Rolf Harris dead

Eh? Please explain further!

It's a way to lighten a **** and serious situation and is often through humour. Everyone knows it's **** and a bad place to be so you might as well have a laugh. People who do not get this are mistrusted. Just because your laughing and joking doesn't mean your not switched on or taking things seriously.

Lighten up.
Yeah would be pleading work needs me to badly for that one... Couple of days mayve
Don’t think my store management would be happy if I was roped into the jury for a long court case. As not allowed to work at all. As required to have days off by law
Saw a photo of Rolf and Savile laughing. Were they laughing about the secrets we were going to find out?

It does make you think when you say that. you look at all the exposed celebs over the previous years that had devious pasts and it makes you think what other people had skeletons in the closet

Im looking through an old photo album of the 90s I got and I rolf on one page, and timmy mallet on the next one. Suprised no ones had any thoughts about what timmy mallet was really doing in the 80s
The revelations as of late have been disturbing. Childhood memories ruined for sure.

The most recent nonce-news is about Phillip Schofield wasn't it, Gordon the gopher will never be the same again :/

Edit* Weirdly Facebook just recommended this video lol, the AIs are talking to each other, anyway this guy just admitted to talking to 35 kids on the go on camera....

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Philip Scofield is a nonce too?
no he isn't....... his brother was done however. TBH it is wrong that such a big deal is being made about Philip. he can't help what his brother did. As I understand it his only crime was not shopping his brother right away. he did eventually however. was this a mistake? sure but if it was your brother would you not give him chance to come clean himself?
truth is I don't know the details as I don't follow gutter press ... but The silver fox isn't a molester.
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It's a way to lighten a **** and serious situation and is often through humour. Everyone knows it's **** and a bad place to be so you might as well have a laugh. People who do not get this are mistrusted. Just because your laughing and joking doesn't mean your not switched on or taking things seriously.

Lighten up.

I don't know whether you have ever met the kind of person I was referring to. They just won't stop joking. Even if you ask them something really serious, they hide the answer with jokes. I knew someone like that, many years ago, no one knew anything about him because you could never get a straight answer out of him. Saville was the same. Even in interviews, he constantly avoided answering serious questions with humour.
, but I remember the local facebook group having some post where a prospective parent was basically saying they wouldn't send their child there because one of the room staff was male. Obviously it's their choice where they send their kids but it's a sad state of affairs when people are are just taking blanket approaches like that.
that is a toughie. I would say it's the sort of thing you make what ever choice you want for your kin....but posting about it on social media is wrong (libelous?) (note not having a go at you btw)
but what if it was race instead of sex? would that be ok to post on Facebook because their choice ?

I agree. very sad state of affairs that just being a male makes you under suspicion by some people.
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