24 Jun 2018
so i received the AMD bundle which has
RYZEN 5 2600
I have built this and I'm getting power but just no display to monitor I can see the PC is booting up but I get no signal,
do I have to come from the monitor to the GRaphics card or straight to the HDMI port on IO shield???
I have lights when boots and cpu fan is spinning , but no display please someone help me
I cant imagine its a bios issue as the pack is PUT TOGETHER BY OVERCLOCKERS surely all parts in the bundle are compatible? please someone help so I can play my damn PC ! ,
thanks in advance...
so i received the AMD bundle which has
RYZEN 5 2600
I have built this and I'm getting power but just no display to monitor I can see the PC is booting up but I get no signal,
do I have to come from the monitor to the GRaphics card or straight to the HDMI port on IO shield???
I have lights when boots and cpu fan is spinning , but no display please someone help me
I cant imagine its a bios issue as the pack is PUT TOGETHER BY OVERCLOCKERS surely all parts in the bundle are compatible? please someone help so I can play my damn PC ! ,
thanks in advance...

Yes, you need to connect the monitor to the graphics card.

What graphics card do you have? Are the fans spinning on it? Are any power connectors firmly connected? Have you tried removing and reseating it?
so iv re fitted the graphics card (zotac 1050ti mini) seems it doesn't need a power lead to power it ? anyway yes the graphics card fan is spinning and cpu fan, but just no signal to monitor ( this monitor has been displaying HDMI through my laptop for months no problem).
Please help me :(
Do you have a speaker on the motherboard and does it give you any POST beep codes?

Also, maybe post in the OcUK Customer Service sub-forum. They usually reply quite quickly and should be able to clarify what happened with the BIOS updating.
It could be that the board needs a BIOS update - but would expect this not to be a problem in a bundle - as above I would post in the customer ervice forum and see what they say
As above, if you've tried everything and nothing seems to help, it's possible that they've forgotten to update the BIOS on the motherboard, since you're running 2xxx series CPU on a 3xx series motherboard, it won't boot if BIOS doesn't support newer CPUs.
yea just tried the one stick and some different combinations for that matter, still no good
, i am noticing that after about 30-45 seconds the monitor comes back on from standby mode but just diaplays a blank black screen? and stays like that, I'm pretty sure the PC is running but somethings just not outputting...
Whilst waiting for a reply in the CS forum, there are a standard set of things to check in situations like this:

1. This board has LEDs I believe to indicate POST errors? Check the manual and see if they reveal anything. They might tell you where the problem lies.
2. As Idartalis says, try booting with a single stick of RAM. In fact, strip everything (hard drive, all peripherals, any other cards) from the system apart from the CPU, GFX card and one stick of RAM. Try the RAM stick in different slots. Try a different stick if this doesn't work.
3. Check the power connections to the board. There should be an ATX and a CPU connector. Unplug and reseat these and make sure they are set true.
4. If you have a spare PSU, try that insead.

Our posts crossed there! I see you've tried with one stick of RAM. Still, have you tried stripping everything else from the board?
So are there any on-board LEDs showing any POST information? I notice above you said that there was a VGA light? I didn't connect that at the time to this, but it could be that that is indicating a problem with the GPU - does the manual indicate what this light indicates?

Oh, I also see you're using an HDMI-DVI cable? Have you tried a DVI-DVI cable from the DVI output on the card?
the vga light only stays light for around 5 seconds after powering up , then goes away and shows no fault lights, could it be that i cant run for the first time with an adapter lead like hdmi-DVI
I think it's unlikely to be the cable, especially if you know it works in another machine, but it's always a good idea to rule out as much as possible. Sometimes the solution to these problems is suprising (and once I had problems I couldn't diagnose that did just turn to be a faulty cable - in my case it was a good SATA cable gone bad, but it happens).

Having no error lights is a bit puzzling since I would expect there would be a light if the CPU was not supported by the BIOS (though I'm not really sure about this - just an expectation).

Does the manual say anything about what that GPU light coming on for a bit means? Different boards have different ways of representing POST information and errors.

Don't suppose you've got a spare GPU to test?
no spare gpu no, just to check , the only sata cable ive used is 1 that goes from the board to my SDD i don't need one anywhere do i ?

Ah no, sorry I was just using my experience with SATA cables as an illustration of how a small and often overlooked issue can cause problems. I would keep your SSD disconnected for now, though, while you just try to get it to POST, or at least to be able to see the POST on-screen (though you may have done this anyway). And no, no other cables are necessary. All that should be needed to POST are CPU, GPU and RAM.

Any info from the manual on GPU POST LEDs and their meanings?
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