Samurize Scripts

Apparently I need to show my desktop :rolleyes: so here is it


The script for the second weather Finn did.
For the weather icons, first off are you using the script which has updating icons - you did say you had blond moments :)

Check that the instance name that you started client.exe with is the same in the script. It could be something as simple as an extra space in a line causing the problem

Select0r weather script
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neither of us are using selector's script, but are using the weatherplus one, its something i need to do when i get the chance is to have a look at selecktors and see about converting over to it...
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Damn you guys for starting this thread, spent over a week trying to work out how this damn (fine) proggy works!!

Results later tonight!:D :D
found the thread last night - i promised myself i would not touch any of this!

had another look this morning - damn it! now 6 hours later ive got something i like :D I would add tv listings and all but my 15" tft is too small (it all looks cramped)...

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Ok my first atempt at a `desktop`couple of custom icons to ;)


Still cant work out the damn weather bussiness :mad:
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you sure your 5v rail (or should i say 4:p ) is setup right?
because 4 doesnt sound to me like a voltage you woudl be stable enuf at to run samurize:D
Originally posted by NicktheNorse
it looks like your weather is working fine! :confused:

Na i robbed someone elses, no clue how it works, i like Andy C weather v cool imo.

I want one that has the weather in my town!
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Originally posted by wohoo
Wedge just change the link in the script for ur town.

Cool sorted


next day weather sorted too

new wallpaper/new layout ;)
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im having one problem - ive set the thing to be pinned to desktop, but after using my pc for a while, if im on the desktop and bring something non-full screen up (trillian, winamp, start menu etc) the whole samurize kaboodle disappears, only to reappear when i minimize whatever i brought up...

any thoughts?
It's a recognised bug in Samurize.

*edit* I wonder whether this thread (and the number of hits generated by it) is the reason for the Samurize site being down at the moment.... :eek:
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Originally posted by Sleepy
Dump the icon png's for that simple look ;)

Duly noted. ;)

ps. does anybodys elses `samurize` lock up after a couple of edits / reload config?

As im editing then relaoding the config to see how it looks it freezes for ages?
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