Ronski's Training Log

Was happy to have a rest day yesterday

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strict Press
Warm Up
Bar x 5
Bar x 10
27kg x 5
34kg x 5
41kg x 3

Working Sets
47kg x 3
54kg x 3
61kg x 10 - woah - a 3 rep PB at this weight. Was a massive fight for rep 10 and had what seemed like the whole gym urging me on to press it out - that was fun

Next was front squats after some mobility on hips, front rack and glutes

10 Air Squats
20 Air Squats

Front Squat
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5

Working Sets
80kg x 5 x 5 - these were fine. Feel like super hard work but I think its just getting use to squatting with the front rack engaged,

Finished up with the gymnastics recommended routine
Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and front rack

Squat Cleans

Warm Up
Burgener warm up with PVC pipe
Burgener warm up with bar

Warm Up Sets
40kg 1 squat clean, 1 hang clean, 1 power clean x 5
50kg 1 squat clean, 1 hang clean, 1 power clean x 5

Squat cleans
60kg x 5
70kg x 4
80kg x 3
89kg x f - fell backwards was - chest not up gright
89kg x 1
94kg x 1 - enough for today

Time for rowing
3k for time = 12min 27 secs which is 11 secs faster than last time. Rowing has been miserable for me and it continues to be so.
Was running a bit late for the gym today.

Deadlift day - turns out you shouldn't rush through this....

Warm Up
6x3 KB one leg deadlifts
Hamstring and hip mobility

Warm Up
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
77kg x 5
97kg x 5
116kg x 3

Working Sets
135kg x 3
155kg x 3
164kg x 12 - well what a screw up - forgot to put the 5kg plates on. Suppose to be working at 174kg. Sigh - will redo this next week. Still at least one more rep than the last time I pulled this weight

Some accessory work
single arm DB Row
6x3 @100lbs

Mini strongman workout
A. 5min AMRAP
2 x 20m Prowler Push
30 sec front rack hold with 2 x 24kg Kettlebells
3 rounds completed
3min Rest

B. 5min
Assault bike 1.2km Then
3 D-Ball ground to over shoulder @70kg
7 Hanging Knee Raise
(managed 2 rounds and the first time I actually get this D-ball to my shoulder)
3min Rest

C. 5min AMRAP
2x 20m Yoke Walk
Each 40m increase the weight
After 40m I was done and pushed the prowler for 80m
Today was my body weight routine - still hard and I am rubbish at everything but got PBs for all the various exercises today so good things are happening.
nice sessions this morning

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and front rack
2 x 10 Air squats

Back Squat = 1+
Warm up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
58kg x 5
72kg x 5
86kg x 5

Working Sets
108kg x 5 - smooth
122kg x 3 - was ok but felt really heavy this morning
137kg x 6 - A PB for rep at this weight as I have never done more than a single at 300lbs - still a little disappointing as 8 reps was the goal

Then some conditioning
1. 12 Calorie Assault Bike
2. 15 Box Jumps @24"
3 15 Wall Balls 9kg to 10ft targer
4. 20 Ab Mat Situps

Finished up with a 20min ROMWOD session to cool down.
You are killing it at the moment Ronski! I am hopefully back in the gym full time this week but you've left me with a lot of ground to catch up, great to see!
You are killing it at the moment Ronski! I am hopefully back in the gym full time this week but you've left me with a lot of ground to catch up, great to see!

Thanks mate! Hope to see you logging again and more importantly grabbing some new gains :)
Legs feeling a bit sore after squats on Friday but onwards!

Warm up
Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and front rack

Strict Press
Bar x 5
Bar x 8
29kg x 5
34kg x 5
40kg x 3

Working Sets (531+ week)
51kg x 5
57kg x 3
64kg x 9 - woah that went really well. Super happy with that

Front Squats

Air Squat x 10 x 2
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5

Working Sets

82.5kg x 5 x 5 - all done still not getting any easier

Followed by bodyweight routine the highlight being am to hold a wall plank (hands about 8inches from the wall) for 60 seconds

Then some conditioning

3 rounds for time
150 single under skips
30 shoulder taps
10 power cleans @95lbs

Time = 9min 39secs
quick bench session today

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation

Bench Press
Bar x 10
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working sets
76kg x 5 - ok
86kg x 3 - smooth
96kg x 6 - seeing as I was on my own today and hence no spotter i did not want to try for the 7th rep having had a bit of a fight to get the lock out on rep 6. Still its a 1 rep PB at this weight so all things considered I was pleased.


