Ronski's Training Log

Good job! I done some cleans yesterday, trying to get under the bar and catch it in a squat... but it seems as soon as I go heavy i start power cleaning again due to lack of faith in my technique :(
Good job! I done some cleans yesterday, trying to get under the bar and catch it in a squat... but it seems as soon as I go heavy i start power cleaning again due to lack of faith in my technique :(

Yeh squat cleans are tough. We get them programmed quite often into EMOMS and they suck :)
Had a couple of the guys over to my place this morning and we did a scaled version of Linda (aka 3 bars of death). The workout Rx is:

"Linda". 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

As there were 3 of us we used the lightest guys bodyweight so went at - 130kg deadlift, 80kg bench press, 67.5kg cleans.

32mins later we were finished and I was broken. Considering 80kg bench and 67.5kg are 75-80% of my 1RM it was punishing. Still great fun - we had some funny jokes - Cardio with a 130kg barbell :)
After watching the 1RM Front Squat work out at the Dubai Fitness Challenge (where a small guy front squat 200kg!) was quite inspiring. So went to the gym yesterday and hit some front squats:

Warm up
Air Squats x 10
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5 (rep 4 paused, rep 5 1 and quarter)

Working Sets
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 2
100kg x 2

That was enough.

Today after work

Warm Up
Row 500m
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder Passes
Wrist mobility
Hip Mobility

Strength Work
Power Clean 5 x 3
95lbs x 3
115lbs x 3
135lbs x 3
155lbs x 3
185lbs x 3 (last rep was a toughie)

Work Out
7 Rounds for Time
Row 250m
3 Power Cleans @135lbs

Time = 10min 57secs (somehow enjoyable though the last round was unpleasant to say the least)
Back into the gym this evening

Warm Up
Row 500m
Banded sidesteps and squats
Shoulder passes
Hip Mobility
Mid Thoracic Mobility

Strength - Strict Press 5 x 3
Warm Up
Bar x 10
65lbs x 5
75lbs x 5

Working Sets
85lbs x 3
105lbs x 3
125lbs x 3
135lbs x 2 - failed on rep 3 as the bar went away from me
140lbs x 3 - belt on made all 3 reps with the last one been my smoothest

Work out
For time:
9 Thrusters @60kg
19 GHD Situps
6 Thrusters @60kg
16 GHD Situps
3 Thrusters @60kg
13 GHD Sutips

Time - 8mins 56 secs

That was a demanding work out particularly on my core - first time I do any number of thrusters at 60kg and ended only being able to do singles so the workout effectively was clusters as opposed to thrusters.
Back in to the gym today

Bench Press 5 x 3
Warm Up
Bar x 20
95lbs x 5
115bs x 5
135lbs x 3
145lbs x 3
165lbs x 3
185lbs x 3
Working sets
195lbs x 3 - ok
195lbs x 3 - ok
195lbs x 3 - ok
195lbs x 3 - tough
195lbs x 3 - tougher but all made

Workout - for max cals on assault bike

5 Power Snatches @115lbs
60 sec Max Cal Assault bike
4 Power Snatches @115lbs
60 sec Max Cal Assault bike
3 Power Snatches @115lbs
60 sec Max Cal Assault bike
2 Power Snatches @115lbs
60 sec Max Cal Assault bike
1 Power Snatch @115lbs
60 sec Max Cal Assault bike

Result = 18 + 17 + 16 +15 +17 = 83 cals and a massive amount of lactic acid in my quads
Total Time = 9min 42secs
Short and sharp this morning

After some warm up and mobility

5 Rounds
7 x Deadlifts @275lbs
63 Single Under Skips

Time - 4min 32 secs
Some conditioning this morning:

Death by Assault Bike
Every minute on the minute cycle for 1 cal, add one cal each minute until you can reach the calories for that minute

Result - 12 rounds + 12 cals
Real Result - lying on the floor for 10 minutes quads full of lactic acid
Mid 2016 update - had some niggling injuries earlier in the year that took some time to look after and get fixed.

been training well over the last few months so though I might start logging again.

