Our country is a joke. This is what happens when you take competition out of a market.
Typical troll stuff. Are you referring to the National Rail system or TfL? Nonsense either way.
If you hadn't noticed, the national system was privatised (1994-97) and works on franchises now. To get good "competition" they aim for at least three bids but in recent years they've failed to get even those. Apparently the private sector is not willing to run train services - not juicy enough. The Public Accounts Committee warned about it a year ago:
'Lack of interest' in running rail franchises, MPs warn
What do we have to show for it? Some of the most expensive fares in Europe. Meanwhile Germany and France have kept their public systems, DB and SNCF, and they seem to work much better.
TfL by contrast was created in 2000 as a 'devolved' (Greater London) government scheme, and has been a pretty staggering success AFAIK.
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