S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Lost Alpha

Nah i've always had it happen, since the retail release. Thought I did install the codec in the same place that Lost Alpha was installed but I wouldn't have thought that that mattered? I think that's what used to crash my game when I got up to the Doctor in the swamps.
Has the memory leak issue (I think that's what it is) been fixed? I've got latest patch installed, but after playing for like an hour fps drops considerably and can only be rectified by restarting the game.
^^ Not sure, though I have found turning off SSAO and setting the correct method for my card / lowering grass detail to the minimum & disabling MSAA for A-test objects all helped my fps. :)
^^ Not sure, though I have found turning off SSAO and setting the correct method for my card / lowering grass detail to the minimum & disabling MSAA for A-test objects all helped my fps. :)

Game runs fine here even at highest settings, not much worse than CoP did when I last played that. The issue is the performance degradation after an hour or so of playing, it's easily a 50% drop in performance. Restarting the game fixes it completely. Really hope they fix whatever is causing it as everything else looks and runs fantastic.

My first impressions is that it's very close to the original SoC, with the obvious graphical improvements and changes in landscape. That said there is definitely a slight unfinished feel to it (as you'd expect). I'm told the maps are bigger, but at the same time everything feels less populated, there's less stashes everywhere and just a general feeling of less activity in the environment. Nothing that can't be fixed though. Really look forward to what becomes of it a few patches down the line.
Game runs fine here even at highest settings, not much worse than CoP did when I last played that. The issue is the performance degradation after an hour or so of playing, it's easily a 50% drop in performance. Restarting the game fixes it completely. Really hope they fix whatever is causing it as everything else looks and runs fantastic.

My first impressions is that it's very close to the original SoC, with the obvious graphical improvements and changes in landscape. That said there is definitely a slight unfinished feel to it (as you'd expect). I'm told the maps are bigger, but at the same time everything feels less populated, there's less stashes everywhere and just a general feeling of less activity in the environment. Nothing that can't be fixed though. Really look forward to what becomes of it a few patches down the line.

Yeah, I can only assume that the leak (no pun intended) that was reported, forced Dezowave's hand to release it in an unfinished but playable state. That was / is a real damn shame, especially for Dezowave. I guess we will never know what really happened.

I'm enjoying playing it, but I am somewhat disappointed with the current experience. I concur with your notes above that it feels very open and much larger (which is good), but lacks 'life' and content. :/
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Yeah, I think it's a problem across a majority of stalker mods. As you say, a restart sorts it out every time, but it would be nice to find a work around for it. :/

I've been playing a lot of this mod over the last few days, and some of the fps drops are crazy. I've seen it go as low as 8 fps at one point.

I've now tried turning off sun rays / AO & or SSAO. The fps hasn't dropped at all, and to tell the truth I can hardly tell the difference (if at all). It does also mean that I can now crank up the AA, though pushing it to the max doesn't make it look 'that' much better, and the frame rate hit is huge. I find sticking with morphological AA to be a good enough trade off.
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Yup, heard about this the other day. I'm quite looking forward to checking it out again, though I might not play it all the way through for a while. The whole style of Oblivion Lost 2.5/Lost Alpha generally doesn't appeal to me as much as other mods/releases, but we'll see. :)
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Same. Had a look at the Mod DB page and I think i'll leave it for a week or two before committing to play. Can't wait to give it a shot though, been a while since i've played Stalker.
I can't even get it to launch. :D It was fine until I went from 1.3003 to 1.4.

It was a mistake releasing the Director's Cut in the form of a patch. They should have released it as a stand-alone installer, and not compressed it into parts either!

Back to Call of Chernobyl for me!
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