Entered into a second wave of 531:

Back Squat Working Sets - 17th July
88kg x 5
101kg x 5
115kg x 10

Bench Working Sets 19th July
67kg x 5
77kg x 5
87kg x 10

This was followed by a horrid 6 person team work out of :
600cal Assault bike every break 6 x 24" box jumps (breaking every 20 cals)
600cal Ski every break 6 Dumbell Snatch @75lbs (breaking every 20 cals)

42mins total of pain

This morning
Strict Press Working Sets
43kg x5
49kg x5
56kg x 11

Then I got pulled into a bro session with 3 of the guys:
10 Bench @62.5kg
10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows (I did ring rows)
10 rounds :( (2mins rest between rounds)
6 x 10 - Bent over row - (3 x 40kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg)
With some rather tasty DOMs in my chest after yesterday I have to admit to not being super keen to deadlift today. Went to the gym and got some work done:

Warm up
5min assault bike
hip, shoulders, lower back and hamstring mobilization

Deadlift 5 week of Wendler 531
Warm up
5 x 60kg
5 x 76kg
5 x 95kg
3 x 113kg

Working Sets
5 x 123kg
5 x 142kg
11 x 161kg - it was brutal and I loved it

Cool Down
5min assault bike at an easy pace

The whole thing took about an hour so it was time for lunch afterwards
Time for some conditioning today. So caught the Friday morning class:

For time:
100 Calorie Row
100 Calorie Ski
100 Burpees
100 Double Unders / 300 Single Unders
100 Shoulder to over head @45lbs
100 Hanging knee raise

Time = 48min 38sec
(Time cap 55mins)

That will do for cardio for a day or two.
Had a couple of days off. Back in for a lunchtime session:

Warm up
Assault bike - 5mins
Hip, glute, hamstring mobility
20 Air Squats

Onto 3+ week for Wendler - back squats
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
54kg x 5
68kg x 5
81kg x 3

Working Sets
95kg x 3
108kg x 3
122kg x 9 - woah a big PB for reps at this weight and it felt good to be repping 120kg +

Metcon time
Every 2 minutes on the minute for 6 rounds:

4 x Squat Cleans @60kg
12 Cal Bike/Ski/Row

That was an unpleasant 12 minutes and the last 2 sets of squat cleans were hard.

Finished up with 18 minutes of mobility by a company called Romwod, the other guys in the gym called it Bro-ga :)
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Quick session today

Warm Up
5min Row
Chest and Shoulder mobiity

Bench press 3+ week
Warm up
Bar x 20
Bar x 20
41kg x 5
51kg x 5
62kg x 3
Working Sets
72kg x 3
82kg x 3
92kg x 7 - wanted 9 reps but it wasn't to be

Death by assault bike
Cycle 1 cal in the first minute.
Every minute add 1 cal until you can not complete the cals in that minute
Result = 13 and 12 cals into the round of 14

This is an awful work out and my quads were on fire at the end. Still a big improvement on the last time I did this where I could not get out of the round of 13. Next time I will be looking at the round of 15 as my goal.
Strict Press day!

Warm Up
5min Assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation

Strict Press 3+
Warm up
Bar x 5
Bar x 5
29kg x 5
33kg x 5
40kg x 5

Working Sets
46kg x 3
53kg x 3
59kg x 9 - wanted 10 reps, the 10th rep just moved away from my body. Still a PB at this weight.

I wanted to do some accessory work so turned it into a metcon

For time
27 - 21 - 15
Ski for Calories
Shoulder to Overhead @52.5kg

Time - 9min 20secs - it got heavy fast

Cool Down

20mins of mobility - lats, lower back, glutes, hamstrings
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Deadlift day.

Warm up
5min assault bike
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Glute and Hamstring mobilisation

Deadlift - 3+ week
Warm Up
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
76kg x 5
95kg x 5
113kg x 3

Working Sets
132kg x 3
151kg x 3
170kg x 10 - my best ever set. Felt strong through the set and at rep 9 and 10 it was tough but was able to push on through beating my target rep count of 9.

After 10mins of rest I embark on a strongman circuit
5min AMRAP then 5mins Rest

Station 1
8 deadball Ground to overshoulder @30kg / 16 Cal Assault bike
2 rounds + 2 Deadball lifts

Station 2
Ski 500m
Yoke Carry 20m (yoke had 20kg plate on each corner)
Result = 2 rounds

Station 3
40m Farmers Carry - 65kg in Each Hand
15 push ups
Result = 3 rounds

Station 4
40m Prowler Push (prowlet + 40kg)
Max Hanging Knee Raise
Result = 3 rounds

Phew - that was a lot of hard heavy work.

Really enjoyable session working out with a team of 4 other lads.
Today 45mins of Yoga - focus on lower back, hips and IT band. Probably more painful than yesterday's workout but so worth it.
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