RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

So don't throw crap at them, and you won't get threatened. Then running a bunch of them over, well the gloves are well and truly off then... You can almost expect the death penalty by way of a serious beating when caught up with... should have de-escalated the situation by apologizing for his wife's actions, and fixing his wing mirror at a later date. Not running them over..

I think you need to take a break from this thread and think what you are saying.

You are condoning the severe beating of a person by this biker gang caused by, according to you, someone throwing a plum and a bottle at them.... You are excusing the bikers response to the RR's actions and saying its acceptable?

You do realise that the RR's actions you are condemning were in response to the biker gang's prior actions?

Can you not see how hugely hypocritical your opinions are here? :confused:
Zero sympathy for this lot quite honest, I've seen plenty of these ****wad types in Chicago when I lived over there and they are just thugs on bikes, not bikers. I was also in Milwaukee during 110th Harley Rally which was huge with tens of thousand bikers coming down from everywhere in the country and not a lick of trouble anywhere.
Zero sympathy for this lot quite honest, I've seen plenty of these ****wad types in Chicago when I lived over there and they are just thugs on bikes, not bikers. I was also in Milwaukee during 110th Harley Rally which was huge with tens of thousand bikers coming down from everywhere in the country and not a lick of trouble anywhere.

Here's the problem.. You lot are tarring that entire biker ride-out with the same brush... Yes, there were a few in the group that were hooning around and being idiots.. That's what happens when you get a bunch of show offs in a group... Thing is a large majority of those riders were just out for a group ride.

They were hardly terrorising the streets as in shooting people or beating the crap out of people. Like the gang you make them out to be... Just pulling wheelies and doing crazy stuff thats only likely to get themselves injured, Then a privileged lady who doesn't take too kindly to all of this, starts throwing projectiles out the window, probably giving it large swearing waving arms probably doing all sorts. who knows.... Anyway it was enough for a small group to say, lets remind this woman that we can mean business if we want too. So they slowed the car down... At no stage did they start a full on assault on the car at that point.. Only and only when the RRJ decides to run them over, did they lose their s%$t !!!!! and take chase, hunt them down and beat the crap out of the driver...

I personally think if you're going to run someone over, then you get what you deserve.. I also think he way way way over reacted by running them over.. its lucky for him that bikers are looked upon in bad light.. and well according to you and a lot they got what they deserved... Remember most where just out to be part of a group ride... Its not their fault that the a few start acting like asses...

The ones that were run over, probably had very little to do with the hooning around... Much like 95% of a football stadium are well behaved... imagine a car plowing into the rest of the supporters, cos a few thugs decide to start trouble.

The woman provoked them, and the running over bikers right in front of their very eyes, sent the group mental.. which is understandable.. if someone tried to run me over, i'd go after them too. human nature.
Attempting to excuse beating the crap out of a guy because his wife started an argument by 'throwing a plum' sounds like an unfunny joke.

The woman shouldn't have thrown a plum, the bikers shouldn't have brake checked and then surrounded him, he shouldn't have run them over, they shouldn't have pulled him out of the car and beat him.

However, there is a clearly massive escalation from some road antics and throwing a fruit to a large intimidating group surrounding a couple in a highly charged situation.

It takes considerable bias to not direct the majority of the blame towards the bikers. Reminding someone a large group of bikers 'mean business' is not tolerable behaviour or a good reason to start an aggressive display.
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Attempting to excuse beating the crap out of a guy because his wife started an argument by 'throwing a plum' sounds like an unfunny joke.

The woman shouldn't have thrown a plum, the bikers shouldn't have brake checked and then surrounded him, he shouldn't have run them over, they shouldn't have pulled him out of the car and beat him.

However, there is a clearly massive escalation from some road antics and throwing a fruit to a large intimidating group surrounding a couple in a highly charged situation.

It takes considerable bias to not direct the majority of the blame towards the bikers. Reminding someone a large group of bikers 'mean business' is not tolerable behaviour or a good reason to start an aggressive display.

I appreciate most of you have never been on a group ride out before.. The majority of the bikers whom are all wearing helmets have / had no communication to each other. They were probably none the wiser as to why the group was slowing the car down... A select few in that group would have been wanting to intimidate, yes, pack mentality. Probably the same mentality you football fans have, when you're all together. i agree there's no excuse for it, but the majority were following along with the group slowing down. This is not the 'gang' you make it all out to be.. off duty officers as proof of this.

The RRS completely panicked, overreacted and went to get the hell out of there, potentially killing whoever was in his way in the process. Someone please tell me where in the world this is acceptable behavior ? His missus throwing fruit and bottles at the riders, when is that considered ok?. That could have been considered an assault right there, and the bikers acting in self defense ! A swerve to avoid the projectiles when all riding in close proximity to each other and there could have been a fatality right there.

The RRS deserved a smashed wing mirror for the actions of his feisty wife !

