Ummm works for me?!?!?!?
In case anyone else cant pull it from there cut and paste from below...
<--------------- cut here --------------->
' results.vbs version 1
' Parses the number of queued [stashed] results from SetiQueue
' You need to alter the first URL below to point to YOUR queue
' ie:
' Use the ShowMyResults function to display stats
' Adapted from code in ShowMyIp.vbs
' Unfortunately there was no author name in the original script
' So I cannot accredit that person. But thanks in absentia.....
' Sp!ke. 1st October 2003
Function ShowMyResults()
htmlResult = BinToText(GetHTMLBin(""), 35000)
prefig = InStr(htmlResult, "The following ")
aftfig = InStr(prefig, htmlResult, "Results")
endup = mid(htmlResult, prefig, aftfig-prefig)
endup = replace(endup, "The following ", "")
ShowMyResults = endup
End Function
Function GetHTMLBin(strURL)
Dim objXMLHTTP, strReturn
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
GetHTMLBin = objXMLHTTP.responseBody
Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
End Function
Function BinToText(varBinData, intDataSizeInBytes)
Const adFldLong = &H00000080
Const adVarChar = 200
Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Fields.Append "txt", adVarChar, intDataSizeInBytes, adFldLong
objRS.Fields("txt").AppendChunk varBinData
BinToText = objRS("txt").Value
Set objRS = Nothing
End Function