this forum has 50% markup on GPU compared with RRP. If that is not profiteering I don’t know what is.

anyway beside the point.

the post of discussion was that Zen3 CPUs have been cheap recently and those cheap deals have been snapped up fast.
29 May 2005
Has anyone noticed Digital Foundry still hasn't reviewed Zen 3? Seems kind of biased.

Also is anyone else having problems with the forum? It keeps asking me to login
We know DF sells their reviews to who ever pays. So there is no point in watching or paying any attention to their reviews. Much like LTT and Jayz etc. The fewer people pay attention to these sellouts the better it is as there will be more real reviews rather than “sponsored” reviews.

I think YouTube should make all the content creators come clean with their sponsors. There should be a disclaimer who is your sponsor on your channel so people can make up their mind if they want to believe their content as a singular source to rely upon for their purchase decisions.

forum is working fine. Clear your cache and cookies etc try again.
29 May 2005
Well if it's sponsored then yeah harder to trust them.

Nah i don't think it's the cache/cookies, it was doing it on my phone as well, maybe I've got a funny IP or something, wouldn't be the first time.
if you select remember me or keep me logged in then it shouldnt ask anymore
29 May 2005
You need to pay attention ot more than just Intel threads. A guy on these very forums had a 5600x a week or so prior to launch so do not for one minute a retailer accidentally selling one means there are loads. You never did answer my question from weeks back in one of your many threads where i asked why you hated AMD so much?
Who are you chatting to?
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