Dont pay the scalpers because, as tempting as it is, its just winds the market up and you'll see it for years to come and before long none of us will be able to afford them because retailers will try and better the scalpers. Just dont! Money is power and as long as someone is willing to pay a price then thats what the product is worth.
As has been said before its just a bad year for it, lockdown - Everyone all of sudden want to buy computers and upgrade.... and we're just talking CPUs here....have you even tried getting any fittings for watercooling or simple LED lighting? whether its CPUs, GPUs, PS5s, sand for a patio, fence paint or toilet roll everything is in short supply this year. Unfortunately the retailers have taken the brunt of frustrations as everyone thinks its all stuck in a warehouse somewhere.
But the figures from AMD (based on previous ryzen launches) launched with "xyz" supply of CPUs on 5th of November....however when they say (take statistics and numbers as you wish) that demand outstripped supply by over 10x their original launch forecast then of course theirs going to be a backlog. Yes they could have easily delayed the launch or manufactured more but if this supply was not met with this demand then all this stock would have sat in a warehouse costing them a fortune in taxes and unsold products. Even
@Gibbo mentioned this was the craziest launch ever and we've all seen the numbers.
The difference is we're not all standing in front of a shop queuing, everything is online now squeezed through a small number of outlets and of course there's pressure. But just cast your mind back to when B&Q opened its doors in summer....could you believe all these people were painting fences and building patios? I can't believe everyone's upgrading their computers...but apparently they are! In the 15 years I've been building my own machines I've not seen it this crazy before but with the dawn of youtube, mega titles, VR, "instagram/all show no go" builds you name it everyones on it now. And what else do you do in winter now you cant build a patio but are still in lock down? the same thing as everyone else build a PC.
It will come good and it might seem like a long wait but why in this generation must we have this "iphone 12" envy Kevin seems to bleat on about to me every night? Ride the Corona wave and control the frustrations of a sh** year, and get ready to bench them numbers!
Oh yeah.... and dont feed the Scalpers! It will be bad for all of us I promise....