Samsung Galaxy S25 Family Thread

I've just gone from S23u to one plus 13. Refreshing change, takes a bit of getting used to the UI but not missing much from the S23.

Some great features actually built in like app lock without needing to use secure folder.

Fast charging is great and bigger battery noticeable. Guess time will tell.
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Crazy prices , when you consider you can have a similar spec OP13 for 899 at the moment .

I'm still annoyed that they still never fixed the cameras problems that have been there since the s22U with motion blue and poor quality in slightly low light, constantly promised updates on the S24U but they never came so I ended up selling mine. Disappointing to see the S25U still uses that rubbish 200mp sensor
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Do the UK versions use the Snapdragon chip or Samsung's own chips?
All snapdragon at least on the Ultras, I've also just read they are taking bluetooth away from the s-pen. This was great for allowing you to use the S-PEN as a remote to take photos, videos etc
Crazy prices , when you consider you can have a similar spec OP13 for 899 at the moment .

I'm still annoyed that they still never fixed the cameras problems that have been there since the s22U with motion blue and poor quality in slightly low light, constantly promised updates on the S24U but they never came so I ended up selling mine. Disappointing to see the S25U still uses that rubbish 200mp sensor
It's the one area that needed improving the most really.
Yes, it's incredibly disappointing they haven't updated the main sensor and 12gb of RAM still in Europe is a joke. Cost cutting all over the place.
If I don't get the voucher, we have an official Samsung 3rd party seller here. Who applies these discounts without jumping through hoops, hopefully they do it again this year.
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