Ryan's Headphone Review Thread

Sorry for late reply. I've got a review planned, been really busy with work and dealing with the Destiny release. If you can get the K612, Qs and Ks don't worry about the 598. It has good mids but doesn't have the resolution and soundstage and fullness the AKGs have. I'd go for the K612.
Since you are looking for just one headphone you really need an all rounder.

HD650 I absolutely adore. I'm a mids guy and the 650 do mids perfectly. The downside to these headphones is they are slow. While they have a good bass presence it's a slow sound overall making them more suitable for music that has a steady pace.

The X1 are balanced but didn't grab me on the mids at all making vocals in this frequency not great. The treble isn't very smooth either. The bass is extended but a bit loose. Good headphone just not really an endgame one and one I got tired of quickly.

HP200 is ok. Same with the X1 not really endgame and not the most reliable brand in terms of QC but the set with some tweaking could be amazing.

When it comes to Grados you have to make sure you like that type of sound otherwise your ears will be in for a beating. Shrill treble, in your face sound with a gush of speed that is quite impressive! Or crazy.

The Prestige series of Grados are not really a huge step up from each other. The 60i is the best value and to people who like that sound I'd put them more towards the budget 60i or 80i. The 325i was good for some music but it's too bright and painful for long term. It's like having Metallica play in your ear for days you will either get tired of it or simply turn crazy and love the sound. Good technical headphones in areas but if you like balanced then look elsewhere.

I'd probably put you towards the K712. It's the most balanced headphone, performing in all areas flawlessly. It's like fast more spacious sounding HD650 but less intimate mids but more technical ability. I would have picked the 702 65th Annies but since getting them with the small pads is hard the K712 is the new way to go for all round performance IMO.

Don't get me wrong I love the 650 and my review tells you exactly what I think of it but sometimes I just need a bit more speed and snap when I'm in a more energised mood! The K712 can be both relaxing and exacting depending on track. The HD650 is mellow, lush, intimate on everything.

That might work great for you and of it does get the 650.
If anyone wants a bargain..AKG K712 for £210. You won't find them cheaper anywhere considering they are over £300. Excellent condition with everything boxed.

I also at have some others for sale soon.
Not for a while. There's not much out there to be fair that interest me much right now outside of what I've already got or heard. I just need the money so selling my most expensive stuff will go. Will keep the Sennheisers and Q701's for gaming. Have the Aviators for portable use and just some amps left.

I've heard Denon has a new flagship coming soon so I'll keep my ears open for those! I didn't feel the Denon D7100 although still decent, was a good upgrade form the D7000 so hopefully they bring something that would give the older line a good sent off.
The HXC is better for gaming with the velour pads which leak a lot more. The leTher pads seal better and leak very little but are more suited for music. I prefer the Aviators sound overall. It's tone, vocals and overall balance is more pleasing. You can't go wrong with either. The HXC has better accessories so that's something to think about. If you don't min upping your budget to about £95 the AKG K271 is excellent. Really good mids, vocals are really good and a nicely balanced sound.
I find them snug. They clamp a lot and are heavy. I found that the weight and clamp wasn't the worst I've felt. I could have them on for about. 4+ Hours without issue weight wise but the leather pads got too much! If it wasn't for the leather they would be my only headphone!(the vegan pads sound grainier) everyone's experience seems to be different, I never really have issues with weight.
Hi guys

Have not had a lot of time to update as work has been a nightmare. Had to deal with the FIFA 15 launch and a lot of extra hours at work! Only have 1 day off per week now.

I've added the LCD2 review and also have the Silverstone amp & DAC to add. The HD 598 is also coming up.

Speaking of the HD598 I recently had a good demo of some and after previously not liking them, found them rather pleasant. Before I found them too dry and analytical kind of like the old 701s but they now sound kind of warm in the mids with a nice out of head soundstage.

Technically it's the same when it comes to imaging but found them a nice listen. I've bought a set and will fire them up. This is my 2nd pair but after enjoying their sound this time around hopefully my impressions stay the same!
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Pay day today, I'm edging towards going for the AKG K271 but need advice on an attachable mic. I'm a bit wary of spending as much as the ModMic since I probably won't be using it a lot.
Any other option that won't just fall apart a couple of months after I buy it?

Edit: If there is no reasonable alternative to the ModMic, would it make more sense to put the cost (£40) towards the headset and get one with a built in mic?

(It also seems to be out of stock on the UK seller's site)

Edit again: Never mind, just going to go for the HXC, don't have to think about the mic then. Thanks for the above advice :).

HXC's are a good choice. I do think the K271 is the better headphone though. Really good mids. You can get clip on mics for under £10.
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They should be arriving today, hopefully I won't regret my decision.

I chose to go for the cheaper set and put the difference towards the savings for my wedding next August.

Edit: Got them now and they already seem a lot better than the Plantronics 780s. They fit my ears much better and I'm shocked at how little the audio leaks, my partner can just barely hear the music if I turn it up to full (compared to her hearing it even on quiet with the 780s).

With the pleather pads they are almost dead silent. The velour pads leak like mad.
I think the HE400 are good for certain types of music. The bass is really good like most high end planars. Treble is quite tizzy and unnatural sounding and the mids are quite balanced and well integrated but not as engaging as I like. The HE400 I would put at the top of it's class but behind the HD650/600. Since you are used to the HD600 you may find them a bit odd sounding, the HD600 is so well balanced that you will pick up if something's not quite right in other phones.
The issue you find with the mids is the treble is boosted and the bass is almost flat leaving the mids behind a bit! They also have a bit of a peak up top. For lively tracks they are really fun though.
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Unfortunately yeah, have not advertised them yet though. If it wasn't for the upper mid peak I would keep them. There's still part of me that wants to keep them though as they are amazing in every other aspect.
The K550 is a dry, detailed and tizzy sounding headphone. It's spacious due to the thinner notes with a good extended bass. I'd pick the DT770 over them though.

I'd recommend the K271 as it'd quite balanced with really good mids. Other headphones to look for are the A900x and Skull Candy Aviator. Both are warm and musical.
The K271 is more mid focused, lighter sounding and a tad more detailed. Vocals sound more forward and intimate on the 271. The DT770 is more explosive and speaker like, better imaging and superior bass.

The A900x is probably a better all around headphone with a more detailed and balanced presentation. The 770 is more V shaped with more bass but it can get loose sounding. I like the A900x better but only slightly. The 770 is always a good alternative though but a different flavour.

Aviators are lighter, more balanced but less refined. I'd say they are in the same league as the 770 but a few spots below. The Aviator is detailed, nice mids and tone but the 770 is more detailed, better bass and slightly more fun.

I like them all a lot.
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