Ronski's Training Log

No biggie we've all done it! :D

I haven't. ;) :D Only because I don't have the flooring for it at the gym (or didn't when I used to deadlift... No platform, but jerk blocks for some reason).

I have done it with from a snatch and clean/ jerk, however, so feel free to colour me a hypocrite. :D
Warm Up
Row 400m
Ski 400m
Air Bike 400m
20 Walking Lunges
20 Hip Extension
10 GHD Sit ups
20 Air Squats
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility

Strength - Bench Press - It's been a while so went up 10kg a set at 5 reps to see where I was
20kg x 20
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
85kg x 5
90kg x 2 - feeling a bit heavy, Haven't benched in a while so will need to start benching more regularly

5 Rounds for Time

20 Air Squats
30 Single Unders
20 Ab Mat Situps
30 Single Unders

Time - 8min 18 secs - short and sweet today
Good to see another CF'r on the forums.. though you seem to be a bit like me, combining traditional Crossfit MetCon stuff with some additional strength training!
Good to see another CF'r on the forums.. though you seem to be a bit like me, combining traditional Crossfit MetCon stuff with some additional strength training!

Hi Mate! Thanks for dropping by - I think it is essential for what my needs are. I am looking at doing some Dynamic effort work for a six week block over the summer. Should be interesting to see the results.

Anyway yesterday mornings workout:

Warm Up

500 m Erg
10 Inch Worm
20 Side Lunges
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squat
10 Handstand Kick ups
20 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder passes
10 Push Ups
*mid back mobility
* Hip mobility
Strength 1RM Strict press
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 4

Working Sets
50kg x 2
55kg x 1
60kg x f,f - left shoulder a bit sore so didn't push on with it

3 x 10 - Z-Press @20kg

WoD - Zoe (A Birthday workout for one of the girls in the class)

For time
81 Double Unders
34 Box Jumps @24"
9 Power Clean @50kg
6 Squat Cleans @50kg
81 Walking Lunges
34 Burpees
9 Shoulder to Overhead
6 Clusters

Time - 14min 40 secs (the walking lunges/burpee bit was particularly taxing)
This mornings workout

Warm Up
500 m Erg
10 Inch Worm
20 Side Lunges
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squat
10 Handstand Kick ups
20 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder passes
10 Push Ups
*mid back mobility
* Hip mobility

10min EMOM
3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 split Jerk (first 7 rounds at 50kg last three rounds 55kg)


In team of two

max cal row / Deadlifts @60kg
max cal ski / Power Cleans @ 60kg
max call Air bike / Kettlbell Swings @24kg

Scored by total reps
6mins each couplet
1min rest between each

Total for me and Eddie - 494 reps (very exhausting - my personal count was 76 deadlifts, 32 power cleans and 60 kettlebell swings)
Warm Up
Erg 500m
10 Inch Worms
20 Side Lunges
10 beat Swings
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder passes
10 Press Ups
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Deadlift 1RM - I felt had a bit more in the tank after last weeks efforts so:

Warm Up
60kg 3sets x 5
100kg x 3
120kg x 3

Working Sets
130kg x 2
150kg x 1
160kg x 1
170kg x 1 - this felt good, so was encouraged to go for a PB on the next pull
185kg x 1 - bit of a grind at the start and up fast - PB! Again felt I had a tiny bit more to give
190kg x f - ugh - didnt get tight in the setup and had a long pull to mid shin but fail. Gave it 45 seconds
190kg x 1 - PB! Super happy and 7.5kg up on last week

WoD - short and sharp to finish the week off

25 GHD Situps
25 Hip extensions
50 Air Squats
25 Hip extensions
25 GHD Situps

Time - 4min 25 secs (the last 25 GHD sit ups were murder and I resorted to double and a singles at the end
Friday Metcon:

Warm Up
Erg 500m
10 Inch Worms
20 Side Lunges
10 beat Swings
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder passes
10 Press Ups
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

12 Min AMRAP (4 round cap)
21 Wall Balls (@20lb to 10ft target)
15 Burpees
9 Deadlifts @80kg

Result - 3 rounds 21 wall balls and 12 burpees

Rest 3 mins

12 Min AMRAP
30 Walking Lunges OH 20kg
20 Kettlebell Swing @24kg
20 Hand Release Push Ups

Result - 2 rounds

Rest 3 mins

200 ab mat sit ups - time = 8min 00 sec
Rest day Saturday and back in the gym this morning:

Warm Up
Erg 500m
10 Inch Worms
20 Side Lunges
10 beat Swings
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder passes
10 Press Ups
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Front Squat (3 week of 531)
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
72.5kg x 3
82.5kg x 3
92.5kg x 9 - big fight for last 3 reps but happy as it is a PR for reps at this weight

16 Walking Lunges - Front Rack
30kg, 40kg and 45kg (last set at 45kg unbroken)

1k Ski Erg for time
Result - 3min 42.1 secs - PR by a slender 0.2secs
Got a little bit of catching up to do so here goes:

15th June

Warm Up
50 Dubs
10 Inch Worms
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squats
10 Long Jumps
20 Plank Up and Downs
10 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder Passes
10 Push Ups
- Mid Thoracic Mobility
- Hip Mobility

Pistol Practice - 7mins (not bad - a bit more depth and I will have these down)
Hand Stand Walking - 7mins (was in Pike Position with feet on a box)

For time
21 - 15 - 9
Box Jumps @24"
Push Press @40kg
Push Ups (Hand Release)

