Ronski's Training Log

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Warm Up
10 Cal - Air bike, Row, Ski
15 Hip Extension
10 GHD Situps
10 Inch Worms
20 Air Squats
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

Strength Push Press
Warm up
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3

Working Sets -2 reps of 80%, 86%, 92% and 97.5% of 1RM
2 x 67.5kg - ok
2 x 72.5kg - ok
2 x 77.5kg - ok
82.5kg - f - been a while since I have been this heavy overhead so left it for the day

Skill - Skipping
Cash in - 200 single unders
50 double unders
Cash out - 200 single unders

Not timed but took about 15mins and a whole lot of whip marks :( - learning double unders sucks
Hate double unders - I can only get a rhythm of double - single - double going which is extra work without benefit!!
Hate double unders - I can only get a rhythm of double - single - double going which is extra work without benefit!!

Exactly the same. And I am lucky if I can even get the single double single pattern going for more than 5 rounds :s
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
50 Double Unders - or at least attempts :(
20 Air Squats
15 Push Ups
10 Burpee Long Jump
10 Hip Extensions
20 Shoulder Passes
Mid Thoracic Mobility
Hip Mobility

Sumo Deadlift
Bar x 10
70kg x 5
120kg x 5
Working Sets
135kg x 2 - ok
145kg x 2 - ok
157.5kg x 2 - ok
165kg x 2 - First rep really slow, second rep flew up! PB

For time:
Row 750m
5 Thrusters @40kg
Row 500m
10 Thrusters @40kg
Row 250m
15 Thrusters @40kg

Time = 9min 50secs

The last set of thrusters sucked and I had to break them down into 5, 4, 2 and 4 reps. Nasty. Still getting at better at thrusters at 40kg
oh - forgot to mention while I was training David Haye walked into the gym so I gave him an enthusiastic handshake and watched him do some very cool skipping warm up. Seems like a nice bloke!
I spent today on the first day of the CrossFit Level 1 training course and it was enjoyable. A lot of PVC pipe work as we drilled air squats, shoulder press, push press, push jerk as well as thrusters and pull ups. It was quite the workout.

At the end of the day the class to to perform a WoD. This was

3 Rounds for time
15 Thrusters 95/65lbs (I choose 65lbs)
12 Burpees

My time was 6min 43 sec which was comfortably middle of the pack and again an absolute lung buster.

Back tomorrow for the second day which will finish with an exam
Second day of the Level 1 seminar and also very enjoyable. Today there were drills on deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull, medicine ball clean, snatch and muscle ups. As well as lectures on nutrition and programming which was all great. The exam at the end was not the easiest thing I have ever done and I will be disappointed if I have to re-take the test.

We got to do another WoD in the morning which was :

8min AMRAP
8 Push Ups
10 Med Ball Cleans
12 Situps

Result = 5 rounds - and another lung buster

Overall taking the seminar was fun, educational and it was great to meet a lot of different people over the last few days.
Good to be back in familiar surroundings of my regular gym today

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - Activation
500m row
Leg Swings x 20
Lying Leg Overs x 20
Hip Extension x 15
GHD Sit Ups x 15
Shoulder Passes x 20
Air Squats x 20 (ouch - so sore from the loads of air squats on the training seminar)
Mid Back Mobility
Hip MObility

Strength - Front Squat - 3 week
Bar x 10
43kg x 5
54kg x 5
65kg x 3
Working Sets
75kg x 3 - ok
85kg x 3 - ok
95kg x 2 -oof that did not feel so good. Gave it a few minutes
95kg x 5 - ok better / wanted at least 6 reps but not today so enough for now

For time
Row 500m
50 Double Unders/150 Single Unders
Ski 500m
Time = 4min44sec

Cash out
100 Sit ups with 30lb dumbbell (pretty unpleasant)

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry
500m Ski
10 Inch Worm
20 Walking Lunges
15 Beat Swings
10 Squat Jumps
15 Hip Extension
20 Shoulder Passes
* mid back mobility
* hip mobility

Strength Push Press - 5 reps @ 80%, 4 reps @87.5%, 3 reps @ 95%
Warm up
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
Working Sets
67.5kg x 5 ok
72.5kg x 4 ok
77.5kg x 3 ok - PB for reps at this weigh and after failing for a single at 80kg last week I am pleased with the improvement

4 x 8 Z-Press (Dumbells @ 35lbs)

3 Rounds for Time
500m Row
12 Deadlift @Bodyweight (100kg)
21 Box Jumps @ 20inches

Time = 13min 02 secs
Tough workout on the posterior chain and the box jumps seemed to never want to end!

Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap workout (tough)
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry
500m Ski
10 Inch Worm
20 Walking Lunges
15 Beat Swings
10 Squat Jumps
15 Hip Extension
20 Shoulder Passes
* mid back mobility
* hip mobility

Skill -

12min EMOM
Odd -
2 Hang Power Cleans
1 Full Squat Clean
Even -
2 Power Jerks
1 Split Jerk

First four rounds @40kg rest @50kg - really feeling a great improvement on my cleans, power jerks are feeling good, split jerk needs footwork improvement.


9min AMRAP
30 DU/150 single unders
15 Toes to Bar - I subbed for GHD Sit ups
30 DU/150 single unders
15 Hand Release Push Ups

Result - 272 reps (3 rounds and a few skips) - a good bit of metcon after yesterdays heavy load
Great Push Press - I really struggle not to drop under the bar as the weight goes up!

