*** Rocket League PS4 Thread ***

Yeah deff - people just quit out constantly. I like 1v1 because then it's always the other person when I'm crushing their very soul by beating them so hard! :p

I think my worst ever 1v1 result is an 8-3 win...lol

Guess that's why we need to group up so we can all enjoy quit free matches!
The match making in 1v1 is pretty poor imo. I'm winning or losing by 10+ goals each game, not had a single close game so far :(

I like 2v2 if you get a random that knows how to play but 3v3 is my favorite. 4v4 is just WTFOMGCRASHBANGWALLOP :D

Fancy a game?
i need 2 more trophies for the platinum in this; Drive 500km and unlock all items.

is unlocking all items just a case of playing enough games or so i need to do somthing special? i have used every car to get the final car unlocked but have a few flags, wheels etc... to go

500km is going to take a while, i did an offline match on a new set of tyres just lapping on the arena through the boosts and only did 700m :( (only 714 matches like that and ill be sorted)
i need 2 more trophies for the platinum in this; Drive 500km and unlock all items.

is unlocking all items just a case of playing enough games or so i need to do somthing special? i have used every car to get the final car unlocked but have a few flags, wheels etc... to go

500km is going to take a while, i did an offline match on a new set of tyres just lapping on the arena through the boosts and only did 700m :( (only 714 matches like that and ill be sorted)

Yep, I forget how many matches total it is but that's all you need to do. Nothing special.

And I think there's a bug with the distance, but just stick to one set of wheels and don't change them. Once they reach about 70-80KM the trophy should unlock.
I was busy last night so could get any games but to those that sent an invite - I'm busy most of the weekend so just jumping on as and when I can for a few games.

Agree through the matchmaking in 1v1 is a bit random. I was trouncing everyone like 15-20 games in a row then all of a sudden had a close 4v5 loss out of nowhere. I did all the actual playing, he just got 5 lucky bounces but it was still close so it finally matched up well.

Going on for half an hour now so will invite anyone else I haven't got around to that that I can see.
Played this online for the first time earlier with a friend. We lost every match but it's still loads of fun.
I had been using the "follow ball" camera but I found it makes judging the angle difficult so I switched to normal camera.
Had a few good games with blitzwing85 yesterday and realised it's best not to touch the ball that much when someone's that much better than you. Seemed to cause more problems at our end than help near their goal and I'm sure I blocked more of his shots than the oppositions :o

Also played an epic 4v4 that ended 2-1 to the opposition after 18:23 minutes. It was nothing like your average 4v4 with randoms and was probably the most enjoyable game I've played so far.
struggling to get over 1000 points in ranked duos sitting in the mid to high 900's at the min but playing with randoms drives me mad, you set up shots and crosses for them and they are no where to be seen. About to take a shot on goal and they come boosting up and mess it up for you, other team scores a lucky goal they rage quit its driving me mad
I'm really struggling with all aspects of the game at the moment. The longer I've played it the worse I've got to the point the novice shooting training is way too difficult for me now. Completed that along with pro within 15 minutes of picking up the game so I don't know why I've got so much worse.
Good games earlier blitzwing. Should have won the first couple, I made quite a few dodgy mistakes though! Your aerial skills put me to shame!
Ah, wonder who else we were playing with. I'm CornishPasty79 and I have no skills to put to shame :o

Gonna have a break from this for a few days, my rank across all three has dropped by about 400 and I've just been smashed 23-2 and 17-1 on 1v1 and had more shots on goal than my opponent in both.
Hah, I haven't tried 1v1 - probably for the best as I'd be awful! I haven't played any ranked games yet so not really sure how that works?

I'll add you later :)
I wouldn't worry too much - it's all about just having fun on this. But I think you can play something too much and start to get worse - sometimes you can try too hard!

In all the games we've played together we've won 70% of them still.

But a couple of days away and you may get your timing back to where you want it. I don't think all the lag helps though. I played so many laggy games yesterday when I went on 1v1 with no lag I was missing everything as I'd adjusted to the slow motion lag fest! I went 6-0 down and only got timing back with 1m30s left, enough to bring it back to 5-6 but not quite enough.

Despite the praise you both give me, I mostly suck in goal so it's great for me being able to push up, knowing others are covering the back and being ready to put in anything I send to the middle.
It makes it easier for me to be better at offence as I've less to worry about.
Had a few REALLY laggy games. One I quit as it was totally unplayable. Another was just about playable but when the match had finished and we saw the pings, both myself and my friend we on 20(I'm assuming it's milliseconds) and the other 2 players were on 180 and 290! Yet we seemed to be struggling more than they did :mad: How does that work?! :confused:
I think the issues were probably on the server last night. Mine was going crazy, I had to come off.
Boost to their goal to score, only for my car to then go into the ground, spin around and end up driving up the wall at the opposite end...all I was pressing was boost and forwards!

Kept seeing the connection dropping symbol and others were having issues too based on their movements - IE missing stationary ball constantly and spinning around randomly.
I can't get over how much fun I'm having with this game.

Usually when I play games I'm working towards something, like the story or becoming better for unlocks etc. But this game is just pure fun. It's like being a kid again :D
The idea of this game is stupid IMO but it is such good fun :D I am getting better but still struggled to time my jumps right to take the ball out of the air.

Managed to squeeze in a few 1v1 matches over the weekend, won most of them but so often I got a 2 or 3 goal lead for the other person to quit. Best game I managed I was 4-0 down and pulled it back to win 6-5 :D I will have to keep an eye out for any of you lot on to try some team games.
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