Deleted member 66701
Deleted member 66701
Doesnt the Ryzen tuner enable hpet though? I would still manually overclock as hpet on will be a performance and latency loss. Thats why there is no more bios toggle because things like this can override the off toggles somepeople use and thus you no longer use TMC and better timers.
It also causes microstutter but that was Ryzen tools but i suspect clock tuners the same thing. This is why no one listnened to me when i said your getting motherboards now with no toggles and no way to secure against the hpet abomonation.
Had the boards of had the toggle, I would have had peice of mind but you now need to spend time checking to see if they are still doing it.
I thought disabling HPET wasn't a thing any more for recent versions of Win 10 and modern motherboards? Does Win 10 now not use hybrid timers?
I know that when I had a play around last spring that disabling HPET gave me lower FPS and stuttering in games and in particular performance in Unity, Audacity and Premiere Pro crashed through the floor.