Samsung 64GB 2.5" SATA-II MLC Solid State Hard Drive

If you are going to run the SSDs with your old HDD's just move the pagefile to your old HDD's. Otherwise if you've got enough ram (4gb+), disable the pagefile because it'll lower the lifetime of your SSD's
ok. :) So what is the speed like on your desktop then? Did you get 2 or 1?

And do you think it's a good idea to turn off the pagefile m8?

I've got 1 SSD at the moment for OS and applications. I'm using my old 500 GB drive for storage. Although I've got 4GB RAM I'm still using a pagefile - as LeJimster suggested I've moved my pagefile to the old HDD.

Once the bios checks are complete Vista loads within 16 seconds. I've been thinking about getting another for RAID but at the moment I'm happy with one.
I wish I had queried the new drive to see what its offset was set to by default :)

Perhaps someone else who hasn't altered their drive's offset, and whose drive was pre-formatted could do that?

Getting one next week. What do you use to query the drives existing partition offset? As looking at instruction for Diskpar it looks like it has to make the partition before giving details about it.

Edit: Partition Alignment offset

The drive arrived pre-partitioned. Checked offset using Vista reocvery console and Diskpart. Offset was 32
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Follow this guide once you've installed Vista on your SSD. Should cover everything you need, if not just post here.

Thanks, i've followed the instructions as shown on that guide, i've not fidled around with the CPU cache settings though since i was'nt sure if an E8500 had the reccommended ammount of cache, i was meaning to ask if their was anything that i could do to increase the SSD's performance in Vista. I'll run ATTO and upload the benchmark scores that i get here if anyone is, at this point, interested.

By the way, i know this may sound a bit dumb, but what sites do you use for uploading screen prints to? I tried Imageshack but it said that some of the screen prints that i was trying to upload were bad files.
hahaha ok work this out right.

I've run atto once against 2 Sammys in Raid 0 using that tweaks guide shown above and i ran it again againts a Samsung F1 320GB Sata 2 HDD. The results were, well, interesting to say the least.

I've never used ATTO before less than a week ago so i don't fully understand what i am looking at yet but on the final test the results showed that in I/O Compression the F1 Spin point seemed to Muller the SSD's if what i am seeing is correct.

The Spinpoint F1 scored on the last test (1024.0) just over 150MB sec write and around 210MB sec Read. The two Samsung Solid State drives in raid 0 showed on the last test just over 100MB sec Write and just over 160MB sec Read in the same I/O compression test.

I am not sure if that is accurate though but it occurs to me that the F1 should have been completely mullered by the SSD's, it's quite suprising really. I guess that i will have to run the test again when the drives become fuller Although i do have the F1 setup in 2 partitions consisting of 160GB each and the second partition is using approximately 30GB of space.
hahaha ok work this out right.

I've run atto once against 2 Sammys in Raid 0 using that tweaks guide shown above and i ran it again againts a Samsung F1 320GB Sata 2 HDD. The results were, well, interesting to say the least.

I've never used ATTO before less than a week ago so i don't fully understand what i am looking at yet but on the final test the results showed that in I/O Compression the F1 Spin point seemed to Muller the SSD's if what i am seeing is correct.

The Spinpoint F1 scored on the last test (1024.0) just over 150MB sec write and around 210MB sec Read. The two Samsung Solid State drives in raid 0 showed on the last test just over 100MB sec Write and just over 160MB sec Read in the same I/O compression test.

I am not sure if that is accurate though but it occurs to me that the F1 should have been completely mullered by the SSD's, it's quite suprising really. I guess that i will have to run the test again when the drives become fuller Although i do have the F1 setup in 2 partitions consisting of 160GB each and the second partition is using approximately 30GB of space.

I've already said a couple of pages back. There's nothing special about these SSDs. Max read speed is around 90mb\s (dunno about writes). It's the seek times that make it nice and smooth and yummy. Also if you get a few of them in RAID0 you get a nice amount of stroage and great read speeds. I'm getting real world speed of 350mb\s on my 4 x 64GB setup.

I get the impression a lot of people are creaming themselves over these who don't actually have the money to buy them and test them properly and are just repeating heresay from people who don't know how to run a benchmark properly.

I really, really wouldn't bother getting just 1 for a desktop. If you can't afford 2 or more then just wait until you can because you won't see anything special with only 1.

Apart from windows booting up slightly quicker (wow...:rolleyes:)
Just ordered one of these :)

Hope its as good as I have read :D

They are brillitant, but you need more than 1 to get the benefits if having an expensive SSD at the bargain Samsung price. These drives are SLOW compared to the intel ones. But you RAID0 them and you can get "intel" speed or faster at 1\3 of the price.

...But you can't with 1.
Follow this guide once you've installed Vista on your SSD. Should cover everything you need, if not just post here.

Ok thanks. The guide you linked me looks good but it says to disable superfetch.

Is there a benefit to doing this then? I thought superfetch would have been better left on as it makes the most of the systems memory .

With having an ssd does it negate this then?
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Is there a benefit to doing this then? I thought superfetch would have been better left on as it makes the most of the systems memory .

well, i carried out those instructions shown on the tutorial about 2 hours ago, i've not installed any apps since then, all i have done is restarted my pc.

I've just done an ATTO benchmark test and the read/write of the raided samsungs has shown both an improvement in write speeds but a decrease in read rates using the Overlapped I/O test.

On the last test that i carried out the sammys scored roughly 110MB sec Write and just over 180MB Sec Read rates in the same test when they got to the last test (1024.0).

On the test that i just did the sammys scored around 130MB sec write and roughly 176MB sec Read rate in the Overlapped I/O test, i'm assuming that the results of the other tests will show basically the same.

Wether that's down to the guide or not though i am not sure but it seems to have increased the Write speeds slightly.
has anyone used HD Tune instead of ATTO for running benchmarks on these samsungs?

I've just tried it, out of curiosity, and the F1 drive just got big time mullered.
Not sure what you mean?

I will be creating a 12gb RAMdisk on my new sys (bits are here, waiting for thermal compound to arrive). I will be saving the RAMdisk image to the Samsung RAID0 array for reloading on bootup.

you are going to have 12gb RAM spare for a RAMdisk ?

doesnt sound right, i think we are confusing things.

ramdisk is using some of your RAM as your hard driive.. you can then put temp files, page files etc on it to speed up some tasks that would normally have to write to hard drive

this is the one im playing around with
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