Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

Its a bit easy to say " I had 100 C4 and 5k Low quality metal and $50k . plz replace ktnxbye"

Stop whining people, especially Colourjam ( lol) - its BETA.. get over it and keep playing, or wait til release.

I dont think Admin should replace anyones stuff.. its either all or nothing, or some people will have an instant advantage.

Server probably needed a wipe anyway, it was well laggy in the village :P

At least we still have research.. so the rest is easy enough.
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Is suppose its nice for those who were new as everybody is on a levelish playing field again, that missing process thing happened again during the night so I'm gonna fire off an email to host to make sure it gets sorted
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Good fun last night, wipe isnt an issue. As people keep saying its Alpha!

And yeah as me and Ewaf found out, pipe shotguns are pants.
yup, poof! Zeds are outta' here!

Its a survival game, not a zombie survival game, as far as i know they only ever planned them as place holder for some other kind of threat
It will be interesting to see what they did to replace their loot.

"Need another way to dispense goodies" - which is now set to complete.
Yeah, possibly more airdrops or loot spots? Not sure!

Better hostile NPCs (soldiers or such) seems a little too much of a jump at the moment
Haha Dub has been raided already, he pretty sure he knows who it was and is determine to get his stuff back today so if it was you 1. FairPlay and 2. Secure that stuff up :)
Really need to find this game at a good price.

This game is easily worth the £15 on steam even though it's still alpha, the £10-11 you can get it for from some keys sites makes it even more of a steal

I can lend you them money when I'm home friday I you want, all you have to do id share your doors with me until the debt is paid :P
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Bow and arrow ftw! Didn't realise how powerful it is, and once you have got the hang of aiming :D

bow and arrow is deadly, actually seems more powerful than the P250 9mm pistol!

Yeah I got mine for £11 something, game is so damn addictive.

yup so damn addictive, was on yesterday evening from about 6pm till 1am. than lay awake in bed for hours thinking how best i could build a real cool house.

and i managed to nab it for about £4!! when they used to auction it!
It will be interesting to see what they did to replace their loot.

"Need another way to dispense goodies" - which is now set to complete.

I think there will be mutants.. maybe STALKER Style beasts in the rad zones? makes more sense than Zzzzzzombies ;)
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