Time = 8mins 49secs - good intense WoD - Rx was 50kg but I am still a bit tentative overhead so kept it lighter today
16th June
Warm Up
50 Dubs
10 Inch Worms
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squats
10 Long Jumps
20 Plank Up and Downs
10 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder Passes
10 Push Ups
- Mid Thoracic Mobility
- Hip Mobility

Push Press
Bar x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 5

Working Sets
2 x 50kg
2 x 60kg
2 x 70kg - ok - still about 10kg light to what I should be push pressing for a double but felt comfortable


For Time
500m Row
15 - 12 - 9
Deadlift @75kg
Burpee Over The Bar
500m Ski

Time = 10mins 20sec (deadlifts, rowing and skiiing I am decent at but burpees over the bar sucked really hard)
17th June

Warm Up
50 Dubs
10 Inch Worms
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squats
10 Long Jumps
20 Plank Up and Downs
10 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder Passes
10 Push Ups
- Mid Thoracic Mobility
- Hip Mobility

Skill Snatch Practice
buegner Warm up with PVC Pipe
3 x 3 Snatch Pull
High Hip, Mid, Floor

7 x 1 Hang Power Snatch @40kg


Partner WoD

3 Rounds Each of Cindy + 3 power cleans @50kg
While partner rows for Max Cals
(Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)

Time= 31mins 40 secs / 215 cals

This was a serious Metcon - soooooo much rowing.
This afternoon 18th June:

Warm Up
50 Dubs
10 Inch Worms
10 Beat Swings
20 Air Squats
10 Long Jumps
20 Plank Up and Downs
10 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder Passes
10 Push Ups
- Mid Thoracic Mobility
- Hip Mobility
Strength - Sumo Deadlift
Warm Up
Bar x 10
60kg x 5
100kg x 3

Working Sets
140kg x 2
150kg x 2
160kg x 2 - a PB for a Sumo Deadlift so reasonably happy


4 Rounds for Time

25 Thrusters @45lbs
25 Med Ball Sit Ups @20lbs

Time - 11mins 30secs (woah - intense on the shoulders - burn out from the thrusters made holding onto the med ball pretty disgusting for the sit ups)
Rest Day yesterday - this morning back to the gym for an Olympic Lifting class:

Warm Up
500m Erg
Rotations x 2 of Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder
Hip Mobility
Leg Cross Over
Snatch Warm Up

Skill - Olympic Lifting workshop

A. 5 Rounds - Not for Time
2 x 3 Position Clean Pull (Shin/Knee/Mid-Thing) - 5 sec hold at each (all @40kg)
B. Foot Work Drill Split (6mins)
C. 2 Position Clean (1 x Hang Squat Clean, 1 x Floor Squat Clean + Split Jerk) - 10 Rounds every 2mins - First two rounds at 40kg then rest at 45kg

Cool down
500m Erg

Was really great to spend a full hour 15mins focused on technique and drills. Very enjoyable and my squat clean is really coming on.
Warm Up
Banded lunges, side steps, air squats - x 20 of each
10 Cal Row
10 Cal Ski
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Hip Extensions
10 Ring Rows
20 Shoulder Passes
20 Air Squats
Hip Mobility
Mid Thoracic Mobility

Front Squat - 1+ week of first cycle of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
77.5kg x 5 - ok
87.5kg x 3 - ok
97.5kg x 7 - tight for first five reps, last 2 reps a grind and questionable depth on the last rep. But happy as beat my goal of 6 reps and a PR for reps at this weight

Big But Boring
5 sets of 10reps @ 50kg - last rep of every set 5 sec pause
Pretty nasty really, I am sure quad DOMs are in the post.

Left the METCON out for today (which was Cindy) as all the warm up and squats took just over an hour.
Been on the road this week - so confined to the hotel gym for the last few days where I have been doing some bouts of rowing to keep up some physical activity. This morning I was able to drop into Crossfit Cheltenham where after a vigorous warm up:

Strict Press - 3 @80% 3 @85% 3+ @90%
Warm Up
15 x Narrow Grip Push Ups
Bar x 10
30kg x 5

Working Sets
43kg x 3 - smooth
46kg x 3 - smooth
50kg x 10 - went for rep 11 but wasn't happening. Was pleased as its been a while for strict press and this ties my PB for reps at this weight


21 - 15 - 9
Ground to Overhead with 20kg Plate
Burpee to Plate

Time - 4min 50sec - I just made the 5min time cap and all I can say is that high speed burpees suck.
After a long flight home last night - I went in for a rather epic 2hr session. The lack of sleep perhaps was not the best thing for max effort squats for reps

Warm up for Front Squats
Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Activation
20 banded lunges
20 banded side steps
20 banded air squats
Hip mobility shoulder mobility

Front Squats - Warm Up
bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
65kg x 2

Working Sets
72.5kg x 5 - ok
80kg x 5 - ok
92.5k x 7 - hmmm - not so great. wanted 10 reps but at the top of rep 10 felt a bit light headed and out of breath so left it at that. Still it was 5+ and I got the plus reps in

Crossfit Warm up
5mins skipping
20 air squats
15 push ups
10 burpee long jump
15 hip extensions
hip mobility
mid thoracic mobility

8 mins pistol practice (pistol to low block)
8 mins pull up practice
5 x L-Sit hold max effort - 30sec best result (legs extened)

4 Rounds for Time
Row/Ski 300m
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Time - 13min 43 secs (a real lung buster)

Cooldown -

Crossover Symmetry Cooldown
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