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I wonder who the worm is selling the 5900X purchased from Overclockers on an auction site that currently at £620 with 2 hours left

Why not just list it for RRP + fee costs buy it now? Clearly a scalper but doesnt want to admit it

£620 once you factor in fees is about £535.
yeah scalpers or anyone that puts a premium on something thats more than £100 the value of the product are in my books scum of the world.
£50 premium sure but £100+-200+ (anything above) there down right scum of the world and want shot dead in the street. *ragemode enabled* lol
I was 541 in Q puchased Monday 9th , however will be cancelling order as just got an 5800x today of auction site unopened 490 which i have in hand yey :P

Just gpx now hopefully get lucky with 6800xt as have time of xmas and want pc for this time :)
Import delays at ports.


Something for @vapor matt to read and digest.
May lower the rage mode slightly.

Before you talk about air freight let me assure you if a business can send something on a 6 week boat trip they will choose this as the shipping costs are dramatically different.

Either way air freight or shipping by boat. Customs and access to ports and holding areas is going to be problematic during lockdown.
Import delays at ports.


Something for @vapor matt to read and digest.
May lower the rage mode slightly.

:D there's no rage mode lol, but i doubt very much there are 10's of thousands of AMD cpu's in that lot. shipping containers are for large volume goods, plus the whole of the EU has no 5000 series CPU's so unless all the ports are blocked across the EU
I dont think the UK's supply of Ryzen is in there. but still a poor show but port authorities, they maybe full of PlayStation 5's and the new Xbox though :p
Actually packaging is narrower for the ones without the cooler ;)

I was disgusted by the packaging on mine!

The cpu is literally right up against the side of the box, with a small bit of plastic covering it to make a window. Nothing else.
Why use such a big box, and NOT put the cpu in the middle where its more protected
I know people arent happy with OC raising their prices but has anyone seen the prices on that rainforest site? Just for laughs I did a search for a 5800x and the sellers there go up to £960 :eek: If thats not scalping I don't know what is.
The price is in the hands of the buyers, all we need to do is "NOT BUY THEM AT STUPID PRICES" and the price will drop, as long as idiots in this world are happy to pay twice the RRP people will go on Scalping.
Companies should make it very hard for Bots too, but I guess as long as they sell well they don't give a sh** who buys them :(
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