Rumour Mill : Kim Jong Un could be dead.

There is an LCD (you can just see the back of it there) which you can watch the video and it plays the music too...
the advert in the background lol wtf it looks like a popup from your browser has opened on it self about 12 times because you visited some dodgy site
the advert in the background lol wtf it looks like a popup from your browser has opened on it self about 12 times because you visited some dodgy site

It was either Natalie Portman or some random Korean K-Pop star selling something, or a Covid-19 caution message.



the gangnam statue looks awesome though.
but the billboard near it just looks like a bunch of windows popped up on top of them

I take it these aren't your photos since there is no food in them :D

Lol, they are, just the snaps.

But yes, they put a Gangnam statute there and then a MASSIVE billboard right next to it. If that billboard is in most other UK towns, it will be the highest structure.

He is on an American submarine ATM President Trump has invited him to a corona party. Sounds like fun, all those heavenly burgers were his last words.
Kim Jong Un-dead?

So the zombie apocalypse is upon us. This is why we are all locked down in our homes!
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