Thanks mate - I am still not particularly comfortable on the way down to front rack for the next rep but getting it up is all about hip extension and glute squeeze to avoid the re-dip
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry
500m Ski
10 Inch Worm
20 Walking Lunges
15 Beat Swings
10 Squat Jumps
15 Hip Extension
20 Shoulder Passes
* mid back mobility
* hip mobility

Strength -

Sumo Dead lift
Warm up
Bar x 10
70kg x 5
120kg x 3
Working sets
140kg x 5 - ok
150kg x 4 - ok
162.5kg x 3 - ok - need to focus on quad squeeze at the top

Every minute on the minute for 10minutes:
5 Thrusters @40kg
Remaining minute max burpees
Result = 43 burpees

This was possibly one of the nastiest workouts I could do as these are my two most hated movements. 10mins of pure torture.
Walked into the home gym to grab a few things when I saw the barbell looking at me. I tossed on a few plates and then the following ladder happened:

2 Power Cleans and 1 Squat Clean
30kg - ok
40kg - ok
50kg - ok
60kg - ok
70kg - ok
80kg - ok on the power cleans, a couple of attempts at the squat clean

Was suppose to be a rest day....ooops
Warm up
Crossover Symmetry
50 Double Unders
20 side lunges
20 lying leg overs
20 hip extensions
20 shoulder passes
20 elbow rotations
hip mobility
mid back mobility
wrist mobility

Snatch Practice
7 x 5 sec hold at pull 1 position
7 x 5 sec hold at pull 2 poisition
5 x High Hang Snatch
5 x Hang Snatch
5 x Full Snatch

Kept it light - nothing over 40kg

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap
Warm up
Crossover Symmetry
50 Double Unders
20 side lunges
20 lying leg overs
10 Push Ups
20 hip extensions
10 GHD Situps
20 shoulder passes
20 elbow rotations
hip mobility
mid back mobility
wrist mobility

Strength - Front Squat - 1 week of second cycle of 531 so 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+ @95%

Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
70kg x 3

Working Sets
80kg x 5 - ok
92.5kg x 3 - ok
102.5kg x 5 - oof hard work but rewarding.This is a PB for reps at this weight and the first time I front squat greater than 100kg for reps. Really happy, the goal was 5 reps and I made it. Looking forward to testing next week and the goal will be 120kg 1RM (fingers crossed)

One of the girls in the class had her birthday yesterday so the coaches organised a WoD in her honour:

For time - "Elen"
74 Double Unders/222 Single Unders
41 Thrusters @20kg
11 Burpee Box Overs @24"
7 x 15m Bear Crawl (nasty)
11 Bear Complex @40kg
41 Shoulder to OverHead 35lb Dumbbells
74 Air Squat Over the Bar (do an air squat and then two foot lateral hop over the bar)

Result - 19min 16 secs and a lot of hard work. The air squat over the bar thing was nasty and a real quad killer.

To put my time in perspective the top people were finishing in the 14 - 15min mark / the slowest 25mins plus.

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Plyo program
Great Front Squat Reps - I still haven't been beyond 90 for reps - will give it a try sometime soon I reckon!
Thanks mate - I am sure you will be able to knock a few reps at 100kg - keeping stable in the midline as the reps increase is tough work.

Back in the Gym today

Warm up
Crossover Symmetry
50 Double Unders
20 side lunges
20 lying leg overs
10 Push Ups
20 hip extensions
10 GHD Situps
20 shoulder passes
20 elbow rotations
hip mobility
mid back mobility
wrist mobility

a. 7mins - Pull Up Practice
b. 7mins - Hand Stand Push Up Practice - I scaled with some pike push ups (surprisingly tough)

5 Rounds for Time
300m Ski
20 Alternating Hand Dumbbell Snatch - 55/35lbs - I scaled it down to 45lbs

Result - 12mins 18 secs - after yesterday's chipper I though this looked innocuous but for sure it was not. Rounds 4 and 5 had me drowning in sweat! Was a great WoD however and the fastest guy with 55lb DB managed it in 10m 56secs (amazing)

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap Program
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Row 250m
10 Inch Worms
40 Banded Lunges
40 Banded Side Steps
20 Banded Air Squats
20 Hip Extensions
20 PVC Pipe Good Mornings
20 Shoulder Passes

Hip Mobility
Mid Back Mobility

Strength - 1RM Deadlift
Bar x 10
70kg x 5
100kg x 3
120kg x 2
140kg x 1
150kg x 1
160kg x 1
170kg x 1 (belt on and smooth)
180kg x 1 went up smooth and felt comfy
200kg x f probably a bit too big of a jump, did move it off the floor
192.5kg x f - did not engage glutes early enough
192.5kg x 1 - a battle and up for a new PB. Very happy.

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap program
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Warm up
Crossover Symmetry
50 Double Unders
20 side lunges
20 lying leg overs
10 Push Ups
20 hip extensions
10 GHD Situps
20 shoulder passes
20 elbow rotations
hip mobility
mid back mobility
wrist mobility

Strength Push Press
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 2
70kg x 2
75kg x 2
Enough - shoulder feeling sore so left the 80kg/85kg reps

For TIme:
Row 600m
Ski 100m
Row 500m
Ski 200m
Row 400m
Ski 300m
Row 300m
Ski 400m
Row 200m
Ski 500m
Row 100m
Ski 600m

Time = 18min 39 secs

This was no joke - a serious heart and lung burning workout that left me on the floor for a couple of minutes

Cool Down - Crossover Symmetry - Recovery Program
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