As for the Harley meet.... There was no trouble cos no driver drove over a bunch of them and their bikes.. If an RRS driver did, he'd be probably dead !
I appreciate most of you have never been on a group ride out before..

You'll probably find many people here have. You are the only one defending the actions of the bikers though. No one is going to change your mind though, you've been arguing for years it seems.
His missus throwing fruit and bottles at the riders, when is that considered ok?

The RRS deserved a smashed wing mirror for the actions of his feisty wife !

Absolutely unbelievable.

You question whether or not it's right to throw half a plum and a bottle of water at a group of people on bikes who are damaging other people's property and generally being a nuisance yet find it perfectly acceptable to smash the wing mirror belonging to someone who threw said half plum and bottle of water?
Yes, because you can't win in that situation... Your life is currently NOT in danger.... its just being threatened. Put your hands up apologize even if you're not in the wrong. Unless there's a complete psycho in that crowd, all that's going to happen is a few threats. Everything changes though once you try and kill them.

I doubt they'd of attacked up until the point their colleagues were run over, and i doubt they'd of threatened had projectiles not been thrown at them.

Mate, what?

Those scumbags were attempting murder right there. This driver made an excellent choice to get the **** out of there. Put things into perspective and stop whining about a piece of fruit.

That idiot who tried to box them in is just a bit stupid really, like a fly that tries to get up your nose and you kill it. Should have put his brain into use and realised that if a dozen of your buddies are ready to kill a man the first things that's going to happen is the target will put his pedal to the metal and run you the **** over.

Oh but wait a minute he couldn't realise that because he'd lost all rational thought along with all his fake gang buddies. They simply had no idea what they're presence is causing, what they were doing, nothing.

And "biker gang" seriously, these guys need to grow up what are they school kids trying to be hard lmao.

These muppets don't have a clue about gangster. If I was their leader I'd have personally punished these ****ing apes, would be utterly embarrassing to have the police and courts involved with these scums who I allowed to represent me.
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Here's the problem.. You lot are tarring that entire biker ride-out with the same brush...

Well no, I literally described in a second sentence how tens of thousands of riders came down to Milwaukee to celebrate Harley Davidson Rally for 110th Anniversary and apart from the awesome noise, no trouble whatsoever.

Met plenty while road tripping as well and came upon a lot of convoys on the highways and all been fine as well.

I did also meet these idiots on bikes with pack mentality in Chicago, in fact had a few at work. These weren't actually as bad as some but I know a lot didn't even have licences, didn't wear the gear etc. One had a low speed crash and scraped half the skin on his arm, side and leg while the other unfortunately lost his life, plowed right into the back of a stopped car while he was cutting through traffic at speed.
In the U.S, the general rule is that "a person is privileged to use such force as reasonably appears necessary to defend him or herself against an apparent threat of unlawful and immediate violence from another."

A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances for the purposes of:

self-defence; or
defence of another; or
defence of property; or
prevention of crime; or
lawful arrest.

In my opinion, it was reasonable.
The RRS deserved a smashed wing mirror for the actions of his feisty wife !

You conveniently seem to always miss out on this part:
According to Lien, he dialed 911 after he saw several motorcycles run a red light and nearly hit a woman carrying a baby, but reached a New Jersey operator.[12] He said the bikers were "popping wheelies" and slapping the tops of cars as they drove past and one motorcyclist was maneuvering to block other vehicles to allow the bikes to pass.

So, in your World, the bikers deserved what they got from the "fiesty wife"for the actions of a few fiesty other bikers in the group prior to her throwing anything.

Do you disagree with this and, if so, explain the difference...
Yes, because you can't win in that situation...

It seems to me that the family did win in that situation... several bikers charged. Many bikes impounded. One attacker paralysed. Yet no charges were brought against anyone in the car.
Anyone know what happened with the undercover/off-duty police who were involved/stood by while the incident unravelled.

I'm hoping they were all at least sacked.
Pretty reprehensible behaviour by the bikers who partake in this kind of flashmob stunt riding. Not only are they a danger to themselves but other road users and pedestrians.

Of course probably not everyone in the crowd was a total idiot, but they are guilty through association.

Bringing entire areas to a standstill or riding through city streets like lunatics whilst popping wheelies en masse simply cannot be condoned. There is no excuse for that kind of behaviour or a mindset that believes that behaviour is OK.

Group rides are fun and can be a great social occasion or even be used to raise money for charity (IE the Stoke egg run) and I have been on several myself. But the key is to remain mindful that on a motorbike, even in a group, you are still a vulnerable road user and the rules always still apply to you no matter how many of you there are, and that includes being courteous to other road users as well as the locals and bystanders at any meeting place.

The rights and wrongs of the drivers actions in the OPs video are hard to clearly judge as the video footage misses out a large portion of what happened afer the guy slowed down in front of the RSS and got a nudge so I am not sure if the drivers actions were justifiable but that does still not excuse the bikers.
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