Originally posted by wonder_lander
Anyone able to retrieve the IP address from an Asus A7N8X Deluxe mobo?
Mine gives an error!
"Could not convert variant of type (error) into type "string"
Originally posted by Sleepy
Somebody, cant remember who, asked for links to system folders so:That will open the recycle bin in explorer. For others just replace the bracketted string.Code:explorer.exe ,,::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
....blah blah blah blah etc etc...
One oddity, for the control panel it should read:
explorer /root,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Originally posted by sara
Did myself a nice little simple one - until I decide to sit down and understand the scripting!
This is just running along the top of my screen (slightly altered since I took this screenie) at 1280x1024 - the up&downstream network thingie doesnt really work because I've temporarily set it up so I can see the wiggly bits going up and down now (am at home) - but the counters will work properly when I'm back at uni on the network (mmmm speed)...
The URL ?Originally posted by Big Kev
I've tried altering the longhorn config file that came with the download, but am having trouble getting the weather setting to display London, what part of the script would I edit?
Edit Meters|Add Text File|Text File Properties: Text file to Read From - click the elipsis and find the file you want.|Read line - which line to start reading fromWhat is a Text File Meter and how do I get the tv script to link to it?