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RTX 4070 Very low 1% lows

18 May 2020
This mouse is really old only has a poll rate of 125 on the Logitech MX518 in the software . I've ordered a new mouse that should be here Friday. I tried the games on both drives to check if it might have been the drive but it's the same. I'm hoping the new mouse will fix the issues

Last edited:
18 May 2020
16GB of RAM, have you checked to see how much RAM is being used total when in a game via task manager etc? WIndows uses a large chunk of RAM just being idle, it's likely that Windows is managing resources and accounting for your usage habits, so whilst gaming it needs reserve memory to move about. You may well be seeing a situation where the OS has to page to disk (pagefile) which will always lead to stutters as game data has to travel from SSD via the CPU to be processed sent back to the SSD to be stored into the pagefile until it's needed by the game and then travel back through the CPU on its way to the VRAM etc.

HWINFO64 running in the background will monitor how much min/max/average pagefile you are using whilst playing these games with 1% lows.

32GB of system RAM should really be the minimum these days.
While in game it uses around 10ish gigs of total system ram, I am going to order a new set of 32gb 3600mhz ram soon though, I've set my page file to min of 10gb and max of 10gb and I've also just set Nvidia shader cache size to 10gb also to see if that helps
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