Push ups
5 x 10
So after last week's debacle with me loading the wrong weight on the deadlift bar I elected to close off the 531 wave today and just go straight to the 1+ weight

Warm Up
Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility - glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings
20 x Good mornings with PVC Pipe
10 x Good mornings with Bar

Warm Up
70kg x 5
77kg x 5
97kg x 5
116kg x 3

Working Sets
145kg x 5
164kg x 3
184kg x 9 - felt really good today and probably had one more rep in the tank. Was pleased with how this went considering it was a 20kg increase from last week for the plus set

Following this it was time for some conditioning

Part 1
12min EMOM
1. 50m Prowler Push
2. 10 Push Ups

Rest 5mins

Part 2
3 Rounds
10 axle bar front squats @50kg
10 ground to over shoulder D-Ball (30kg)
Time = 8mins

This block of 531 has been my best ever with the 1RM estimates looking very tidy:


If I compare this to the middle of July - I have been able to make some really good progress (bench is still a battle)

Those estimates are crazy strong - making great progress. Have you got a week set aside to so some max out testing?
Yeh the estimates are always overblown with higher rep numbers. Funny you should mention testing. I have actually just signed up for my very first power lifting meet at one of the local gyms on 10th September.

Should be some fun and if I leave with a PB I will be delighted.
With the power lifting meet coming up in just over a week I have asked one of the coaches from the gym to do some tune up sessions in preparation so i can get use to the commands and refine some technique.

Session 1
Warm Up
5min Assault Bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Mobility on hips, glutes, hamstrings
Air Squats x 20

Back Squat
Warm Up
bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
115kg x 3

Working Sets (80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1)
128kg x 3
136kg x 1 - with commands (ok but boarder line depth)
136kg x 1 - with commands (better depth on this one)
144kg x 1 - with commands and again borderline depth so going to have focus on this in the next couple of sessions

Bench Press
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5 - touch and go
40kg x 5 - paused on chest - focus on bar path
50kg x 5 - paused on chest - focus on controlling descent
60kg x 5 - with pause on chest
70kg x 3 - with pause on chest

Working Sets (80% x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1)
89kg x 3 - with commands - was ok
95kg x 1 - bit of a wobble on the down - press ok
95kg x 1 - better on the descent - press ok
100kg x 1 - probably best heavy rep of the day and good bar speed going up

Warm Up
70kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 5
160kg x 3

Working Sets
168kg x 3 - ok
179kg x 1 - bit slow on the way up
179kg x 1 - better coming up this time
189kg x 1 - bit of a grind - hips too low at the start need to have a look at this as I was wearing a belt and all my 531 blocks leading up to this have been beltless

Overall a good session and I cooled down with 45mins of ROMWOD
Popped over to the gym where the powerlifting meet is going to happen to have a feel of their bar and plates this morning.

Warm Up
20min Romwod

Back Squat
Warm Up
bar x 10
40kg x 5 (pause on last rep)
50kg x 5 (pause on last rep)
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
115kg x 3

Working Sets (80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 3) - slight change so 3 heavy singles at the end
128kg x 3 - fine
136kg x 1 - with commands (ok)
144kg x 1 - with commands (way better than the 144kg last session and really fast up_
144kg x 1 - with commands (again good depth and good bar speed0
144kg x 1 - with commands (smooth up and down with good depth)

I left the squat rack with some confidence that I am looking at something good for the meet. Also the belt was feeling good during the heavy singles.

Bench Press
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5 - touch and go
40kg x 5 - paused on chest - focus on bar path
50kg x 5 - paused on chest - focus on controlling descent
60kg x 5 - with pause on chest
70kg x 3 - with pause on chest

Working Sets (80% x 3, 85% x 1, 90% x 3) - slight change so 3 heavy singles at the end
89kg x 3 - with commands - was ok
95kg x 1 - with commands - was ok
100g x 1 - good on the descent - press felt good
100kg x 1 - same as the previous rep at 100kg was happy with that one
100kg x 1 - bit of wobble back on the way up and would probably have been a no rep

Warm Up
70kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 5
160kg x 3

Working Sets - same as last time (85% for 3, 85% for 2, 90% for 1)
168kg x 3 - ok - hip position felt better
179kg x 1 - belt on and the pull was ok - but again it felt uncomfotable
179kg x 1 - belt ditched and pull was straight forward
189kg x 1 - last lift of the day - belt less - little sticking point at my knees but up - not the fastest pull and I don't think I was amped for the heavy single as I usually am

Overall a great session and left with me with a clear idea of what I will be opening up with at the meet and the what I might expect on the day. Legs were super tired afterwards so spent an hour in my leg cuffs to get them going again.
Just bodyweight routine today. Small milestone in that I was able to hold 2 x 60 sec wall holds (hands about 8-10 inches from the wall)
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