Samsung 64GB 2.5" SATA-II MLC Solid State Hard Drive

No chance, I've got 4 x 64GB Samsungs and I can tell you now real world performance is nothing to shout about in single drive configuration. The only thing it has over normal modern drives is it's seek time. Good for booting windows but not loading games\applications particularly. Average read speed of a single drive is around 90mb\s which isn't mind blowing. Fast, yes. But no faster than a mainstream drive and not faster than a velociraptor etc.

Shame as i would just want to buy one drive and have it as a main drive.Think i will stick with my seagate inside a Scythe Quiet Drive
I ended up buying two. I wish I knew about the quidco link though, I never even thought to look:mad:

I use one in my laptop. It is good replacement for the standard sata laptop drive. It's faster, no noise, it's loads cooler and only uses 1/3rd of the power reading/writing and 1/5 when at idle.

I have the other drive in my main machine running vista 64. Atto is showing writes of just under 85mb and reads of 104mb with access times of 0.1ms
Shame as i would just want to buy one drive and have it as a main drive.Think i will stick with my seagate inside a Scythe Quiet Drive

they are miles better than raptors. and miles better than mainstream drives, someones looking far to much at benchies and reading FAR to much into SEQUENTIAL read speeds.

Honestly sequential read speeds mean smeg all, entirely. Ok, if you're constantly transfering files of defragmented data to a clear sequential space somewhere else then a ssd isn't fast, neither is it slow, just the same.

my raid 0 hitachi's(which are pretty damn good with 375gb platters) give about 170average read in say Crystal mark and about 140mb's write.

The random 512kb gives around 65/55mb/s numbers, which aren't great, and its because random kills normal hdd's, the raptor's will do a little better but not hugely.

For the 4kb random read/write it gets 0.3/2 mb/s. its horrible at multiple i/o's, absolutely horrible.

The problem here is you only get sequential speed as I said, transfering defragged large filesize data to somewhere else. If you transfer defragged data but its say 3000 files of small size but 4gb total it will transfer a LOT slower than a 4gb single file.

But with with my sammy's in raid I get sequential 180/150mb/s , random 512kb r/w i get 170/140 , thats where it BLOWS hard drives, including raptors away easily, with the 4kb r/w i get 22/8 mb/s , thats for random read, 100 times the performance. It bogs down a little more under random writes which is why thankfully you won't normally write constantly. Its far better in day to day use. All my games load up faster, not hugely always, Lotro loads up very very fast, Empire total war loads up very fast(though I only played demo before on normal which was ultra slow).

apps/games are not about sequential reads at all but random.

Go look in a game folder, it depends on the game but Lotro for instance has almost 3000 files in it, empire has quite a lot of files ranging from small to large, Lotro has LOADS of small files. Most apps have lots and lots of small files to load

This is all on top of basic performance of small apps, firefox and the like feel basically instant to load for all intents and purposes, when I hit it its there by the time i've moved the cursor from quick launch to a link i want to click while on my hdd's i'll have to wait a few seconds.

its faster in simple day to day use, and faster in game loading, and most situations. Hell, even lotro installed faster AND updated way way faster. vista installed in around 12 minutes, instead of the usual 20ish with a fast raid 0 setup.

having used them, I'd recommend them for really any use to be honest. My plan is to keep these then when Vertex's come down in price(the 60gb should be £150 shortly, probably closer to £100 in several months as its VERY likely everyone and their brother will be releasing new ssd's with a shedload of cache and proper controllers) i'll grab one for my os and have these two as "pretty damn fast" gaming data drives as, well Lotro and Empire together take up almost 30gigs I think, considering I don't really need that much speed for them I'd be happier them taking up space on the 120raid array than a 60gb vertex.

I'd recommend these as due to the price you won't get anything cheaper or near the performance for the price right now and for a while, these drives are selling for the equivilent of £180 elsewhere in the world and thats the likely price of the next stock "if" there is any more to be had.
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well, i can only speak for what i am using at the minute. I have 2 64GB samsungs in a 128K Stripe Raid 0 configuration and their performance thus far has been exceptional.
They make my old Raptor X's more or less meuseum peices. Don't get me wrong the Raptors were good but i had 4 of them in raid 0 and they did not perform as quickly as 2 of these samsungs in the same configuration running windows vista. I'm no expert but i'm guessing that you would notice more of a difference in terms of speed when the drives become fuller. I have yet to fill 50% of these hard drives but when i had my raptors up at around the 50% capacity mark they would slow down quite a bit in accessing windows folders but i am told that the solid states maintain a constant access time which is something that magnetic drives don't so there you will notice the difference i suspect. Applications also load a damn sight faster on these drives than on magnetic drives and don't forget everything else that's already been said about them being silent, shock and damage resistant and requiring less power, all of that is true and in my opinion does make them superior archetecture than magnetic drives. All in all, to be honest i wont go back from what i have now and will continue to use ssd's for aslong as i can, by far it is probably the best system upgrade that i have made this year. I'll try and upload some atto results later if i can. But like drunkenmaster says the price/gigabyte/performance ratio is just too great a deal to miss and when the Vertex come down in price most people will end up buying them, i will but i have already considered buying either one 30GB vertex (to use as a boot drive) and to just use the two raided sammys as a single backup/games drive or to buy a 3rd samsung and having 3 in raid and i cant make up my mind which to do tbh.
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totally agree with above post

i have same 2xsammys in Raid0 and its by far the best upgrade ive done in a long time.

i wont go back to mechanical hard drives now ive had this (as my boot drive atleast, still have a 1tb as my data drive)
This is the result from hdtune on my samsungs 64g in raid , I can tell the difference in loading from a normal harddrive. ( hope the picture works , First time posting a picture).

This is from ATTO Benchmark util.
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Has anyone mounted these within their Antec P182 case?
I bought the 3.5" converter, but these still wont fit in the normal hard drive container section.
Im tempted to put one in my laptop but 64GB isn’t exactly a lot of storage if you consider that Vista easily takes up approximately 10GB of storage.

Just did a fresh install of Vista Ultimate with no special options and it came to 25.2GB, not sure about the other editions. I got by with Vista Ultimate on a PATA 32GB SSD for the last 18months, but have just swapped to a 64GB SSD and in comparison it feels roomy! :)
^^ me too.
I think you would notice the difference in using a single SSD against a single HDD, but raid is always going to be a nicer improvement.
Mine are also loose in the case at the moment, I might try and fix them somewhere else then. I just wasnt sure if I was being stupid with trying to fit these.
I got one of these today and have just done a couple of quick benchmarks in Windows XP. My motherboard is a G31 chipset with ICH7 southbridge.

Oddly the drive was already formatted to NTFS. I am a bit sceptical that the drive can be new when it is already formatted, because surely it doesn't come from the factory like that?

I am wondering whether I need to concern myself with setting up the drive as discussed previously in this thread, or whether I should just use it as is?


dirtydog, thats cracking benchmarks, but your right, it shouldnt be formatted already, im certain mine wasnt.
Given that these things are brand new, I wouldnt worry too much about it being an 'old' item?
I just hope it isn't an item someone else returned and has been resold as new, which would be illegal AFAIK. So long as there's nothing wrong with it I don't mind.
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