
Yeah, i've a flight with them to Alicante next month i'm not looking forward to. When i was booking though there were very few options available and it was either go with Ryanair or fly at 11 at night or go via Gatwick.
I often wonder, with such an airline as Ryanair, do they cut costs on aircraft maintenance! Yikes!

Flown with them twice. Not great at all.
Then don't book flights with them.
They are not even liked by the Airports that much as they constantly threaten to move etc. He has hopped and caned all over EU Airports to avoid payments.
Seems strange to book flights with the cheapest of the cheap airlines then complain at how cheap they are basically.
Want extras your going to need to pay for it.
This, a couple of times on what should have been relatively cheap get-aways have ended up costing me hundreds more and a massive amount of inconvenience.

I had to book two seats one-way from Toulouse to London City with BA which cost £115 each and couldn't use the meet and greet parking we’d arranged at Stanstead.

Couldn’t cancel the trip as it was to complete the legal document signing to buy our house here in France.
I have never flown Ryanair and probably never will. It's the fact that Michael O'Leary positively revels in being a **** that puts me off as much as all the horror stories. Yet they're a huge company and people still give them plenty of business.
BA are going more that way though. Pay for food onboard now and charging "less" for cabin bag only, or just no luggage. In reality I don't think they're charging less for those, seems about the same as before, just cashing in on people with luggage. Service has got more **** with BA too and I used to only fly BA, but now I don't care, as the service doesn't match the increased price.
I actually have no problems with a totally tailored PAYG,flight company. The huge problem for me and most people is surely that they operate out of mostly backwater, secondary air ports.

As long as you know this, factor it in, I honestly don't understand the major issues, bar cancellation and overbooking.

My company used to fly to Esbjerg, DK a lot which was *super easy, barely an inconvenience" for oil field work. It was often only 10 passengers on the whole flight. This was a long time ago... No complaints back in those days.

I've never understood the romance with short haul flights, it's a flying coach...
Having the misfortune to be on a flight with RyanAir and finding out that it has several Hen or Stag parties on was far from fun and last time ever I used RyanAir.

Easyjet getting last flight home from Amsterdam and noticing a woman in her early 20's with 4 kids about 9months between them 1-4years old. She had a certain accent associated with caravan's ,anyway they didn't book seats so got spread around 2 rows of seats 6 rows behind me and the wife . Queue 20 mins in to flight and I feel something on me leg look down and 3 year old boy looking up at me , I grabbed hold of him while wife got cabin crews attention and the feral little git tried to take a chunk out of my hand so I them put my boot on his back . The cabin crew's faces where a picture when the seen the kid there.

6 years ago and the last time flew budget.
An extra split second of stab trim, or an extra few seconds of fuel transfer would suffice.

Your'e not going to push the critical c of g with a few people. (Remember; if it doesn't tip over on the ground, it certainly won't in the air.)

Note that they don't ask your weight and split the fatties fore and aft.

It really does'nt work that way. There is no facility to transfer fuel fore and aft on the 737 nor any other medium range jet transport aircraft that I'm aware of. The fuel tanks are side by side. If the stab trim is at the edge of the envelope then I can assure you a couple of people moving can push it out of limits. A couple of seconds of trim will push it back in of course, but if its outside the allowed range for takeoff you simply don't go until the aircraft is loaded correctly, no if's or but's.

The CoG in flight relates to the controllability of the aircraft in pitch. Which is the important issue. This has nothing to do with whether the aircraft will tip over on the ground.

The airline industry has for years been a race to the bottom. Market research has shown that the overriding factor when people decide to buy a ticket is price, price and price. Ryanair make hundreds of millions in profit on the basis that people, generally speaking, will put up with appalling service in order to save a few quid.
I've flew Ryanair at least 20 times and never had a problem.
My last one was Salzburg a couple of weeks ago and it cost £30 return but I sat a few rows away from the wife for 90 minutes (hurrah) and I still had a big bag of goodies under my seat.
I really have no idea why people complain at the price.
if I could make one change, it would be putting the netting back on the back of the seat so I can stick my magazines and pop in it.
The real cost of companies like Ryanair is a social one to the people employed by them. I've heard stories of cabin crew sharing a room whilst earning less than 1000 euro a month and living in Bishop Stortford. The bullying, vindicative attitude of managers and a culture of fear which prevents people calling in sick for fear of losing their jobs. I work with a lot of ex Ryanair people and the stories they tell....

The real issue here is a much wider one about how we treat employees generally when the intense drive to cut costs (over a wide range of industries) leads to a tendancy to chew people up and spit them out. But I imagine that can of worms is for another thread.
FFS I'm flying Ryanair next week. Wish me luck. 2 hours and 20 minutes to Majorca.

I done the same flight in July to and from Majorca. Didn't have a single issue. The flight was quick and smooth. There was 11 of us flying out for a family wedding. The flight times were great, about 9am flight out so not too early to get up with the young children 1x 3 year old, 1x 2 year old and 1x 3 month old in the group, and with 20kg luggage per adult, 2 cabin bags and priority boarding for every one in the group and seated together, was the cheapest of all the flights we looked at. We in fact had to fly from manchester airport and drive the 4 hours from edinburgh, but even taking into account the fuel, meet and greet airport parking, hotel stay the night before the flight out and the night after the flight back, it was still cheaper than the next cheapest flight found on Skyscanner flying from anywhere including local EDI & GLA and the flight times were terrible.
Fly with them regularly, and I have no issues with them.
Oh no. You can’t sit next to your partner for a few hours, what a tragedy. Get a grip. If you want to pay for it; pay for it.
It’s £12 to bring a large bag on, your flight is still £xxx cheaper than anyone else.

saves me even loads by not paying to sit together

£10 on the seats and £30 on not paying for the wife's gin :D
To balance this however. In relation to my post above about my flight next month.

I've had to use their online chat twice today and both times they have been superb. My wife is disabled and so i messaged earlier to ask about seat allocation and they've assigned us seats together. I was then unable to add a cabin bag to my check in and only had the option of an additional hold bag (already have one booked). Got on chat again and they've added a free 10kg cabin bag for both flights.

Superb service, and whilst i accept this might not apply to none disabled passengers it's been a great experience and better than i've had elsewhere.
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