Samsung Galaxy S... highest spec Android phone released... also with QWERTY!

Is it worth flashing your Galaxy S? If i actually find out what good it will do i might try it lol

You and other lazy sods like Fallen God can find all this info with 5 minutes of Googling and actually reading the info in this thread. If after this you still don't understand what rooting is or what it does, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it. ;)
quick question to people flashing the SGS. i read about doing it last night, seems pretty simple and im pretty good with pc's built my own rig etc.... but obviously if you brick your phone the insurance isnt gonna cover it, so im not sure if i wanna take the risk doing it with a phone that costs quite a bit of money.

how do people here justify in their minds the risk ? just curious.....

Because the risk isnt very high if youre carful. Chances of something going wrong are very very slim.
Heads up, found a nice leather case that holds credit cards. Seems it's only 99p for the first 20 buyers. I'll put some pics up when it arrives.



Possibly one of the the worst and most inconvenient cases for a phone that ive ever seen. I mean seriously, who the chuff wants their credit cards stored along with the phone in the same place? :confused:
I wish to God that Samsung had released the Epic in the EU... not doing so was a crime imo. :(

Just installed 2.2 from Kies and by god my Phone is horrendously slow/nigh on impossible to use!
The lag is worse than it's ever been before!!!

Would installing the custom ROm you linked resolve these issues?

Custom ROM with lagfix makes it smooth as butter, my friend has the device and its like lightning.
i've come to the conclusion that i have a hardware fault :(

i can charge it all night and then use the phone as normal and then it just dies no battery charge

ive done a system restore also

Battery is probably faulty, try a new one off of Ebay then send the faulty one back to Samsung.
Hi all,

I just had a quick read through the last few posts...I'm not really too up on it still worth picking one of these up now or is there something better enroute (as in within the next month or so)?


Scott C

There is a Galaxy II out in the next month or so that improves on the original in every area. Start reading Engadget Mobile
Picking one of these up tommorrow for £135 (so long after I posted this thread, hah) as my mate is selling it to make way for his SGS II... looking forward to playing around with it. :)
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