Russell Brand.

Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
Am I missing something or does he actually do anything to champion the poor and underprivileged ?

I watched him recently getting interviewed in Downing Street where he was on about high rents and unscrupulous landlords only to be challenged and he admitted he rents despite his wealth.

He accused Nigel Farage of being a 'Pound shop Enoch Powell' on QT yet when challenged by an audience member about entering politics, he declined saying he'd be 'frightened to become one if them.'

All I seem to hear is do as I say not as I do champagne socialism from him.

Any fans out there ?
Annoying as hell. Uses his intelligent to sound good, but isn't.
And has jumped on a very popular band wagon, to rake in the money.

So no you haven't missed anything.
It's easy to be a critic and support populist campaigns, ideas... He's got no real substance, solutions etc... and yes he is quite hypocritical at times - attacking bankers pay when he earns more than most bankers, complaining about the rent New Era residents will pay when he also lives in the area and has contributed to the rise in prices....
He's a joke, he advocates change but offers no solution to make these changes work.

Never really found him funny, but he does come across well in some interviews, largely because the people interviewing him are idiots.
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I'm sure he enjoys champagne parties with the types of people he is campaigning against and has no moral issue with it.

He seems to be one of those people no one would find attractive or give a second look if they weren't famous
I am a huge fan of him, and don't mind admitting it.
He currently does a lot of campaigning in and around his area.

I like what he stands for and what he's achieved in his life.

which is what? let's compare him to someone like I don't know einstein , hawking, sagan etc

what has rrussel brand actually accomplished with his life apart from earning a lot of money doing something that doesn't really bring any benefit to society.

One could argue paris hilton has accomplished a lot too.

there acomplishments pale and become insignificant very quickly, their lifespan in the spot light is short and won't be remembered for generations to come
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