Samurize Scripts

Originally posted by wonder_lander
Anyone able to retrieve the IP address from an Asus A7N8X Deluxe mobo?

Mine gives an error!
"Could not convert variant of type (error) into type "string"


/me types his IP address in :D
Originally posted by Sleepy
Somebody, cant remember who, asked for links to system folders so:
explorer.exe ,,::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
That will open the recycle bin in explorer. For others just replace the bracketted string.

....blah blah blah blah etc etc...

One oddity, for the control panel it should read:

explorer /root,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

thank you kindly s'ah - i asked for this in the 'show your desktop' thread if that's what you're thinking of. Just a final question: How does the recycle bin work - haven't had time to fiddle with it atm but how can i tell it which pic to use as to whether it's full or empty? or is that not possible atm?
could have sworn it was this thread.

You could write a script to get the size of the recycle bin and thus pick which png to display but Samurize cant change image so you'd have to start a new instance and then shut the old one down. This is what Selekt0r did with his weather script to get it to change the weather symbols.

A few slight tweeks and setting up to my liking (and 1024)..
They always are, combination of poor cooling and an Asus board (temp sensor placement is dodgy/different or something..). Rock solid stable though, goes for weeks of constent use without crashing..
here is my desktop..very simple and a copy of a screenshot on samurize web. If I can get it working most can as I cant even add a picture to my post :)pic

Needs a few tweaks but all works
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It took a while to get the weather working properly, and just needs a bit more time lining everything up properly.

Edit: Fixed
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Silent Bob,

You can hide the 'Registry Written' for the writefile_weather function by setting the alpha blending to 0. The function will still run fine, but you won't see the text on screen - tidies things up a bit.

Full Size

Got rid of the icons cos they looked really crap against the red/black background. Resized and realligned everything.

Got rid of the up and download speeds. They weren't very accurate. I dont think my ADSL line uploads at 400+ Kbps ;). Didn't need em as I use DU meter anyway.
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Try editing the script to replace "Read News.txt" with "C:\program files\samurize\Read News.txt" (or whatever path you've installed client.exe into)
Did myself a nice little simple one - until I decide to sit down and understand the scripting!


This is just running along the top of my screen (slightly altered since I took this screenie) at 1280x1024 - the up&downstream network thingie doesnt really work because I've temporarily set it up so I can see the wiggly bits going up and down now (am at home) - but the counters will work properly when I'm back at uni on the network (mmmm speed)...
Originally posted by sara
Did myself a nice little simple one - until I decide to sit down and understand the scripting!

This is just running along the top of my screen (slightly altered since I took this screenie) at 1280x1024 - the up&downstream network thingie doesnt really work because I've temporarily set it up so I can see the wiggly bits going up and down now (am at home) - but the counters will work properly when I'm back at uni on the network (mmmm speed)...

Looks very neat on the top doesnt it

I ended up leaving it on the side though, fits in with the wall paper better I think :p

I've tried altering the longhorn config file that came with the download, but am having trouble getting the weather setting to display London, what part of the script would I edit?

What is a Text File Meter and how do I get the tv script to link to it?

I'm also having problems getting the config file to accept new scripts, gawd knows what's going on.

There must be an easier program to use than this, or is my senility advancing at a rapid pace.:(
Originally posted by Big Kev
I've tried altering the longhorn config file that came with the download, but am having trouble getting the weather setting to display London, what part of the script would I edit?
The URL ?
What is a Text File Meter and how do I get the tv script to link to it?
Edit Meters|Add Text File|Text File Properties: Text file to Read From - click the elipsis and find the file you want.|Read line - which line to start reading from
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