Ron Atkinson has quit ITV after rascist comment.

what did he say ?

"I was one of the first managers to give black players a chance ?"

thats is highlighted to the side in the article.

If so how is that rascist ?
Originally posted by memphisto
what did he say ?

"I was one of the first managers to give black players a chance ?"

thats is highlighted to the side in the article.

If so how is that racist ?

They're obviously not telling, so it must have been bad then.
Originally posted by memphisto
what did he say ?

"I was one of the first managers to give black players a chance ?"

thats is highlighted to the side in the article.

If so how is that rascist ?

I think that's the case he is making in his defence, to show that he is not always discriminating against black players. I must say I'm quite suprised, I know he is old fashioned and says strange things sometimes, but in over 15 years of following football he never came across to me as a racist. Maybe a bit predjudiced about nationalities, but not skin colour.
If that's what he said (toms link), then he has ruined what has been a pretty good career:(

Edit: On the other hand, if that's what he said then he doesn't deserve to have had a pretty good career.
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I'd love to know exactly what he said.

Its probably something many of us would find as being normal but the way things are going today, the mention of a school blackboard causes mayhem.

Hopefully the papers will get the correct words so we can make a proper judgement.
Thank **** he's gone.

Really, really annoying **** who annoyed me most by persistently refusing to pronounce foreign players names correctly, even after being told what the pronunciation was.
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