Salman Rushdie attacked

How convenient. What does your god look like? That's blasphemous!

At least in Christianity they try to come up with imaginative depictions, like saying god is a burning bush lmao, but I guess in Islam they want to avoid as many questions they can't answer so no one should ask or even think about what a "god" looks like

Mostly they just reused pictures of Zeus.

Many Muslims accused Rushdie of blasphemy or unbelief and in 1989 the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie. Numerous killings, attempted killings (including against Rushdie himself), and bombings resulted in response to the novel.[1]

The Iranian government backed the fatwa against Rushdie until 1998, when the succeeding government of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami said it no longer supported the killing of Rushdie.[2] However, a fatwa cannot be revoked in Islamic tradition.[3] Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated in 2017 that the fatwa was still in effect[4]. Even as late as 2019, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, the successor to Ayatollah Khomeini, insisted that the fatwa against Salman Rushdie is "solid and irrevocable".[

In recent times Muslim clerics have actually increased the bounty payable on the killing of Rushdie by about half a million pounds (from memory).
To be fair almost all of these "clerics", scholars and preachers are just loud mouthed mouthpieces for one part of a religious ideology, something that the vast majority don't support. it just so happens that those that do, are equally as loud mouthed and seem to make the most noise, so naturally the global interpretation of that is "all Muslims hate Rushdie and want him dead" - Or words to that effect anyway.

I know many Muslims, none of them want Rushdie dead. Any rational and reasonable person in the modern world will be open minded, treat jokes as jokes and have a laugh at the same time or be curious and ask about what an author of something thinks to gain a better understanding of any situation. Everyone else is too full of hate and anger, two things that would automatically sideline them for hell after death anyway because they are saying that their judgement on one man is of a higher standing than god himself So i In accordance with religion, god is nothing to them since they are attempting to do god's work by killing god's creation?

If any god was offended, we'd know about by now. But instead as is usual with humanity, a portion of followers that pitchfork waving radicals seem to think their hardline view is the final say.
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