The build quality is really good, the finishing on both exterior and interior is top notch. I think once I get the mobo in there and star running pwer leads to the GFX, MoBo, DVD, Fan controller, HDD that the cables that are surplus should fit niceley in the cavity betwwen the back of the chasis and where the side panel fits. Modular would have deffinately been a better cable managment strategy though
The only thing I am having trouble figuring out is which way the 3 pre installed fans will blow. I am assuming here that the fron one is intake, the rear on is exhaust, so I guess that leaves the top one as exhaust also ?
That's good to know. Definitely going to get this case for my build.
Yes you are right. Front is the intake, and rear/top exhaust.
If you look on Coolermaster's site there is an airflow diagram somewhere, which also shows all the fan mounting positions of the case.
*edit* If it helps its on the last page: 690 II Advanced product sheet_0128.pdf
Thought I was going mad for a second...
...but I wasnt lol!
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