Samurize Scripts

Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Selekt0r - good work mate !!!

But I haven't installed it yet as it seem to be a bit tricky to config. I've got your old script running at the moment and it's fine, replacing it with the new one won't create any problems?

And what do you mean by

What is an Instance Name?


Hope that explains it :) it used to be an old gaming thing for running name editors etc. (BTW That shorttcut is it running out of my Startup folder)
Originally posted by IceBus
Making slow headway here... Last thing I want to ask for the minute... With the weather thing, how do you get it to auto update the name of tomorrow, i.e. in BigBadBenny's above it says Forecast for Saturday and Sunday.

How do you get it to automatically say the correct day name?
From the web site the data is trawled from. (FDAY# where # = 1,2, .. 5) Samurize automatically updates every 1 - 60 minutes
Last edited:
Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Thanks, do I have to change Client.exe to Client.exe "JHM" too?
Yes, make sure that what you enter as the instance name in the command line is the same as you enter in the .vbs file. If you get it wrong, say by having a rogue space, then you can spend hours wondering why it dont work :( ;)
Nearly done now myself:-


Last thing I need now is icons, but every time I do a text meter with meter linkage, it says "File Not Found". Any ideas?
Originally posted by IceBus
Last thing I need now is icons, but every time I do a text meter with meter linkage, it says "File Not Found". Any ideas?
What are you trying to link the text box to? URL, program?
For ie you can get away with
If you want to open a specific page then
iexplore.exe H:\My Documents\Personal Data\My Webs\new_page_1.htm
All three open ie on my machine
Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Selekt0r - good work mate !!!

But I haven't installed it yet as it seem to be a bit tricky to config. I've got your old script running at the moment and it's fine, replacing it with the new one won't create any problems?

And what do you mean by

What is an Instance Name?

Raymond - tricky to config....? Just follow the comprehensive readme m8 ;)

Seriously, if you do have trouble getting it working then feel free to drop me an email.

BTW - I see a few people with "JHM" (i.e. not "JMH" which is my initials and is in the script file) in their posts as the instance name. Whatever you choose as the instance name, make sure it's the same as in the script file, otherwise you'll get multiple client.exe's popping up.

Originally posted by Sleepy

From the web site the data is trawled from. (FDAY# where # = 1,2, .. 5) Samurize automatically updates every 1 - 60 minutes

Yep - the 5 day names for the forecast days use the parameters FDAY1: to FDAY5: (don't forget to include the colon).

Originally posted by Andy C
I wanted to grab the time current observations were taken so I could display something like:

Current temp. 22C, observed at 1500hrs

Thanks for the suggestion Andy. I've added OBSERVED: into the latest version here . I've also inserted a colon between the hours and minutes (i.e. 07:00 instead of 0700) to make sure it's treated as a string, otherwise the Samurize client insisted on dropping all leading zeros (i.e. just returning 0 for midnight)

Originally posted by Selekt0r
BTW - I'm not sure that the time_since_update function is working correctly as it always seems to return zero

D'oh - the function was working fine, however I'd set my writefile_weather meter to run every minute (contradicting my own advice in the readme about not hammering the BBC web site :eek: )
i have everything sorted now apart from my news script - it doesnt like the line that says "dim html" in it, but i dont know if its right or not.
' News Script v0.3 

Function GetText_(ini,Fin,ofset)
	Dim html	
	enter_time = Timer
	leave_time = Timer
	While (enter_time + 10 > leave_time)
		leave_time = Timer
	tmpfile = "bbc.tmp"
	set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	if fs.fileexists(tmpfile) then
		set f=fs.OpenTextFile(tmpfile,1)
		data = f.readall
		error = "Unable to open bbc.tmp"
	end if
	set f=nothing
	set fs=nothing
	html = data
	html = start_(html,ini,ofset)
	html = endd_(html,fin,0)
	GetText_ = TrimHTML_(html)
End Function
This works for me
Made a few changes since the last screenie.

- Changed the network info layout
- Changed to Selekt0rs weather script (gracias!) tweaked slightly to grab the observation time.
- Got a new script of to split news onto two lines (is this yours, Finn?)
- Made some icons for the tv guide which personally I think look crap and ruin it. :(
- blatently stole the alien pic and got a theme to match. :D


Full size here. I think it's getting there slowly!
Looking good Andy C though I think you're right about the TV icons - maybe if you square them off and reduce in size they might work?

Can you post the code that you added to the weather script and where did you find that alien?

Why do people have both an analogue and a digital clock? Tad redundant me thinks
oh how did u manage to putthe weather script saying what time the curent temp was recorded again ?

though i read it someone in this thread, but its like 12 pages long... :rolleyes:

looking very good though :D
So I change the short Thanks, do I have to change Client.exe to Client.exe "JHM" but do I change the clien.exe in c:/program files/samurize too?
I used the time_since_update function and added the last bit with normal text

Example: "Last updated"[time_since_update]"minutes ago"

If that makes sense...
Originally posted by Raymond Lin
So I change the short Thanks, do I have to change Client.exe to Client.exe "JHM" but do I change the clien.exe in c:/program files/samurize too?

Right click on the .exe and go to properties and add it to the...

Target: "C:\Program Files\Samurize\Client.exe" "JMH"

This should work adding it to a shortcut to the .exe aswell. :)
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