Ruddy inconsiderate cat owners...

3 Dec 2006
Following on from my dog thread, I also have a grievance with ruddy cat owners as well. You know the type, little old bats with about 20 of the scrag ends and closet homosexuals.

They come in my garden and leave the little cat poops everywhere. When I bang on the window to shoo them off they just amble along like they own the place. By the time I have got the back door open and have got enough swing on the rock I plan to throw at them they are gone.

If I had my way I would buy the most powerful air rifle I could and sit undercover in my back garden and sniper them all to their little furry deaths. And before any animal lover or veggies starts to have an embolism at the thought of these little furry fiends getting a lead slug in the guts lets not forget they are a complete and utter menace to all the native wildlife smaller than them in this country. They are no innocents and they deserve what they get. If only it wasn't illegal to take a pop at them.

I feel like scooping up my poop from my bowl and placing it strategically on all the little old ladies paths so that they slip in the muck, thus breaking a hip. By the time they have got out of hospital hopefully their moggies would have moved on to some other crazed old bat prepared to feed it fresh salmon and chicken breast.
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ScarySquirrel said:
Move to a house without a garden

Oh, I see. Not only have to move because no-one round here speaks English any more, but now your saying that I have to move because I am not allowed to do anything about the little scrag ends crapping in my garden. That's just great.
squiffy said:
If you take a shot at our cat, I would break your fingers.
oh if cat's didn't reduce the number of birds/mice/rats you would have a vermin problem.

Is being in the closet making you so aggressive?

Homefed moggies don't kill rats! :rolleyes: Besides rats are generally bigger or the same size as cats, and certainly put a greater fight than a little chicklet.
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squiffy said:
I prefer cats (over dogs) because they're cleaner, cheaper and have indepedance, can leave them outside etc.

Our other cat caught lots of things, mice, birds and rats.

If I caught your cat in my garden doing its business then I should be entitled to waste its little life. And if you come round to break my fingers I would have its little present waiting to ram down your throat.
iCraig said:
Stop reading James Herbert.

Guess you haven't seen the rats round here. And ok, I might have exaggerated a bit. Catching a couple of rats a year doesn't make cats hero's of the hour all of sudden.
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squiffy said:
Your sound like a would be psychotic. Only nut cases would kill someone's pet.

Oh, so its someone's pet now is it. Cats are semi-wild animals. Hence the reason their owners are not with them to collect their little presents. Nothing to do with being a nut case wanting to waste them. I wouldn't have a problem with them but what gives them the right to go ****** in my garden?

They should look after their precious little pets a little more. Otherwise, its BAM, headshot.
iCraig said:
Many animals will crap in your garden. On your roof, on your car etc

And it should be our god given right to put a slug in them to warn them off. How would you like it if I kept coming round to your garden to do a big steamer in your front garden. Day after day.
jumpy said:
Surely this is a better option than resorting to breaking the law?

The law should be changed to allow me to shoot cats that **** in my garden. Or to enable me to put their owners away for a stretch inside the local jails for letting their pet repeatedly crap in my garden.

I don't want to shoot the other wildlife. Just the cats. If anything, I am doing the other wildlife a favour by ridding them of the fowl cats that plague our cities.
iCraig said:
You are a human, they are cats. They don't know what gardens are or anything like that. They don't ration about where to crap, they're cats.

I couldn't care less how intelligent they are. I am not a veggie and I eat meat. And unless your a veggie too I cannot see how you can afford so much hypocrisy by saying I am out of order for wanting to shoot a few moggies when the majority of this country eat meat.

At least I am wanting to shoot free range cats and not factory farmed cats.
squiffy said:
ah yes things like mice and rats aren't a "plague" they're natural wildlife. I bet you'd start to moan when your garden is teeming with rodents then eh? Someone should tip 20,000 rats through your letterbox and garden.

The domestic moggies is useless at catching rats. Where are you getting the idea that they keep the rat population down!!! There are more feral cats in London then ever before, and yet the rat population is exploding as well.

Do you really think a cat is going to take on a rat which is going to fight back with vigour when it is far easier for it to go begging at a couple of old ladies house or rifle through the bins instead.

Someone should tip 20,000 cat pooh on your lawn and see how you like it.
iCraig said:
Then don't blame them for doing something they're not even aware of.

I will blame them. It's their crap. Who else should I blame, apart from the owners? :rolleyes:

Would you say don't blame the dog for biting that little kids face off? :rolleyes:

iCraig said:
What.. the? It's like a pinball your mind. Shooting cats *PING * eating meat.

Why is wrong to want to shoot a cat? Do you know the conditions that factory farmed animals are kept in, or even slaughtered. By buying factory farmed meat your just as culpable in its poor treatment.
squiffy said:
I really think you should commit yourself. What has eating meat got to do going round shooting people's pets?

Whats the difference between me shooting a cat and someone else putting a bolt through a pigs skull or slitting its throat?

Oh, the fact that cats are little and fluffy and you happen to own one I guess.
iCraig said:
Cat lover

You are a cat lover. Says it all. Your cat has no right to **** in my garden. I should have the right to boot it right out into the street. Its your cat, why don't you come round and collect its crap?
squiffy said:
Totally different. You're killing it because of amusement

I am not killing anything. When did I say I killed? I said I want to shoot them, not that I have. Sheesh.

And I wouldn't be shooting them for the fun of it. I am not amused. If the cats owners looked after their pet a bit more and prevented it from crapping everywhere then perhaps I wouldn't feel compelled to want to kill them. Whats the problem with that.

All I hear is little cat owners going on with themselves about how I am wrong for wanting to kill their precious little beasts. Not one of them has offered to come round and collect their cats mess. And no doubt if you knocked on their door to ask them in person they would say "ah mate, its cat, it doesn't know any better" and go back to reading the guardian and listening to coldplay and worrying about saving the world whilst their pets **** over everybody else's garden.
cat owners = homo's

only kidding.

Seems like cat owners are far more vocal in defending their beasties than dog owners. Good on you.

You should take more responsibility for your pets though. Shouldn't let them crap everywhere. Is it any wonder that someone might want to kill your little friend.
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