*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

25 Jun 2005
On a hill
Really good trailer, had my reservations about this movie but that made me feel a lot better. They seem to have done something nearly all space movies fail to achieve since the introduction of CGI, and that's get the lighting and definition of space ships and stations correct. Look at at the parts where the X-Wings move around the station, it looks just like the models from the original trilogy, it's amazing. Even the shot of the pilot in the cockpit looked so incredible. I really hope they use the same techniques in Episode VIII because Force Awakens failed with this IMO.

My biggest problem with Rogue One (aside from some dodgy dialogue "This is a rebellion isn't it? I rebel" :o ) is Felicity Jones... she's simply the wrong choice for this movie. She's a good actress but the role is not for her. Her expressionless face and attempts at being "sassy" are so out of place. Even though Daisy Ridley is far more limited as an actress, she has a more physical and charismatic presence on screen. FJ is like a rare woodland shrew that squeaks her dialogue, certainly not enough to inspire a suicidal death mission of brave ragtag warriors from across the galaxy. We need more Sigourney Weaver types in the industry.
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11 Jun 2010
Here and There (mostly)
Flic's accent doesn't bother me, clearly Mads Mikkelsen is a man of intelligence and gravity hence him being key to the development of the death star, it's no shock that his daughter would be well read and well spoken.

I got a strong whiff of cheese in the scene with Donnie during the hope speech, am praying this is an isolated incident, Disney really should have stepped this up to be much darker, they have force awakens trilogy to push for the family friendly market and any other spin offs could easily be rated 15.

I'm not talking crass Deadpool type R rating ( love DP by the way ) and sure F bombs dropped every two minutes just wouldn't work in the SW universe but.. to set a much more violent and twisted path surely must appeal to folks like myself.

Hoping this is MUCH better than TFA, fell asleep twice during that and for someone who sat in complete and utter awe as a six year old watching A New Hope in 77 and who gets goosebumps from the opening bars of the score that's rather shameful to admit.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
The film is meant to end a few hours/ days before the ominous opening scene of episode 4?

I'm pretty sure no one will survive... It makes it much more poignant. I hope it ends like this.
So I've read rumours on.
6 Jun 2005
I would be dissappointed if they don't all die, it would put the original trilogy right out of kilter.

Totally disagree with this, as while some obviously have to die - somehow the plans HAVE to get back, and while it could be a droid its more likely it will be a human stealing them and getting back to Leia's blockade runner......
12 Jul 2007
In EP4 Vader said to Leia that "several transmissions were beamed to the ship by Rebel spies" aka they were not hand delivered, so I'm hoping the end is everyone dying to protect the 1 person beaming the plans (the good of the many, self sacrifice etc) with the very last scene being -

The captain of Leia's ship telling someone to inform Leia that the plans have arrived followed by a shouted warning from off-screen of "Imperial ships approaching" with a cut to a shot of Vader looking out of the window at Leia's ship and giving the command to attack it.
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6 Dec 2008
In typical Star Wars fashion the main character doesn't die and will be marooned to some backwater planet for further backstory/padding at some other point.
12 Oct 2004
Aberdeen, Scotland
Really good trailer, had my reservations about this movie but that made me feel a lot better. They seem to have done something nearly all space movies fail to achieve since the introduction of CGI, and that's get the lighting and definition of space ships and stations correct. Look at at the parts where the X-Wings move around the station, it looks just like the models from the original trilogy, it's amazing. Even the shot of the pilot in the cockpit looked so incredible. I really hope they use the same techniques in Episode VIII because Force Awakens failed with this IMO.

I'm sure that's in large part thanks to my mate who's a senior lighting and compositing artist for ILM and working on this movie, he's a massive Star Wars fan, I know him through gaming with him in a league he setup for Xwing vs Tie Fighter (and other SW games), XWings in particular are a passion of his. :)
6 Jun 2005
In EP4 Vader said to Leia that "several transmissions were beamed to the ship by Rebel spies" aka they were not hand delivered, so I'm hoping the end is everyone dying to protect the 1 person beaming the plans (the good of the many, self sacrifice etc) with the very last scene being -

Good point hadnt thought about that bit, but even so the Empire could track the transmission and just attack the destination (unlikely admittedly)

But this is Disney......is Rogue One confirmed as a stand alone film, or is it going to be the start of a spin off series itself (excluding the Han Solo Anthology)?
7 Dec 2012
Hope most of the 'goodies' survive to the end, after beating the **** out of pretty much everything they face. And then DV comes in and eviscerates the lot of them.

Basically, have DV being utterly badass.
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