Saints Row: The Third

Yeah, it's a rubbish trailer. But I'm "fully stoked, bros!" for the game. If they iron out some of the kinks in the 2nd improve on what I think is a winning formula, it should be brilliant
I had high hopes for sr2 but the cpu speed issue causing the majority of players games to be ran at an increased speed made driving in the games terrible.

And they didnt make it in house they got some other unknown dev team to do the pc version. I suspect they will do the same with sr3 and probably fk it up like they did with sr2.
That vid shows bad pop in trouble which i had hoped they would fix but they obviously didn't and the fps isnt exactly smooth which you can spot if you look.
HELL YEAH! I'm glad they decided to make another one, the trailers look great and the ***** slapping and apocko-fist are going to provide endless hours of hilarity imo can't wait for it :D
I liked the first two but i'll wait until this one gets quite cheap, i find games like this only fun for a while as the novelty wears off quicker these days.
The first one was awesome until the second game blew it away...

I have a funny feeling that after I play the third one, I won't even be able to look at the previous two anymore :(
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