Samurize script for Seti?

Originally posted by Jem
Thank Garp ;) works ok now.

Just out of curiousity and to learn more about this what exactly did you change on the setionline section?
If poss could you paste the section you changed on here so we can see what & where you altered it?:D

TBH I can't remember.
The code is pretty much the same, I changed the weblink, and instead of trying to feed the e-mail variable to it I specifically stated the e-mail address. Other than that I formatted it a bit for ease of reading, and sorted out a few lines where the line break was missing.
Ummm works for me?!?!?!?

In case anyone else cant pull it from there cut and paste from below...

<--------------- cut here --------------->

' results.vbs version 1
' Parses the number of queued [stashed] results from SetiQueue
' You need to alter the first URL below to point to YOUR queue
' ie:
' Use the ShowMyResults function to display stats
' Adapted from code in ShowMyIp.vbs
' Unfortunately there was no author name in the original script
' So I cannot accredit that person. But thanks in absentia.....
' Sp!ke. 1st October 2003

Function ShowMyResults()
htmlResult = BinToText(GetHTMLBin(""), 35000)
prefig = InStr(htmlResult, "The following ")
aftfig = InStr(prefig, htmlResult, "Results")
endup = mid(htmlResult, prefig, aftfig-prefig)
endup = replace(endup, "The following ", "")
ShowMyResults = endup

End Function

Function GetHTMLBin(strURL)
Dim objXMLHTTP, strReturn
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
GetHTMLBin = objXMLHTTP.responseBody
Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
End Function

Function BinToText(varBinData, intDataSizeInBytes)
Const adFldLong = &H00000080
Const adVarChar = 200
Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Fields.Append "txt", adVarChar, intDataSizeInBytes, adFldLong
objRS.Fields("txt").AppendChunk varBinData
BinToText = objRS("txt").Value
Set objRS = Nothing
End Function
appologies Sp!ke it wasnt your link, it was nthell's sodding dns servers yet again :mad: seems to be every other day lately as well, i'm seriously thinking of moving back to bt :eek:
Originally posted by Jem
appologies Sp!ke it wasnt your link, it was nthell's sodding dns servers yet again :mad: seems to be every other day lately as well, i'm seriously thinking of moving back to bt :eek:

Heh no probs matey :)

Must admit I've not had any probs with BT Broadband [although I'm led to believe thats unusual!] But its my only option at the moment I would lurve 1Meg+ cable but no go as yet....

I've just had that as well using Version 3. Appears to be some extra line formatting in the file. Have Re-edited and placed here [its my working one just edit email addy etc]
Also make sure path to seti client is correct of course..

[edit] Bloomin fortune***** forgot they dont allow external links grrr sorry will rehost somwhere else or fix later[/edit]

That zip ALSO contains results2.vbs which now gives you stash/queued and distributed wu's. Any additions wanted jus lemme know..

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Ummmm the SETIProgress function doesn't create a temp file [ Unlike the SETIOnline function] What it does is read the state.sah file in your seticlient directory

tp = path & "state.sah" ' Generates the path to the file

where 'path' was edited earlier in the script

path = "C:\woteva_the_path_to_ur_client_is\" ' Path to seti@home client Dont forget the LAST backslash

All I can think of is either the state.sah is missing [very unlikely as seti wouldnt be working] or the path is incorrect?

Path is correct, but there's no 'state.sah' in there.
State.sah is kept in each Wu directory:


Seti has been working fine like this for 4200Wu's! ;)
You have to have the "Use seti spy" tickbox on for the currently processing WU's state.sah to be copied into the main directory.
Ah! Your using SETI Driver!
I've never used it so I didn't realize that it held the state.sah in a different place.

Thanks Biffa that will hopefully cure the problem :)

Had it working there for a minute, but now it says

version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE userstats SYSTEM "">


and so on when I try to run it.
Although when it did run, after my name it displayed "/a". Any ideas?

edit. Proper display now, but it still gives my name as "DeathStalker</a>" on the desktop display.
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