Ok, i was not aware of that.
Look, remember Zen 1? Remember all the noise about how unreliable and broken it was supposed to be.
I ran a Ryzen 1600 on a cheap as chips B350 board for two years, after updating the board to the latest BIOS right after talking out of the box the system never missed a beat, i had an Intel system before it and the AM4 platform even at that time was every bit as solid.
Also remember the cracked die thing on those repair shop RDNA2 GPU's? Just one example of it, just one, with that the whole thing got blown up as if it was a huge problem, conclutions of "this may kill AMD" tech tubers like Ber8auer whose always presented himself as an analytical expert surmised scientifically that the problem was over voltage in the AMD driver, because of course its always AMD's drivers, right?
It was a batch of Ex-mining cards that had been drenched in water, that's it, nothing to do with the GPU, nothing, lol..... to do with the driver, they were miss used and abused cards from one guy that had gone in for repair, what's more nearly all of these tech tubers failed to mention that.
Just know people love a good story, especially when it comes to AMD failing.