Best would be not to buy those games where they're a coding disaster. Let the studio lose money on games that gamers refuse to be conned into buying, and requiring a £5000 gaming PC.
It couldn't even run at lowest detail setting, lowest resolution without being a slideshow. Yet other open world games could run in ultra, everything maxed 1920x1200 out at 60fps.
But it doesn't need a £5k PC it needs a £900 PC and lets be honest Ubisoft & Rockstar are not going to get boycott because the frame pacing is off on the Intel 4C chips though is it. Again real world vs idealistic are very far apart.
And that doesn't mean at all with regards to whether the game was complex or not because it didn't run well at all. That is a completely different problem to the smaller part of frame pacing and the minor stuttering we were discussing. You have gone off on a tangent to the actual point being made and just saying games run bad and so should be avoided.
The principle is that the games run well on the i7 7700K it is just there is noticeable frame pacing issues on some that was not before noted because what was being compared was worse. No one did a detailed comparison of an i7 6900K because it costs 3x what the i7 7700K cost and thus was not likely to be a competitor but when you use that CPU it also shows that the more cores/threads work well to remove/reduce the stutter and frame pacing issues.
I am not sure again why people generally are being dismissive of Ryzen where it shows improvements because they don't like that their Intel CPU suddenly has more noticeable flaws that we all were fine with for 4 years and now suddenly all the games are gash and we should just not play them then on anything till resolved. The thing is the way that multi core/threads work mean that the pacing is likely to be better as the way the chips and the engines take advantage of that. It is not the same as saying that the game is broken. The solution to the frame pacing issue is for the developers to use all the cores/threads to improve it and Ryzen & the i7 6850K & i7 6900K show this.
The coding in basic form is already doing the part to fix it, it just needs improving and working upon as time goes on to improve it further.