Samsung Visits Overclockers UK!

Having picked up a S27A750D today, I haven't had a massive amount of time to play with it but thought i'd add my 2c to this thread.

Previous worries:
27" is going to be too big
The 3D will be gimicky and not very good.
It will be unstable, and look wonkey.
It's a bit pricey.

Previous hopes:
Will be great as a primary monitor, can use my 23" dell as a secondary, I read articles that two monitors helps productivity, I work about 11 hours a day on this so thought I'd make the upgrade.
The 3D will be great.
It will look stylish
The picture quality will be amazing.

Unboxed, and on my desk.. my views are now.

- It looks brilliant. 27" isn't too big, I think it's perfect!
- I cannot have this screen in 120hz mode with my Dell monitor. Catalyst control center lets you assign profiles, so now I have one profile ( Press alt and 3 ) for one screen in 120hz, alt + 2 for dual screen in 60hz. Brilliant, thats not really a problem.
- The resolution is smaller than my 2 year old dell, I need to get used to that, but actually there is nothing bad about it. For most people this resolution will be an upgrade.
- The stand is sturdy, it's great looking, the buttons are easy to use. Annoyingly the menu updates very slowly, but you shouldn't need to use it often.
- It's bright, but that's nice.
- The colours are much much more accurate than on my dell, on that thing I'm seeing yellow coloured whites and this new monitor totally out classes it.
- The 3D, well. I'm still getting used to it, the 2D->3D option is good, but not brilliant. As in, you'll be amazed it did that with something 2D, but you'll not think it's as good as watching a true 3D film. So,.. it's a bonus. I loaded up a couple of videos to play with it, it's good. The desktop doesn't look good like this though and hurts my eyes, so I think it's something I'll use when I want it, then turn it off, rather than always having 3D on.
- The TriDef is apparently a LOT better, but here is what I have experienced:
When I try to watch a film using it, it tells me I need to have a license for tridef, and that the one I am using doesn't support this format. Bummer.
It looks good with google earth, woohoo, but thats not something i'll use much.
A lot of the games it supports, it supports with DX 9, loading the DX 10 or DX 11 versions tell me my video driver needs updating.
I only loaded one game, civilization V using it, it didn't look brilliant, but I think perhaps for other titles it really could, I want to try a FPS, they seem to be where it is at with these monitors!

Overall, it's well build, stylish, and a great picture.The resolution isn't much of a hold back, and it's not too big like you may think. The 3D seems to take a bit to get used to, and tridef keeps asking me for licenses which I have no idea why. Looking at google earth, when I get some time and some supported games it will be great.
Supported games list is here, it's pretty big:

All in all, very happy with this purchase, for me it's brilliant.
Oh and when I walk out the room, it turns itself onto stanby, when I come back.. it turns back on.. how brilliant!

Oh and - Make sure to plug it into the correct DVI, and use the button between the arrows which looks like it should open the menu to change source, I spent a while staring at an error asking me to check my HDMI cable :S, as we know.. real men don't read instructions.

And - Glare... no, it's fine.

Photo coming.
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Glad you're liking the new monitor. I'm looking to replace my Dell 2405 with a s27a950 and it's good to read opinion from people that have got one. Will be trying my ps3 as well.
I'm interested in the 23" screen. Wondering if you will be stocking the S23A950D as well as the S23A750D as I think it looks much nicer!
Plus, could anyone be kind enough to measure the distance from the top of the desk to the start on the actually display (not the housing, the bottom row of pixels)? I already have two 23" 2D monitors which I'd like to use either side of this and it'd annoy me immensly if the display didn't line up properly!

Typically people who lack depth perception, and other awareness associated with vision.

I've just looked at the test of that link and am quite surprised. I can see 3d on monitors without a problem, but am also very left eye dominant which is an issue when using a shotgun as I am right handed. That page seems to imply that most people don;t have a dominant eye, but when shooting I have never met anyone that doesn't.
I've just looked at the test of that link and am quite surprised. I can see 3d on monitors without a problem, but am also very left eye dominant which is an issue when using a shotgun as I am right handed. That page seems to imply that most people don;t have a dominant eye, but when shooting I have never met anyone that doesn't.

Shooting was about technique and habit; you need to learn a side to shoot down, hence a dominance.

Unless accuracy isn't key...!
But I haven't found it a learned trait, at least not from shooting. Everyone I have met has had a dominant eye before shooting, so I assume it is learnt at a much earlier age,
mmm i was wondering would this monitor be great for watching blu ray 3d movies like a normal 3D tv and also is 27" the biggest or should i wait for a 32" to replace my old 32" tv

I went up 4" from my 23 incher and found it ridiculously big. I'm sure losing 5" would make the monitor seem tiny.

They're excellent for blu rays, but i would ust get the 32"+ TV version TBH
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